• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

Big Chevereto Hosts

400k, 400 users

Here are my stats:

direct dashboard shows:

Just deleted all NSFW stuff - and dropped a lot of fake users. So the ones who uses it use it not for spam or sth.

Started 2016 🙂

Since 06/2016 only one takedown !!!
Last edited:
Chevereto is a powerful image hosting script that powers many of the greatest image hosts on the internet. Here are the largest Chevereto hosts for inspiration:

+10,000,000 Images
  • ???
+1,000,000 Images
+500,000 Images
+250,000 Images
  • ??
+100,000 Images
+50,000 Images
+15,000 Images
💀 Offline/dead
Feel free to respond with updated statistics or others that are above 15,000!

qpix.com is dead for the past 2 weeks
This list needs to be updated regularly, or removed entirely.
I asked to add my website in 1M club, but it was never updated. There are many other active websites that deserves to be on this list but isn't because it has not been updated in a while.
it seem that @ashkir isn't as active has he used to be. Last visit 9th September, so this might be reason why. One option is if @Rodolfo can change ownership of topic over to some 1 else who can keep list updated. as long ashkir is fine with it.
it seem that @ashkir isn't as active has he used to be. Last visit 9th September, so this might be reason why. One option is if @Rodolfo can change ownership of topic over to some 1 else who can keep list updated. as long ashkir is fine with it.
This list was incomplete from the start as many owners don't want to report stats publicly or even saw this thread.

I think best option is to add a feature to Chevereto to anonymously report stats to a central directory. This would be more accurate and automated instead of manually updating stats.
I think best option is to add a feature to Chevereto to anonymously report stats to a central directory. This would be more accurate and automated instead of manually updating stats.
Stats can be easily faked so I'm no available for that. Besides, if we do that users will feel that we "certify" those stats which is a futile effort. Anytime you have a list that showcase how some are doing good stuff there will be people willing to fake stats to belong to that list.

This list needs to be updated regularly, or removed entirely.
One option is if @Rodolfo can change ownership of topic over to some 1 else who can keep list updated. as long ashkir is fine with it
All help is welcome, and I believe that everybody should do their part and not only drive all the load to just one person. Is getting common that once somebody helps then suddenly nobody want to offer additional help. The community needs to trash that attitude, and I thank Nick @ashkir for helping us here and to try to make this happen... But who else was willing to help?

I even purchased a domain for this purpose and it's right there collecting dust.
All help is welcome, and I believe that everybody should do their part and not only drive all the load to just one person. Is getting common that once somebody helps then suddenly nobody want to offer additional help. The community needs to trash that attitude, and I thank Nick @ashkir for helping us here and to try to make this happen... But who else was willing to help?
I don't disagree that Nick has input fair share of time helping this community and I am sure he will continue to do so. I really respect that because time is the most valuable thing you can give someone for free.
I also think that there should be one list of these list, instead of multiple. I know there is one that Rodolfo maintains which is on the github repositoy. And then there is this one. If that is the case, I think one of these should go away, so all time and effort is dedicated to maintaining one list.
I even purchased a domain for this purpose and it's right there collecting dust.
I didn't know about this. What domain name is it?
Perhaps I can help if it is connected to a github repository. I can help update it regularly.