• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. sprindesk

    Error during creating album from profile page

    hello , when i try to create a new album i got this error - " http://prntscr.com/fbfya1 "
  2. W

    Very basic but we can't work out how to add an album

    Hi, I have spent the last 30mins trying to add an album. I am assuming it is straight forward because no on is asking this but for the life of me I can not see how to add an album. Can't believe it would be difficult so I am assuming I am missing something really obvious. Steve
  3. D

    Why can't I move images to other albums (even as admin)

    I have a problem with the album management in Chevereto. I uploaded an image to the demo (http://demo.chevereto.com/i/Hls), which was added to the Private upload 2017-01-09 album. When I click on Edit image details, I can't move the file to another album other then MyUserName's images. That is...
  4. H

    Password protect not working

    I noticed this issue today when I was about to give someone a demo on the newly released Password protected albums. I created an album and set a password. Behold I wanted to access the album after logging out and I was able to access the whole album unlike what I saw at demo.chevereto.com...
  5. ronaldst

    Change album featured image?

    Is it possible to change a album's featured image (the big one) showing in album listings? How?