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No image has been uploaded

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Chevereto Member
I have just noticed that I get the error "
No image has been uploaded" sometimes on my site. It seems to only be an issue with images that are of high resolution. Sometimes they upload fine, sometimes they give this error.

I am unable to generate any sort of php error or otherwise from the script with debugging. Any ideas? I am running the latest version.
Although I get the error, sometimes the image does actually upload and appears in the admin screen.

I am using images 2560x1920 around 1mb in file size.
Try to increase the php memory limit and script execution time (php.ini)
I'm now getting an additional

IO Error

Any way to debug this? I find it hard to believe that the script is unable to write a 1mb file to disk.
It seems to be errors in your server. The IO error appears when writing to disk is failing.
wonder if its due to any Php updates or some. im getting the very same error, noticed it this morning.
Since small images uploads OK I will say that is a memory restriction. Can you enable error reporting? In that way I can debug the real error using Fiddler.
where should it display the debug info ? when i enable error reporting and try again, it just gives me the same small error, but not debug message.
With error reporting turned on in php.ini and in the chevereto config file I can't get any debug info...
The debug needs to be done using Fiddler because the request is handled by flash. I've try to get the error uploading very large pictures and I notice that the json response has weird chars at the begin and the end of the response. Something like:

Now, every failed request has that same 3a6 and 0 chars. Why? I really don't know there is nothing in the script that does that. I will need to check this directly in your server. Send me a temporal FTP access please.
I've forced the error_reporting(0); in the file uploader.php and it seems to work now. Please check...
What am I checking for? I still get the same error and no error log.

Also I get the same error with your demo site:

I use to get the error with an image of two apes and I don't get the error now. Like I said this is weird and I have to do many test to debug it.
I have uploaded severak hi-res images on the demo and I didn't get any error. Perhaps this is related to CloudFlare because that is the only difference between you, the demo, and me. Try to disable CloudFlare and test the upload of large files.
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