• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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Big Chevereto Hosts

I know there is one that Rodolfo maintains which is on the github repositoy.
I don't. During a brief period I copied this list to the GitHub repo as showcase but shortly after I removed that list.

I didn't know about this. What domain name is it?
Perhaps I can help if it is connected to a github repository. I can help update it regularly.
If helps, I'm willing to transfer the domain as I don't have time for be in charge of that project. As it has been mentioned the domain is chevereto.top and I've it registered at NameSilo.
Time is scarce for me because I'm in grad school on my last term right now. one month left and I'll be done! I plan on continuing to contribute and help Chevereto. Along with getting this list updated again. I had pruned a lot of things that died as well.

The list was constructed from users who asked to be a part of this. Also a lot of people that are responding to get added don't give me the useful information (everything I need)
  1. site name
  2. Site URL
  3. number of pictures
  4. showcase (if happened)
I'll update this list shortly, but before I do any update I like to purge anything dead first. These change quickly.

Rodolfo's list in the repository is pretty amazing. I like that one too. For this topic I'm thinking of adding a form one must fill out to give us all the info right away (and the screenshot proof) to get added to make updating this a lot easier versus having to go gather the info. Thoughts?
This month chevereto.top expires and I won't renew it. If someone want to use that domain for the purpose of building a website around top Chevereto websites let me know to transfer the domain.
I would like to get it transfered. I think I can make a open source repository that will update the website, where people can make pull requests for changes. Otherwise, I will keep it updated.
5 years have been passed, still alive, and also deleted 50% of images due to Storage issues last year December 2020 as revenue from it is 0 whereas server and emailer costs are higher.

My states are as follow:-



All Thanks to @Rodolfo, for helping at various times and disasters 🙂