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Guest images are not automatically deleted...

how to fix?
I can't assist you in the manner you require as your feedback on the issues is just on the surface, "how to fix" can't be answered if you don't feed more info.

The auto remove depends on locks to trigger, but once triggered it rely on the other subsystems. At this point I ignore which is the cause of your problem. The only thing we know so far is that this only affects you as no one else is bringing this issue to my attention, so I don't think that it is a software flaw but a wrong provisioning on your end.

Try to debug it, and report properly. Does it happens to all uploads? Local? Remote? Deletions table? Files actually removed but CDN cached? Etc.
Hey @dr_brown

I detected a bug in the queue handling which has been affecting 3.16 since early September, the bug causes that the looks aren't automatically removed. I was able to narrow down the issue once another user had a similar issue with the external storage delete, the inspection of the queues tables allowed me to spot the situation.

I'm sorry for the hassle this may have caused you, and I hope to release a patched release today.
Thank you Rodolfo, it's okay, I'm just glad that I managed to identify the problem. So far I have commented out the "if"
if (!$lock->check() && $lock->create())
about which I wrote earlier, and the photos began to be deleted.