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User Login System for Chevereto

Works like a charme,
was easy to setup, following the guide.

Works great, gives a great overview over your uploaded images, and the thing i have missed the most, the ability of deleting your images after uploading them :)

Well worth the money.
I have this counter in my footer, to show how many images there is at the moment.
any idea how i might be able to also make it show how many users there is ? im not sure how to extract that info from the sql DB. :)
Try this

1. Open \content\themes\Peafowl\footer.php
After closing </ul> tag on line #17 add this:

<p>Total registered users: <?php $udata = users_count(); echo $udata['noOfUsers']; ?></p>

2. Open \includes\m_funcs.php
At the end of the file add this:
//************** Total Registered users ******************/
function users_count() {
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(userID) AS tmpcount FROM users";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if(!$result) {echo mysql_error(); die();}
    $data['noOfUsers'] = mysql_result($result, 0, 'tmpcount');
    return $data;
I have a small problem.
It seems Registration works fine in Chrome
but in FF it says "Request failed. Please try again" when you try and register.


any idea?

Firefox version 6.0
denully said:
I have a small problem.
It seems Registration works fine in Chrome
but in FF it says "Request failed. Please try again" when you try and register.


any idea?

Firefox version 6.0

Looks that u have some .js conflict there, can you send me ftp details i will check for you if you want?
info mailed.

FYI for other users ;) it was a mistake on my part. i had a little domain issue. :p hehe
wowbufer said:
I wanna know how to add Ads like on this picture!


can anybody help me with that?

Its not my part part, but try this :)

Open index.php find
 <div id="content">
After add:
<div style=" position:absolute; margin-left:-200px">
would it be hard to add a "remember me" or some cookie, so its logged in for like ... a few days before logging off.
as right now its logging off when you close the browser :)

just a question ;)
another little thing. at the moment it keeps me logged in on the index.php and mypage.php
but f.ex. contact.php and tos.php its logged out, do i need to add those pages in some file or .js some where ? :)
Open tos.php and contact.php - Add the following on first line:

if (array_key_exists('sID', $_REQUEST)) session_id($_REQUEST['sID']);
denully said:
would it be hard to add a "remember me" or some cookie, so its logged in for like ... a few days before logging off.
as right now its logging off when you close the browser :)

just a question ;)

I tried to do so as you suggested, the problem is... this mod is using current session, which is started by the script it self.
I can't modify that session because the script won't work.
Everytime you load the script is generating new ID, that's new session.

I could do it with cookies, but that's not secure at all.