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Chevereto v3.20 "coqueto" announcement

  • Improved share experience
Share button is now green!

And besides that, the share action is now dynamic. It will follow the edited content and privacy notes (if any). This applies to /image, /album and all listings where you can share something. Adding the share button to listings now makes mobile experience way better as it doesn't require to jump 2 views to get the sharer, is right there on the first view.

I also added the "copy" button to the share link modal, that way is even easier.


La coquetería es muy fuerte en esta nueva versión.
  • Improved error handling
Error handling has been improved and now it process all exceptions in the stack. This is how a v3.19 stack trace looks like:


Before this change, the only feedback for this issue was "unable to read image" and now it shows all the previous traces, where it reads exactly why it failed.
  • Adds smart follow scroll
Top bar and follow scroll elements are now automatically hidden when scrolling, the top bar doesn't block the view anymore unless you are doing scroll up.

This is very welcome for mobile, as the topbar+header represents 100px height of viewport wasted which is near 20% of the device height for an iPhone 5. Now images are the main thing. The way it should be.
  • Improves dashboard stats
This is just a POC, I'm still playing with the graphics library. What you can see here is the accumulated disk used in MB.


How coqueto? More POC:


And you can download these charts, exactly what you are seeing.


^^^ Generated on the fly.
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  • Deprecated HTTP Bulk importer API
  • Deprecated one-time Bulk importer jobs (named paths)
I'm deprecating these to focus all importing processes only for CLI and only at /importing. This is because HTTP gets too slow to carry that processing, and to allow users to pick a path for this has caused too much confusion.
  • Adds installer.lock
After installation process a lock file will prevent the installer.php from being used. This is to avoid unwanted actions caused by not removing the the installer.php file.