Released: 2025-01-31
- Added `putenv` to integrity-check
- Fixed "Twitter" branding assets to "X"
- Fixed bug in account confirmation process
- Fixed bug in guest owned content editing
- Fixed bug in search functionality
- Fixed bug in tags per file limitation
- Fixed bug with not working local storage in Chevereto Lite
Released: 2024-12-05
- Added Chevereto Lite edition
- Added placeholders for comments code
- Improved comment code page id
- Improved ENV handling
- Fixed bug affecting CLI runtime
- Fixed bug affecting MariaDB 10.4 compatibility
Released: 2024-11-18
- Added Bulk importer as a core feature
- Added translation placeholder for "hosted at" titles
- Added Akismet spam protection on tags
- Improved install screen
- Changed GMT references to UTC
- Updated Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil) and Vietnamese translations
- Fixed bug with duplicated tags display
- Fixed bug with missing SQL update affecting Bulk importer
- Fixed bug with fail-safe ENV using array values
- Fixed bug with wrong column type for image_original_exifdata
- Fixed bug with Bulk importer not skipping missing directories
- Fixed bug with Open Graph double encoding
- Fixed bug with email subject extra encoding
- Fixed bug with Disqus dark theme detection/refresh
- Fixed bug with not working cookie law acceptance
- Fixed bug with tag filtering using /?match=all
- Fixed bug with PUP.js auto-close behavior
Released: 2024-11-07
- Added flag icon to NSFW uploader
- Added fault-tolerant env variables
- Added session_start fail-safe for false positives
- Fixed MySQL 5 index compatibility
- Fixed bug affecting Disqus integration
- Fixed bug affecting manual update query generation
- Fixed bug affecting NSFW flagging
- Fixed bug when using user_profile_view=album
- Fixed bug with not working Open Graph for video
- Fixed bug with outdated google/apiclient dependency
- Fixed bug with unresponsive /dashboard
Released: 2024-11-04
- Added MySQL compatibility for Tags
- Tag input added to uploader form
- Increased Project Arachnid Shield timeout
- Mobile listing now displays checkbox
- API now supports use_file_date parameter
- Fixed bug in API route
- Fixed bug in API URL upload
- Fixed bug in homepage as Explore
- Fixed bug in Pages (free edition)
- Fixed bug with non-functioning analytics and comment code
- Fixed bug with non-functioning Banners
- Fixed TypeError in Image class
Released: 2024-10-24
- Added user-defined file tags
- Added album top tags filtering system
- Added automatic camera model tagging
- Added bulk importer support for metadata tags
- Added combined tag filtering system
- Added tag autocomplete search
- Added tag description
- Added tags listings
- Added top tags explorer list
- Added support for Arachnid Shield API v1.0
- Added "Use path style endpoint" option for External storage
- Added removal for External storage
- Improved credentials handling at External storage
- Improved External storage error display
- Added CRON runtime stat
- Added Tags stat
- Added image only Explorer listing
- Added support for AVIF image format
- Added automatic ini_set for settings mismatch
- Requires PHP 8.1
- Added System color palette prefers-color-scheme
- Added Exif data dedicated tab
- Added system variables
- Changed mobile font root size to 16px
- Added "Go up" button for sub-albums
- Added album creation on behalf of users
- Added API documentation page
- Added asset storage deletions with queues
- Added breadcrumb navigation for sub-albums
- Added canonical URL for /explore
- Added category editing tools to category view
- Added configurable cache ttl
- Added configurable video routing
- Added custom SMTP port setting
- Added database settings for asset storage
- Added error log configuration for cron and CLI
- Added HTML encoding for growl alerts
- Added keywords meta tag
- Added logout action for account routes
- Added meta robots noindex, follow for search results
- Added more ENV configurable limits
- Added more ENV system configurable toggles
- Added more error log information
- Added new content section to explorer menu
- Added new listing /explore/albums
- Added new listing /explore/users
- Added option to toggle guest album creation
- Added root user support for CLI
- Added single JavaScript dependency
- Added SMTP without credentials
- Added support for bfcache
- Added support for case-sensitive url_key for categories
- Added support for custom upload expiration via API
- Added support for custom upload plugins
- Added user's liked albums listing
- Added web manifest
- Added PUP.js support for XenForo 2.3
- Improved API request handling
- Improved confirmation table indexes
- Improved CRON error handling
- Improved form validation handling
- Improved handling for boolean settings
- Improved handling for string settings (HTML safe)
- Improved hreflang implementation
- Improved post upload message for guest
- Improved session handling
- Improved share modals which now use short URL
- Migrated xrDebug configuration from database to ENV
- Removed History.js and unload events
- Removed local uploads re-check
- Removed switch to local upload failover
- Added apple-mobile-web-app-title property
- Added automatic menu sizing display
- Added color-scheme dark for applicable palettes
- Added curl command example under /dashboard/settings/guest-api
- Added curl command example under /settings/api
- Added dashboard stat button links
- Added download links for files
- Added ESC key binding to clear and close search boxes
- Added Explore button to mobile top bar
- Disabled key feedback message
- Improved "hamburger" menu
- Improved album cover button icon
- Improved listing bulk selection tool
- Improved select elements display for Safari
- Improved user profile display
- Introducing all-new dark palette
- Mobile menus now display two columns
- Removed default avatar from guest owned content
- Removed redundant success alerts
- Removed top bar hide/show on scrolling
- Unified user action buttons
- Updated Font Awesome dependency
- Fixed bug in account change email confirm
- Fixed bug in album editing allowing empty string
- Fixed bug in album editing parent id
- Fixed bug in failing asset upload when running in sub-dir
- Fixed bug in front controller
- Fixed bug in listing selection tools
- Fixed bug in missing oEmbed tags when using custom image routing
- Fixed bug in oEmbed XML output
- Fixed bug in password reset
- Fixed bug in share modal
- Fixed bug in stop words filter system
- Fixed bug in sub-albums listing editor
- Fixed bug in URL-based lang change for logged users
- Fixed bug in user avatar upload
- Fixed bug in video upload when using watermarks
- Fixed bug in wrong redirects when running in sub-dir
- Fixed bug with not working album share button
- Fixed bug with wrong URL for album sharing
- Fixed ErrorException on contact page
- Fixed ErrorException on route json
Released: 2024-05-24
- Added checking for CHEVERETO_HOSTNAME_PATH setting
- Updated Chinese Traditional translation
- Updated French translation
- Improved upgrading instructions when using Docker
- Fixed bug affecting video uploads when using max image size
- Removed album hashing when upgrading from V3
- Removed login providers encryption when upgrading from V3
Released: 2024-05-13
- Added configurable view for user profiles
- Added failover for missing image sizes
- Force 0644 permission for medium and thumb sizes
- One-click upgrading process now clears previous locks
- Added upgrade instructions when using Docker
- Disabled app upgrading when using Docker
- Disabled license key handling when using Docker
- Updated Chinese Simplified and Vietnamese translations
- Fixed bug affecting available upgrade modal link
- Fixed bug affecting Homepage custom paragraph
- Fixed bug affecting max image size setting
- Fixed bug affecting share modal
- Fixed bug affecting user background picture
- Fixed bug affecting website mode personal showing menu links
- Fixed bug causing open_basedir issues
- Fixed bug with Image class breaking update
- Updated dependencies
Released: 2024-05-06
- Added support for custom FFmpeg and FFprobe binaries
- Improved video display on listings and viewer
- Improved embed codes display
- Improved upgrading in systems without passthru
- Improved compatibility with jpg extension
- Added Dashboard section for PHP configuration (ini files)
- Added feedback on CLI update command
- Added remark on Homepage settings when conflicts with single profile routing
- Fixed file references on /album
- Improved style for user settings button
- Improved style for user top menu
- Fixed bug affecting album password when using encryption
- Fixed bug affecting full screen video behavior
- Fixed bug affecting not working URL upload editing
- Fixed bug affecting wrong video image frame permissions
- Fixed bug in album embed codes
- Fixed bug in password protected album editing on listings
- Fixed bug in Search class
Released: 2024-04-27
- Added FFmpeg detection on Dashboard
- Added support for MOV files (video/quicktime)
- Improved detection of FFmpeg required functions proc_open and proc_close
- Improved FFprobe handling when processing video
- Improved video display for listing viewer
- Added display title to listing viewer
- Fixed files remark on Dashboard
- Fixed file remarks on Bulk importer stats
- Improved image viewer & natural zoom
- Improved menu display for mobile
- Updated homepage cover image
- Improved feedback on license key handling
- Fixed bug with missing scroll behavior
- Fixed bug with not working URL upload
- Fixed bug with video upload not working on iOS
- Fixed bug with file-upload documentation link
- Updated Spanish translation
Released: 2024-04-20
- Added support for video files
- Added frame image size for video uploads
- Added oEmbed support for video
- Added video support for anywhere uploader
- Added video support for embed codes
- Added Video to Discovery (Explore)
- Added display_title media property
- Added enabled file type options for External Storage
- Improved support for PUP.js for SMF 2.1+
- Unified embed codes display
- Added display_title to full screen listing viewer
- Added edition name at installation details
- Added one-click theme font configuration
- Added over effect to display_title on listings
- Added video duration on listing items
- Changed "image" references to "file"
- Changed Trending icon
- Improved listing icons for like and share
- Improved password display helper when using Safari
- Improved uploader size limit display
- Stop preventing list-item-desc link behavior
- Added button to manually run CRON
- Added link to Chevereto discord at Dashboard
- Added welcome message on new installation
- Fixed bug in homepage delete cover action
- Fixed bug on upload route
- Fixed bug with password protected albums
- Fixed unwanted scroll hide top-bar in Safari
Released: 2024-03-12
- Added cipher (encryption) to album password
- Added hidden (click to show) album password
- Fixed bug in `entrypoints/index.php`
- Fixed bug in API route
- Fixed bug in Dashboard route
- Fixed bug in Settings route
- Fixed bug in Signup route
- Fixed bug in G\Handler
- Fixed bug in `app/upgrading.php`
- Fixed bug in empty search string
- Improved license key handling (mobile) at Dashboard
- Updated dependencies
Released: 2024-02-21
- Added one-click upgrade system
- Added license key configuration
- Added /dashboard/?license
- Added /dashboard/?installed
- Added /dashboard/?upgrade
- Improved software version at dashboard
Released: 2024-02-07
- Added version CLI command
- Improved error display on CLI install
- Fixed bug in AWS open_basedir restriction
- Fixed bug in banners settings page
- Fixed bug in comments implementation
- Fixed bug in file size handling
- Fixed bug in notifications missing links
- Fixed bug in NSFW display
- Fixed bug in Spanish translation
- Fixed bug in update database query
- Fixed bug in upload file title
- Fixed bug in user interface for iOS
- Disabled listing viewer by default
- Improved arrow style navigation
- Improved notifications display (default avatar)
Released: 2023-08-27
- Updated translations: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, German, Portuguese (Brazil) and Vietnamese
- Fixed bug in category listing missing name
- Fixed bug in Dashboard stats
- Fixed bug in ip ban editing
- Fixed bug in json route
- Fixed bug in Search class
- Fixed bug in user profile NSFW banner display
Released: 2023-05-22
- Updated translations
- Fixed bug in account route
- Fixed bug in bs-BA language
- Fixed bug in contact form
- Fixed bug in flood report email
- Fixed bug in global search when using "@"
- Fixed bug in not working "S" key on listing viewer
- Fixed bug with custom query strings
- Fixed bug with image orientation handling
Released: 2023-02-06
- Fixed bug in Anywhere Uploader
- Fixed bug in Bulk Importer
- Fixed bug in Installer
- Fixed bug with call to action buttons editing
- Fixed bug with CDN website setting
- Fixed bug with Disqus
- Fixed bug with endless scrolling a password protected album
- Fixed bug with listing viewer display
- Fixed bug with ModerateContent
- Fixed bug with Notifications
- Fixed bug with translation display
- Fixed bug with type error at JSON route
- Fixed bug with wrong semantic (Album) at uploader
- Fixed bug with wrong semantic at dashboard stats
- Fixed bug with wrong semantic on growl notifications
- Added comments tab on images
- Added user avatar as favicon image
- Improved HTML 5 encoding
- Moved Twitter account settings to External Services
Released: 2023-01-03
- Improved user avatar upload handling
- Added support for PHP 8.2
- Fixed bug with consent screen
- Fixed bug with undefined constant
- Fixed bug with flood uploads notify
- Fixed bug with forced privacy settings
- Fixed bug with not working enter key on textarea
- Fixed bug with not working pages
- Fixed bug with wrong links on notification emails
- Fixed bug with wrong links on tabs
- Improved button display (compact style)
- Improved display for RTL languages
- Listing viewer now goes zoom-in by default
- Removed listing viewer keyboard shortcuts reference
- Added customizable semantics for content
- Added custom call to action buttons for albums
Released: 2022-11-30
- Added more environment variables
- Renamed dashboard/settings/api to dashboard/settings/guest-api
- Renamed website modes (community, personal)
- Fixed bug with Exif metadata removal
- Fixed bug with single image redirect
- Fixed bug with selectable items on iPad
- Fixed bug with login page
- Fixed bug with missing timestamp on upload
- Fixed bug with ModerateContent
Released: 2022-11-18
- Added content moderation ignore for admin and content manager
- Fixed bug affecting Akismet
- Fixed bug in CDN functionality
- Fixed bug with Backblaze B2 legacy storage
- Fixed bug with CAPTCHA in contact form
- Fixed bug with check updates
- Fixed bug with missing URL on system emails
- Fixed bug with not working enter/return key on textarea fields
- Fixed bug with not working login providers
- Fixed bug with plugin wrong embed URLs
- Improved image metadata usage
- Improved image/jpeg file extension handling
- Updated XR Debug to 0.6 (Mustang)
- Added customizable Stop Words for content
Released: 2022-11-10
- Removed limit on upload threads
- Added CHEVERETO_HEADER_CLIENT_IP environment variable
- Fixed bug with Amazon S3
- Fixed bug with B2 Storage (legacy)
- Fixed bug with empty string on table prefix
- Fixed bug with missing delete links on uploader
- Fixed bug with wrong IP detection for Akismet
- Improved compatibility with MySQL 5
- Added support for hCaptcha
- Updated XR Debug to 0.5 (Flagg)
Released: 2022-10-21
- Fixed bug in oEmbed guest images
- Fixed bug with ErrorException when using personal mode
- Fixed bug with missing translation on uploader
- Fixed bug with odd listing viewer behavior on pagination
- Fixed bug with TypeError in explore route
- Fixed bug with TypeError on Exif parser
- Fixed bug with TypeError on page writing
- Fixed bug with wrong MariaDB version detect on install
- Added support for CloudFlare R2 Storage
Released: 2022-10-07
- Improved FTP/SFTP error messages
- Fixed bug in auto-delete guest upload setting
- Fixed bug in embed codes showing %DELETE_URL%
- Fixed bug in legacy Gettext
- Fixed bug in sequential storage filling
- Fixed bug on language chooser at homepage
- Fixed bug with API GET method not working with URL upload
- Fixed bug with chv_ prefix on update query
- Fixed bug with collation in update query
- Fixed bug with contact page spam
- Fixed bug with cover button on image view
- Fixed bug with drop user_is_dark_mode on update query
- Fixed bug with endless listing load issues
- Fixed bug with endless scrolling listing viewer
- Fixed bug with endless scrolling tab switch
- Fixed bug with ErrorException in functions-render
- Fixed bug with ErrorException on Image (Multiple storage servers)
- Fixed bug with ErrorException on Listing (Undefined array key)
- Fixed bug with FTP External Storage API
- Fixed bug with not working API URL upload for admin users
- Fixed bug with random mode not excluding content
- Fixed bug with SEO url special chars
- Fixed bug with SFTP External Storage API
- Fixed bug with some query strings on index
- Fixed bug with wrong album items on endless scrolling
- Improved display at album view
- Added vibration feedback on button actions
- Improved database error feedback message
Released: 2022-09-30
- Added CMD + click action to select items on listings
- Added key binding for closing listing viewer, modal (ESC)
- Added keyboard shortcuts for image, album and listing actions
- Added support for Ctrl/Cmd + Enter submit form
- Added `app/bin/legacy` console
- Added CLI command for getting setting value
- Added CLI command for user password reset
- Added database-update command
- Added /update route
- Added configurable root routing
- Added disable CRON while maintenance mode is enabled
- Added support for paste multiple URLs/Files
- Disabled autocomplete for name/title :input fields
- Improved system settings handling
- Improved uploader close handling
- Added SEO URL for embed codes
- Added support for Web Share API
- Improved delete actions now with redirect as 303
- Improved document titles for user, dashboard and category
- Improved routing SEO settings location
- Improved URLs for non-alphanumeric content
- Added API V1.1 with user-based keys
- Added theme palettes
- Added theme palettes delay on preview
- Added text-based logo option
- Add early detection for PHP setup
- Added bcmath polyfill
- Added chevere/xr debugger
- Added custom error log location
- Added immutable variable instances
- Added stricter typed settings
- Added unified application cache directory
- Implemented `env.php` configuration standard
- Implemented Chevere Writer & Error Handling
- Implemented mutable variable instances
- Improved PHP bootstrapping
- Overall improved code quality
- Removed PHP extensions requirements (mbstring, ds, zip)
- Updated Openstack library
- Upgraded code for PHP 8 syntax
- Fixed bugs (see BETA CHANGELOG)
- Added @username references
- Added contact form disappear after submit
- Added error log location at dashboard homepage
- Added hint about testing email delivery
- Added Telegram for sharing buttons
- Configured URL_VIEWER as default embed codes sharing link
- Renamed "Linked accounts" to "Connections"
- Renamed "Social networks" to "Login providers"
- Renamed /dashboard/bulk to /dashboard/bulk-importer
- Renamed `sdk/pup.js` to `sdk/pup.min.js`
- Renamed CLI importing command to bulk-importer
- Added admin setting to force debug errors
- Added Docker commands display at `/dashboard`
- Added enable URL upload for admin users
- Added automatic focus on :input:first for modal boxes
- Improved anywhere uploader user interface
- Improved consent screen
- Improved copy button
- Improved display for private content
- Improved file info display on image view
- Improved image and album info display
- Improved input auto focus behavior
- Improved Modal/Login boxes
- Improved noticies display
- Improved pop-menu interface
- Improved style for "load more" button
- Improved style for connected accounts
- Improved user menu
- Improved User settings and Dashboard
- Updated "Powered by" section
- Updated user interface
- Added coding style standard
- Added image expiration display
- Added image expiration to root uploader form
- Added support for PsySH (REPL)
- Added support for Tinkerwell (REPL)
- Improved language translations bootstrapping
- Added support for drop folder upload
- Improved mobile top bar
- Improved style for mobile listing action buttons
- Improved tabs for mobile
- Improved user interface for iOS devices (input no-zoom on focus)
- Added option to disable Random mode for guests users
- Added option to disable search functionality for guest users
- Improved search user interface
- Added password hashing for albums
- Added zoom for listing viewer
- Added context menu trigger zoom on listing viewer
- Deprecated `app/settings.php`
- Deprecated color options (light, dark)
- Deprecated email notification on new updates
- Deprecated error reporting configuration
- Deprecated HTTP update system
- Deprecated install command for db updates
- Deprecated update restriction for large databases in CLI context
- Deprecated utf8_encode/decode usage
- Added configurable first tab on image page
- Added new login providers (Hybridauth)
- Enabled higher user avatar image resolution
- Upgraded to Font Awesome 6 icons
- Added TOS agreement when guest contact form
- Added TOS agreement when guest-uploading
- Re-structured legacy application code
- Refactored login
- Added native lazy load listings
- Added ban button to user profiles
- Added root level maximum limits (users, images, albums)
- Added image delete link
- Added API header authorization
- Added database encryption for application secrets
- Added logout form action
- Added support for Project Arachnid API (combat CSAM)
- Added two-factor authentication
Released: 2022-11-26
- Fixed bug with queue handling (affects cron)
- Fixed bug with gettext plurals listings
- Fixed bug with album redirect
Released: 2022-08-24
- Fixed bug in API upload base64 [14450]
- Fixed bug in current tab
- Fixed bug with MySQL connection driver
- Fixed stored XSS
Released: 2022-05-10
- Added V3.20 LTS remark
- Fixed bug in S3 Compatible storage [14197]
- Fixed bug in pages [14147]
- Fixed API check for updates feedback
- Updated dependencies
Released: 2022-03-03
- Added URL upload (admin only)
- Updated dependencies
Released: 2021-12-13
- Fix bug in B2 Storage delete queue [13959]
- Fix bug in image types detection [13958]
- Fix bug in password protected albums not being listed [13694]
- Fix bug in upload to album trigger [13968]
- Fix bug in watermark animated images [13972]
Released: 2021-11-17
- Added detection of available image formats
- Fixed bug in `htaccess-enforce` command [13934]
- Fixed bug in Azure storage implementation
- Fixed bug in missing ca-bundle [13907]
- Improved HTTPS handling for CloudFlare
- Updated B2 client dependency [13908]
- Updated dependencies
Released: 2021-10-28
- Fixed 403 error on LiteSpeed Web Server
- Fixed display issue on consent/maintenance screen
- Fixed stuck maintenance mode after update
- Updated ca-bundle
Released: 2021-10-22
- Added "Chevereto news" section at dashboard panel
- Added cron ran status check
- Added enforced .htaccess checking
- Added IP ranges blocking from URL upload
- Added protocol restrictions for URL upload
- Fixed bug affecting mobile listings
- Improved .htaccess configuration
- Improved CLI messages
- Removed DRM
Released: 2021-09-23
- Added extra checking for unwanted file extensions
- Added hardened Apache HTTP Server rules [13774]
- Added support for animated WebP [13775]
- Added update override .htaccess
- Fixed bug affecting embed codes [13742]
- Fixed bug affecting Google services [13735]
- Fixed bug with disabled posix-getpwuid [13728]
- Fixed bug in conflicting psr/cache version
- Fixed self-XSS in duplicated uploads [13713]
- Removed URL upload functionality
- Updated Czech translation
- Updated dependencies
Released: 2021-09-01
- Fixed bug in cli.php
- Fixed bug in conflicting OPcache settings
- Fixed bug in MySQL InnoDB index update
- Fixed self-XSS on duplicate uploads [13713]
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in oEmbed implementation
- Improved update errors on connectivity issues
- Updated Bulgarian, German, Lithuanian, Polish and Vietnamese translations
Released: 2021-07-20
- Added printed debug support for JSON actions
- Fixed bug with "ad" icon
- Fixed bug with set_time_limit
- Fixed user reported bugs [13496,13601,13605]
- Improved MariaDB 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 support
- Removed redirect table
Released: 2021-07-07
- Added CLI command for setting-update
- Added missing formats failsafe check
- Added missing table storage failsafe check
- Added more system variables for controlling system availability
- Improved HTTP timeout settings
- Fixed bug in ambiguous "Can't connect to %s" message
- Fixed bug when using mount options [13574]
Released: 2021-06-28
- Added long-press listing selection for mobile
- Added option to toggle URL image uploads (disabled by default)
- Fixed bug in queue handling (typo)
- Fixed bug when using remote storage assets
Released: 2021-06-24
- Added feedback aid message on MySQL storage engine issues on updating
- Added new list item selected effect
- Updated all dependencies
Released: 2021-06-19
- Added configurable "Powered by Chevereto" display at homepage
- Added link to Chevereto under user settings (follows powered by setting)
- Added setting for image_library
- Added setting to disable php pages (only html)
- Added support for MySQL 5.7
- Fixed bug getting updated page icons on upgrade
- Fixed bug when using image_library GD setting [13504]
- Improved dashboard release handling
- Improved default pages
- Updated French and Chinese Simplified translations
Released: 2021-06-14
- Added setting for image_library
- Fixed bug in asset storage (Docker)
- Fixed bug [13477]
- Updated Chinese Simplified translation
Released: 2021-06-09
- Added sharing for Weixin, Weibo, Qzone and QQ
- Added support for drop image URL upload
- Fixed bug [13442]
- Fixed bug in default watermarks
- Fixed bug in PDO connection missing custom attributes
- Fixed bug in share buttons missing image placeholder
- Implemented RFC [13451]
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Dutch, Indonesian, Italian and Spanish translations
Released: 2021-06-06
- Fixed XSS vulnerability when using debug_mode=3
- Fixed bug affecting Apple devices
- Fixed bug with breaking languages
- Fixed bugs [13423,13432]
Released: 2021-06-04
- Fixed bug in update process
- Fixed bug in upload interface
- Fixed bug in /explore/animated
- Fixed bugs [13304,13405,13406,13414]
- Implemented RFC [13419]
- Updated all dependencies
Released: 2021-06-01
- Fixed bug in consent screen
- Fixed bugs [13370,13380,13381]
- Implemented RFC [8586]
- Updated all dependencies
Released: 2021-05-27
- Added "errorId" for all error messages
- Added "Powered by" in user settings
- Added application level error handling
- Added cover viewer for "animated"
- Added environment variables for system settings
- Added experimental support for PHP 8 (use 7.4 for production)
- Added external storage for assets
- Added Font Awesome 5 icons
- Added full-width listings
- Added GIF automatic playback
- Added header that disables Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC)
- Added icons to dashboard settings
- Added icons to explore
- Added icons to listing tools
- Added icons to tabs
- Added icons to user menu
- Added image icon (removes "images" text) from user and album listings
- Added image preview(s) on modal message
- Added long-press (context) action to select items in listings
- Added mobile support for system template
- Added more image expiration options (#13199)
- Added preview for modal share
- Added share button for listings
- Added smart follow scroll
- Added support for containers (Docker)
- Added support for Exif date for Bulk content importer
- Added verbose for CLI importing
- Changes top bar notice to modal message
- Deprecated HTTP Bulk importer API
- Deprecated one-time Bulk importer jobs (named paths)
- Fixed bug in album notifications [#13286]
- Fixed bug with banned accounts re-activations [#13220]
- Fixed bug with custom theme colour ignored in login/signup [#13133]
- Fixed XSS at /install [#13195]
- Improved /settings save button
- Improved background jobs feedback
- Improved Bulk content importer handling for failed files to import
- Improved Chevereto servicing links at dashboard
- Improved dashboard homepage for mobile
- Improved dashboard stats
- Improved dropdown menus (mobile)
- Improved error handling
- Improved image viewer for images belonging to album
- Improved install with added installer.lock
- Improved like button (now with counter)
- Improved list item gap
- Improved list selection feedback
- Improved listing tools display
- Improved listing view performance (mobile)
- Improved listing/viewer icons display
- Improved login and sign-up screens
- Improved modal boxes (centered)
- Improved navigation when using route /upload and on-page upload container (#13198)
- Improved notification alerts (growl)
- Improved pop-boxes for desktop
- Improved search display
- Improved share experience
- Improved tabs toggle (mobile)
- Improved top-bar in cover mode (landing, split)
- Improved user profile (mobile)
- Improved watermark sizing [#13200]
- Removed "create account" button from top-bar
- Removed "or" button
- Removed email and website mode requirements for /install
- Removed old icons (icomoon)
- Removed search from 404 view
- Updated all dependencies
Released: 2021-03-14
- Adds env handling for system variables
- Adds application-based error reporting
- Adds support for Docker
- Syntax improves (PHP 8)
- Improved graphic library error messages
- Removed JS and CSS minify system
Released: 2021-02-25
- Adds settings.php workaround for enabled formats
- Fixed bug with fileinfo requirement
- Updates dependencies
Released: 2021-02-11
- Improves extension requirements checking
- Fixed incorrect watermark process [12408]
- Fixed oEmbed display when using consent screen [12593]
- Fixed SQL bug when moving multiple images to album [12990]
- Fixed fatal error on listings [12991]
Released: 2021-01-21
- Added support for Imagick extension (ImageMagick)
- Added support for nested albums in Bulk Importer
- Improved support for NFS mounts (localstorage)
- Improved image resizing, thumbs, watermarks and encoding using Intervention
- Improved remove Exif processing
- Fixed bug with not working Bulk Importer watermarks
- Updated Chinese Simplified and German translations
- Updated all vendor dependencies
Released: 2020-01-18
- Fixes bug with missing certificate [12894]
Released: 2020-12-21
- Fixes missing buttons on mobile view [12762]
- Fixes missing translations (chinese, spanish, korean)
- Fixed oEmbed bug
- Fixes XSS bug [12782]
- Fixes listing bug [12756]
- Fixes bug in sub albums listings [12793]
- Updates German translation
- Updates vendor dependencies
Released: 2020-11-26
- Added lock file workaround for automatic bulk importer
- Added option to set the album cover image
- Added support for equirectangular 360 images
- Added support for nested albums
- Added target _blank for "Powered by Chevereto" link
- Changed recaptcha domain to
- Deprecated album thumbs on listings (performance)
- Fixed bug in Akismet affecting content manager [12701]
- Fixed bug in CHV\isSafeToExecute()
- Fixed bug in listing move to album when disabled NSFW editing [12714]
- Fixed bug in S3 compatible endpoint [12543]
- Fixed CHV\decodeID bug
- Improved /moderate (default sort is now Oldest)
- Improved background processing
- Improved support for Google Photos importing
- Removed share tab from /album
- Removed StumbleUpon share button
Released: 2020-09-25
- Added follow scroll for dashboard settings header
- Fixed bug in queue locking [12401]
- Fixed bug in user sign up (dark mode setting) [12516]
- Improved "Aw, Snap!" instructions on debug
- Improved documentation linking in dashboard
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Korean and Spanish translations
Released: 2020-09-04
- Fixes bug in moderation=guest setting
Released: 2020-09-03
- Added image moderation
- Added support for ModerateContent
- Added configurable NSFW lock
- Added configurable homepage to route /upload
- Added support for image oEmbed
- Added database locks (replace the old filesystem based locks)
- Improved phpBB support for PUP [Chevereto-Free #58]
- Deprecated listing viewer go to full screen action
- Fixed bug in footer.js.php (fatal error)
- Fixed bug in AZ listing [11638]
- Fixed bug in missing translation for viewer keyboard hints
- Fixed bug in functions.render.php [Chevereto-Free #61]
- Fixed bug with NFS writable folders [Chevereto-Free #65]
- Fixed bug with XenForo 2 (PUP) [12233]
- Updated all vendor dependencies
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Czech, Dutch, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese translations
Released: 2020-05-16
- Fixed dependency bug with PHP 5.6
- Fixed bug in login cookie
- Fixed bug in /api [12155]
- Fixed bug in document titles [12182]
- Improved PUP support for XenForo 2.1 [12059]
- Updated German, French, Korean and Dutch translations
Released: 2020-04-27
- Added automatic mobile menu close for tone toggle
- Added login required for theme tone toggle
- Fixed bug in class.sftp.php [11093]
- Fixed bug in image viewer [12102]
- Fixed bug in theme tone dashboard setting [12099]
- Improved display of tone toggle (hidden in homepage landing)
- Updated Chinese Traditional, Dutch, Indonesian and Turkish
Released: 2020-04-16
- Added automatic importing
- Added configurable display of embed codes (all, none, users) [11957]
- Added file picker workaround for webview (Wechat, QQ) [12033]
- Added pup.js support for ProBoards [11927]
- Added pup.js support for Quill editor (Vanilla Forums) [11932]
- Added rebuild stats button
- Added tone mode light/dark toggle
- Fixed bug in "move to album"
- Fixed bug in API remote URL uploads [12060]
- Fixed bug in External Storage S3 API [11917]
- Fixed bug in image Exif orientation [11846]
- Fixed bug in social signup [12007]
- Fixed bug in URL rewriting [11840]
- Fixed login when updating prior to 3.14.0
- Fixed missing "hostname" setting
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in image uploader [11899]
- Improved image upload performance (parallel uploads)
- Removed CloudFlare, Theme top bar color dashboard settings
- Updated all vendor dependencies
- Updated Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Spanish and Turkish translations
Released: 2020-01-06
- Fixed bug in account signup process [11811]
- Deprecated "CloudFlare" dashboard option (no longer needed)
Released: 2020-01-02
- Added support for WebP
- Added support for APNG
- Added HTTP only and secure cookie flags
- Added auth token at /update (CSRF)
- Added brute force protection for cookie based login attempts
- Added restricted paths for Bulk content importer
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in site settings
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in user profile
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in WhatsApp share button
- Fixed bug in anywhere uploader [11710]
- Fixed bug in maintenance mode (disabled reCaptcha verify)
- Fixed bug in missing language strings [11714]
- Fixed bug in missing translate string [11757]
- Fixed bug in not working SEO URLs for images [11784]
- Fixed bug in not working "Upload to album" button [11774]
- Fixed bug in image viewer [11775]
- Deprecated use of HTTP_* headers for client IP resolution (must use mod_remoteip, ngx_http_realip_module)
- Deprecated $_SESSION based login
- Removed public access for Bulk importer job results
- Improved login system (device based)
- Updated dependencies (composer)
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish translations
Released: 2019-12-05
- Added always display random button on top bar
- Added image title tag to album embed codes (images)
- Improved design of the login/signup page [11615]
- Fixed bug in incorrect image orientation handling [11570]
- Fixed bugs in "in this album" contents [11617]
- Fixed bug in URL uploads (API, web) [11606]
- Fixed bug in plugin page link target [11675]
- Fixed security vulnerability in /install
Released: 2019-10-02
- Added support for Akismet spam protection (user generated content)
- Added support fot StopForumSpam spam protection (user signup)
- Added optional "Powered by Chevereto" link
- Added ID encoded tag to embed codes [11361]
- Added IP tools for user registration IP
- Added page number to listing document title
- Added language to document title for lang URLs
- Implemented changes from #39 [Chevereto-Free]
- Improved Explore document titles
- Removed G+ sharing button [11368]
- Removed .htaccess +FollowSymLinks [11366]
- Removed X-Mailer header
- Removed unnecessary DB calls [11406]
- Removed S3 compatible weird logs [11434]
- Fixed bug in wrong listing display for tablet [11334, 11425]
- Fixed bug in PUP support for MyBB [11419]
- Fixed bug in login table charset [11404]
- Updated Czech, Dutch, Italian and Spanish translations
Released: 2019-07-01
- Fixed conflicts with MySQL 5.6
- Fixed missing vendor certificate bundle
Released: 2019-06-25
- Fixed wrong auth_token handling in logout [11288]
- Fixed conflicts with MyISAM tables
- Fixed upgrade to paid bug (website mode)
- Updated Italian translation
Released: 2019-05-30
- Added automatic dump update query for large installations
- Fixed bug in alternate links (disabled languages)
- Fixed bug in DB indexes (MySQL 5.6)
- Fixed bug in listing item descriptions [11238]
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Czech, Thai and Turkish translations
Released: 2019-05-06
- Added support for PHP 7.3
- Added support for emoji (utf8mb4)
- Added chv_images combo index for better performance (album id, image id) [11091]
- Added more theme hooks (after open head, after closing head, after open body)
- Added php.ini file location in /dashboard
- Added dashboard option to dump the SQL update query
- Improved hreflang implementation [11035]
- Improved DB fulltext engine detection (improves MariaDB support)
- Improved content of the alt tag [10591]
- Changed Backblaze B2 PHP SDK [11055]
- Fixed bug in wrong upload queue handling [11120]
- Fixed Alibaba OSS bug [11104]
- Fixed bug in G\json_error [11126]
- Fixed bug in Storage add form
- Fixed bug in route.account.php (disabled signup restrictions)
- Fixed bug in mobile menu
- Updated vendor dependencies
- Updated Turkish and Japanese translations
Released: 2019-02-20
- Removed old links (G\ Library)
- Fixed bug in content privacy mode [11022]
- Fixed bug in page manager [11013]
- Fixed bug in Exif parser [10997]
- Fixed bug in homepage split listing [11036]
- Fixed bug in album thumbnails when not using 1:1 aspect ratio [11002]
- Updated Dutch and Polish translations
Released: 2019-02-02
- Fixed bug in CloudFlare IP handling [10860]
- Fixed bug in subdomain wildcards (user/albums) [10870]
- Fixed bug in Bulk content importer (usernames) [10889]
- Fixed bug in subdomain wildcards (sub-subdomains) [10955]
- Fixed bug in export user function [10900]
- Fixed bug in Chinese language names [10917]
- Fixed bug in missing Exif fields [10966]
- Updated all vendor dependencies
- Updated French, Hebrew, Japanese and Polish languages
Released: 2018-12-23
- Added setting to force reCAPTCHA on contact page
- Changed Google+ login to Google Sign-In (Note: requires new API keys) [10844]
- Fixed bug in password protected albums (user/albums) [10842]
- Fixed phrasing in dashboard/settings/homepage [10843]
- Fixed bug in client IP handling when using CloudFlare + load balancer [10827]
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Hebrew and Spanish translations
Released: 2018-12-20
- Added redirect to home on missing wildcard
- Added login redirection for data-action=like triggers
- Added password protected albums to listing (prompts password) [10790]
- Fixed bug in subdomain wildcards (upload from user wildcard)
- Fixed bug in reCAPTCHA for social signup [10820]
- Fixed bug in reCAPTCHA at contact page [10791]
- Fixed bug in logout system (Cookie and Session handling)
- Fixed bug in private images listing (guest albums) [10770]
- Fixed bug in listing follow scroll header [10801]
- Fixed bug in logout issues when using wildcards
- Fixed bug in hreflang (wrong href)
- Updated Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Vietnamese translations
Released: 2018-12-10
- Added Hebrew translation
- Fixed bug in not sub-domain wildcards (upload not working)
- Fixed bug in contact page (recaptcha) [10767]
- Fixed bug in Page save button (add page)
- Fixed bug in title edit modal [10756]
- Updated French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean and Portuguese (Brazil) translations
Released: 2018-12-04
- Updated French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean and Portuguese (Brazil) translations
Released: 2018-12-04
- Added album image sort A-Z [10452]
- Added configurable upload mode (JS or single /upload page)
- Added support for recaptcha V3
- Added user name sort A-Z
- Deprecated modal login (everything now triggers /login)
- Fixed bug in album creation [10655]
- Fixed bug in album editing [10716]
- Fixed bug in form-album (duplicated IDs)
- Fixed bug in internal pages [10630]
- Fixed bug in password gate (error message)
- Fixed bug in subdomain wildcards [10639]
- Improved Dashboard listings (universal sort options)
Released: 2018-11-09
- Improved upload temp file handle
- Fixed bug in Storage::getStorageValidFilename [10599]
- Fixed bug in class.redirect.php [10600]
- Updated Chinese Simplified translation
Released: 2018-11-08
- Improved listing handle on deletion [10588]
- Fixed bug in listing delete handle (pagination)
- Fixed bug in top bar when using landing page [10590]
- Fixed bug in album management (post upload) [10588]
- Fixed bug in Google Cloud Storage [10589]
Released: 2018-11-07
- Fixed bug in missing actions after upload
- Fixed bug in duplicated uploads affecting administrators
- Fixed bug in not working IP ban management [10579]
- Fixed bug in not working Categories management [10584]
- Changed image display URL thumbnail threshold to 200 KB
Released: 2018-11-06
- Added bulk content importer
- Added manager role
- Added new login/sign-up page design
- Added dashboard option to force HTTPS
- Added guest albums
- Added WoltLab to Lab to PUP list of supported software
- Added binding for guest content when user logs in
- Added fixed "Save changes" button on Dashboard > Settings
- Added internal only redirects
- Added password strength color indicator level
- Added support for Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (external storage provider)
- Added support for Azure Storage (external storage provider)
- Added support for Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage
- Added support for hreflang [9695]
- Added support for subdomain wildcards for languages and user profiles [10441]
- Added support for universal S3 providers
- Added top shadow mask for cover backgrounds
- Changed global theme font (Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif)
- Deprecated "Keep me login" option (always keep login now)
- Fixed Chinese language handling [10279]
- Fixed bug in dashboard view (website name error display)
- Fixed bug in isSafeToExecute function
- Fixed bug in listing viewer when using endless scrolling
- Fixed bug in multiple login sessions (cookie conflicts)
- Fixed bug in storage migration tool [10255]
- Fixed bug in user editing [10291]
- Fixed bug in user settings (change roles)
- Fixed bug with cover flickering (scrollbars)
- Fixed bugs in Spanish translation
- Fixed memory issues with imagecreatefrombmp [10349]
- Fixed minor PHP 7 compatibility issues
- Fixed missing fb:app_id (Facebook app id)
- Improved Dashboard navigation with better document titles
- Improved header centering (flexbox)
- Improved homepage split landing (now list trending and support pagination)
- Improved listing performance by using "seek" method [10220]
- Improved menu animation for mobile
- Improved top bad display for mobile
- PHP minimum version supported 5.6
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, German, Russian, Spanish and Thai translations
- Updated G\
Released: 2018-08-24
- Added option to toggle album / image SEO URL
- Added tool to migrate from one external storage to another (records)
- Added tool to regenerate external storage stats
- Added short URLs for content sharing
- Changed XHR from GET to POST
- Fixed bug in not working album page navigation
- Fixed bug with PHP < 7 compatibility
- Fixed bug with extra XHR redirect
- Fixed bug in album sharing links (empty album)
- Fixed bug in listing selection embed codes (when no image file)
- Fixed bug in local storage (not deleting test file)
- Fixed bug in 3.11.0 install query (dupes)
Released: 2018-08-22
- Added SEO friendly album and image URLs
- Added local storage (virtual external servers)
- Added tool to migrate local image records to local storage
- Added PUP support for WoltLab forums
Released: 2018-06-30
- Fixed bug in header [10073]
Released: 2018-06-29
- Fixed bug in forced email verification [9999]
- Fixed bug in page links [10035]
- Fixed bug in profile page (search box) [10033]
- Updated German, Japanese and Vietnamese translations
Released: 2018-06-06
- Improved album description display (when empty)
- Fixed bug in listing viewer (not working for albums, search) [9924]
- Fixed post handling in /settings (name, bio)
- Updated Chinese simplified and Spanish translations
Released: 2018-06-05
- Added ID encoder/decoder tool [9897]
- Improved PUP for Xenforo 2 (added SVG icon to button) [9902]
- Fixed align issue on top bar [9901]
- Added PUP support for Danish, Polish, Turkey and Ukrainian languages [9937]
- Fixed bug in PUP affecting observed element click event
- Fixed bug in wrong "create account" link being displayed [9946]
- Fixed bug in class.upload.php (wrong datefolders) [9936]
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish and Turkish translations
Released: 2018-05-22
- Added PUP support for XenForo 2
- GDPR: Added user data export in JSON format (data portability)
- GDPR: Added explicit check box "I agree to terms and privacy policy"
- GDPR: Added link to privacy page under cookie law message
- Fixed bug in Google Storage [9840]
- Fixed bug in SQL update script (from 2.X) [9859]
- Fixed display issue on album display (long descriptions) [9858]
- Fixed bug in sign up button (top bar)
- Updated Danish, French, German and Spanish translations
Released: 2018-04-13
- Added support for sub-timezones (like America/Argentina/*)
- Fixed bug in maximum image size setting causing duplicate upload check bypass [9799]
- Added support for UTC timezone
Released: 2018-04-04
- Fixed bug in cheveretoID [9758]
- Fixed bug in max upload size [9780,9781,9782,9785]
Released: 2018-03-29
- Fixed bug in login/signup pop-up menu off-screen [9706]
- Fixed bug in API using guest limits when forcing an user name [9705]
- Fixed bug in not working VK login [9727]
- Fixed bug in album listings [9757]
- Updated French translation
Released: 2018-03-02
- Fixed bug in password reset process [9700]
Released: 2018-02-28
- Added support for Facebook strict URI matching (March update)
- Improved G\ sessions check (open_basedir issue) [9680]
- Fixed bug in personal mode listings [9697]
- Fixed bug in image viewer (missing scroll after delete content)
- Fixed bug in share buttons default link behavior
- Updated Chinese Simplified, French, German, Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ Library
Released: 2018-01-26
- Added support for PHP 7.2.0
- Fixed bug in like button [9596]
- Fixed bug in listing viewer name display [9492]
- Updated French and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ Library
Released: 2018-01-10
- Added long-press action to display image toolbar [9541]
- Fixed bug in drag-select feature [9542]
- Fixed bug in not clickable albums when listing viewer is enabled [9524]
- Fixed bug in missing action toolbar on mobile [9541]
- Updated Chinese simplified language
Released: 2017-12-28
- Added listing viewer (prev/next) navigation [4263, 5293, 6676, 7054, 7135, 7157]
- Added keyboard shortcuts and gesture navigation (listing viewer)
- Added configurable email notify on signup [8855]
- Added automatic cleanup for chv_deletions table [8974]
- Added configurable maximum image upload size for guests [5280, 7280]
- Added support for decimal values on image upload size
- Added configurable album content count requirement for listings (explore)
- Added settings hack to force HTTPS
- Added image right-click mobile restriction [9277]
- Added Amazon S3 Paris region [9473]
- Added option to disable explorer for guests [7670]
- Added GIF animation spin on mouseover (listings)
- Improved list buttons (top right buttons)
- Fixed bug in ID reservation system (collisions) [9452]
- Fixed bug in liked content and delete menu option[9341]
- Fixed bug in CloudFlare Rocket Loader [9219]
- Fixed bug in views/album.php [9216]
- Fixed bug in PUP SDK (Discuz!, Discourse) [9450]
- Fixed bug in System notifications emails (language) [9279]
- Fixed bug in listing editor (album name dropdown)
- Fixed bug in class.lock.php
- Fixed bug in route.json.php (encoded ids)
- Fixed bug in anywhere upload (missing scroll on mobile device) [9226]
- Fixed bug in password protected album listings (admin) [9422]
- Updated Dutch and Spanish translations
Released: 2017-10-14
- Added more image auto delete times [8218]
- Added PUP SDK manual mode
- Added session.save_path $settings key [9170]
- Improved settings handle priority
- Fixed bug in class.listing.php (wrong “Where” clause handling)
- Fixed bug in class.image.php (missed NULL values)
- Fixed bug in app/loader.php with capped memory limit at 256M
- Fixed bug in send email (extra line break handling)
- Fixed bug in dashboard (typo) [9167]
- Fixed bug in chevereto.js
- Removed unused code related to HTML-based page
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Dutch and Portuguese (Brazil) translations
Released: 2017-10-02
- Added homepage cover restriction for mobile devices [9080]
- Added “user-image” class in breadcrum_owner_card [9104]
- Added override support for tpl_list_item folder [7992]
- Added search support for email addresses (admin only) [7763]
- Added support for wildcard * character in IP search [5727]
- Added support for wildcard * character in IP bans [5727]
- Removed meta keywords tag (not needed)
- Improved PUP SDK base CSS
- Improved PUP SDK support for SMF, Discuz! and phpBB [9130]
- Improved send_mail function (Multipart MIME) [9135]
- Improved IP ban modal error handle
- Fixed conflicts with CloudFlare Rocket Loader (JavaScript defer)
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in image page
- Fixed bug in PUP SDK (missing auto-insert)
- Updated Czech, Dutch, Finnish, German and Norwegian Bokmål translations
Released: 2017-09-23
- Added notification bell icon (top bar)
- Added option to toggle /plugin route (enable/disable) [9038]
- Added option to customize PUP SDK URL
- Added PUP SDK dev file (
- Improved PUP SDK insertion code (doesn’t require id attribute anymore) [9049]
- Improved PUP SDK data-fit-editor=”0” option behavior
- Improved icon user for top bar menu
- Fixed bug in PUP SDK (fit-editor=”0” and live event observer)
- Fixed bug in class.listing.php [9075]
- Fixed bug in /user following page (text overlap) [9045]
- Fixed bug in top bar notifications [9060]
- Fixed bug in /dashboard (tag typo) [9054]
- Fixed bug in top bar menu when using white/grey button color [9062]
- Fixed bug in cookie law box [9078]
- Updated Czech, Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2017-09-18
- Added upload plugin
- Added option to enable/disable content deletion for users
- Added permission check for session.save_path
- Added check for server time zone errors
- Added /upload route
- Improved JS load performance (no render blocking)
- Improved passwords maximum length to 128 chars (OWASP recommendation)
- Improved queue listing (conflicting margins)
- Improved “mixed” file naming algorithm + increased random chars from 5 to 16
- Improved uploader display texts according to target device
- Improved tob-bar for mobile devices
- Improved pop-menu behavior
- Improved dashboard view (mobile)
- Improved file naming (replaces spaces with dash)
- Improved language handling (ISO format)
- Patched XSS exploit (undisclosed)
- Fixed bug in listing scroll conflicting with touch devices
- Fixed bug in album listing (extra “/”)
- Fixed bug in wrong notifications (updates)
- Fixed bug in false positive exception at CHV\Lock class
- Fixed bug in auto image resize (images passing this restriction)
- Fixed bug in listing tabs under /user when not using username routing
- Fixed bug in explore listings and not showing own NSFW content
- Fixed bug in anywhere upload cancel queue function (exception)
- Fixed bug in anywhere upload embed codes and cancel function (duplicated lines)
- Fixed bug in pop-boxes (window cutoff)
- Fixed bug in explore listing when disabling “likes” feature
- Fixed bug in mobile menu icons
- Updated Czech, Dutch, Japanese, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2017-07-12
- Added album_name index (improves performance)
- Fixed bug in alphabetical album sort
- Fixed bug in album when showing embed content
Released: 2017-07-10
- Added alphabetical sort order for albums
- Fixed bug in homepage explore routing and bad website title
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Finnish, Portuguese (Brazil) and Swedish translations
Released: 2017-06-22
- Added default NGINX rules
- Fixed bug in wrong listing pagination
Released: 2017-06-21
- Added arrow album navigation for images shared with “anyone with the link” option
- Added album preview image when sharing to social networks
- Improved styling on password gate
- Improved /?random functionality
- Improved .htaccess rules
- Deprecated Shmop class (fix queues issues)
- Fixed bug in password protected albums and not working reCaptcha
- Fixed bug in not found listings when using homepage as route explore
- Fixed bug in explore/popular triggered by disabled likes feature
- Updated Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Dutch, Finnish, French and Portuguese (Brazil) translations
Released: 2017-06-04
- Added “Following” to Explore menu (shows content added by people you follow)
- Added “Following” and “Followers” to user menu
- Removed “Animated” from Explore menu if GIF upload is disabled
- Fixed bug in route.json.php (security issue)
- Fixed bug in category listing (banned user content)
- Fixed bug in disabled upload setting affecting administrators
- Updated G\ to v1.0.38
- Updated Chinese simplified translation
Released: 2017-05-27
- Fixed bug in CHV\recaptcha_check()
- Updated Chinese Simplified translation
Released: 2017-05-26
- Added filter to hide banned user content from /explore
- Added is_upload_enabled() theme conditional
- Added webkit CSS vendor prefixes (fixes issues with old mobile browsers)
- Fixed bug in class.lock.php (PHP 5.5 incompatibility)
- Fixed bug in [data-login-needed] links (upload, like, etc.)
- Fixed bug in snippets/anywhere_uploader.php (typo)
- Fixed bug in stats.sql
- Fixed bug in class.listing.php (album join clause)
- Fixed bug in class.settings.php
- Fixed bug in route.json.php (upload to album stuff)
- Fixed bug in reCaptcha modal login box
- Updated Chinese Traditional, Czech, French and Japanese translations
- Updated G\ to v1.0.38
Released: 2017-05-23
- Added animated GIF images listing (explore/animated)
- Added trending content listing (explore/trending)
- Added popular content listing (explore/popular)
- Added recent content listing (explore/recent)
- Added new Explore menu
- Added album views count
- Added album likes
- Added “Upload to this album” button (user/album)
- Added “Create new album” button
- Added select album on upload
- Added forced expirable images for guests (optional)
- Added process lock system to avoid concurrency issues (Universal application)
- Added button to add content when showing empty listings
- Added indication in External storage about Amazon SDK & PHP < 5.5.0
- Added CHV\Listing::getTabs() method
- Added class.lock.php (lock system)
- Added class.shmop.php (shared memory operations)
- Removed privacy toggle from image uploader
- Removed “or cancel” text from image uploader
- Removed random mode button from mobile top bar
- Removed user menu from mobile top bar
- Removed notifications menu from mobile top bar
- Improved image uploader look and feel (CSS styles and animation)
- Improved image uploader translation placeholders
- Improved list item title display (use CSS text-overflow to truncate titles)
- Improved CHV\Stats::track method
- Improved theme styling (minor changes)
- Deprecated reCaptcha v1 support (v2 is supported)
- Fixed bug in ID based file-naming (concurrency issues)
- Fixed bug in user website URL display
- Fixed bug in CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite (album ownership issue)
- Fixed bug in class.image.php (security issue)
- Fixed bug in class.image.php (stats track issue)
- Fixed bug in user settings (private profile issue)
- Fixed bug in user settings (security issue)
- Fixed bug in upload queue handler (file input resetting)
- Fixed bug in upload queue error handling
- Fixed bug in get_image_fileinfo function
- Fixed bug in top-bar styling when using dark tone
- Fixed bug in listings when using 1 as items per page
- Fixed bug in Exif handler
- Fixed bug in image delete (autolike issues)
- Updated G\ to v1.0.37
- Updated Dutch, Finnish, German,Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2017-03-30
- Added missing Amazon S3 regions (Ohio, Canada, Mumbai, Seoul and London)
- Improved Facebook connect handle
- Improved max. image size load handling
- Fixed bug in Facebook login
- Fixed bug in uploader queue (misplaced edit buttons)
- Updated Facebook PHP SDK (v5)
- Updated Arabic, Czech and Portuguese (Brazil) translations
- Updated PHPMailer to v5.2.23
Released: 2017-02-20
- Added option to set maximum image width & height
- Added stat_type index (improves performance)
- Added focus to album select on move
- Added NSFW blur for album thumbs and cover
- Added missing translation placeholders
- Improved resizing function (faster and less memory usage)
- Improved content image uploads (removed file size limit on cover images)
- Improved image upload maximum file size handling
- Improved dashboard validations (integers)
- Improved dashboard settings update
- Fixed bug in disabled image formats and restricted content uploads
- Fixed bug in upload queue handling when removing each image
- Fixed bug in l10n functions (zero char issue)
- Fixed bug in failed image upload (empty error report)
- Updated Finnish, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ to v1.0.36
- Updated PHPMailer to v5.2.22
Released: 2017-01-22
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in Exif parser
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in user profile
- Fixed bug in content image upload filenames
- Fixed bug in get_bytes function (issues with shorthand notation)
- Updated Indonesian translation
- Updated G\ Library to v1.0.35
Released: 2017-01-10
- Fixed bug with incorrect size handling
- Fixed bug in homepage split mode
- Fixed bug in dashboard menu under “tools” section
Released: 2017-01-08
- Added support for PHP 7.1
- Added redirector for external URLs (zero link juice passing)
- Added configurable file size for image load
- Added integrity check for disabled DirectoryIterator, RegexIterator, Pdo and Exception classes
- Removed reCaptcha on user settings form
- Changed whois service to
- Improved mobile listings
- Fixed bug in password protected albums (admin wasn’t able to see those contents)
- Fixed bug in private content showing owner information
- Fixed bug in /image Open Graph tags when the image is too big for facebook (GIF)
- Updated PHPMailer to v5.2.21 (security issues)
- Updated Czech, Dutch, French, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ library to v1.0.34
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2016-11-02
- Added OPCache flush when performing /install
- Improved theme path check
- Improved CHV\Settings handling
- Fixed bug in logo height handling
- Fixed bug in Dashboard email settings (Unsecured SMTP connections)
Released: 2016-11-01
- Improved logo height handling
- Fixed bug in HTML 5 uploader
- Fixed bug in dashboard theme form
- Fixed bug in SMTP unsecure connections
- Fixed bug in pop-box menu (broken display)
- Updated PHPMailer to v5.2.16
- Updated Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Turkish translations
Released: 2016-10-28
- Added Cache-control headers to OpenStack and Google Cloud
- Improved image loader button (big images)
- Improved queue handling
- Fixed bug in HTML 5 uploader
- Fixed bug in base stats counter
- Fixed bug in queue handling
- Fixed bug in user settings when removing email address
- Fixed bug in user ban functionality when no email is associated
- Fixed bug in /install (recurring ALTER table)
- Fixed bug in /install when updating from 2.X
- Fixed bug in automatic updates check functionality
- Updated Peafowl framework
- Updated Chinese Traditional, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2016-10-24
- Improved integrity check (PHP 5.4.0 panic)
- Improved enabled languages display for mobile (dashboard)
- Improved dashboard links (Chevereto)
- Fixed bug in not working custom PDO attributes
- Fixed bug in Disqus SSO
- Fixed bug in language settings (dashboard)
- Fixed bug in theme settings (dashboard)
- Deprecated user-scalable=no
- Updated Chinese Traditional, French, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ Library to 1.0.33
Released: 2016-10-19
- Added support for Disqus SSO
- Added registration IP flood detection
- Added automatic removal of not confirmed user accounts
- Added configurable supported image formats
- Added more homepage banners
- Added support for private users likes/liked content
- Added support for custom PDO params at settings.php (database settings)
- Added support for multiple upload threads (simultaneous uploads)
- Added option to disable automatic daily updates check
- Added embed codes output for all images within an album
- Improved Disqus language display (uses visitor selected language)
- Improved copy button behavior for mobile devices
- Improved uploader queue handling (doesn’t hang on big queue)
- Improved support for corrupted JPG files (recoverable files)
- Improved /json image listing speed
- Improved CHV.fn.uploader (js uploader)
- Improved integrity check script
- Fixed homepage “after cover” NSFW handling
- Fixed bug with not working CloudFlare client ip detection (some installs)
- Fixed bug with not working API calls due to consent screen
- Fixed bug with invalid Exif image descriptions
- Fixed bug in CHV\Image::insert
- Fixed bug in CHV\Image::delete
- Fixed bug in CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite
- Fixed bug in watermark tempnam generation
- Fixed bug in automatic updates check
- Fixed bug in remote URL upload parse (not working BBCode)
- Fixed bug in external storage disk usage counter
- Fixed bug in routing form (pattern validation issues)
- Fixed bug in HTML 5 input validations (wrong pattern issues)
- Deprecated homepage “before cover” banner
- Deprecated client-side resizing
- Deprecated external storage image check on /image
- Updated G\ to v1.0.32
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish translations
Released: 2016-08-18
- Fixed bug in /following
- Fixed bug in profile followers/following (listing tools)
- Fixed bug in image viewer (zoom in/out not working after loading large image)
- Fixed bug in resolving non existent dashboard URLs
Released: 2016-08-17
- Fixed bug in listings (not working disable NSFW images)
- Fixed bug in category listings (wrong display / MySQL issues)
Released: 2016-08-16
- Added new and faster listing system
- Highly improved listing performance (MySQL)
- Improved external storage performance (lookup for existing files)
- Improved system check script (missing functions)
- Fixed bug in routes missing keywords
- Fixed bug in listings (small images overlaps)
- Fixed bug in user search box (close icon)
- Fixed bug in homepage (white page)
- Fixed bug in owner card (empty image count)
- Fixed bug in core functions (not working CDN)
- Fixed bug in route.image.php
- Fixed bug in image view (editable current tab)
- Fixed bug in listing column count (large screen)
- Fixed bug in Norwegian language
- Updated Arabic, Chinese Simplified, French and German translations
Released: 2016-07-17
- Added password protected albums
- Added extended support for animated GIF images
- Added GIF load button to listings (same as Facebook)
- Added automatic check for new updates
- Added notification + email on new update available
- Added support for multiple home cover images
- Added animated home cover slideshow
- Added WhatsApp share button
- Added configurable duplicate upload prevention
- Improved album cover image (listings)
- Improved password minimum length to 6 characters
- Improved translation placeholders (time strings)
- Improved “This content is private change...” text
- Improved tone-dark styles
- Improved pagination style for mobile
- Improved listing speed (removed extra data)
- Improved default .htaccess rules (support for Apache 2.2 and 2.4)
- Fixed bug in dashboard users list (not showing private profiles)
- Fixed bug in image edit modal (not resetting form when creating an album)
- Fixed bug in user profile page (no avatar on follow scroll)
- Fixed bug in album page (selectable items)
- Fixed bug in translations (contact page)
- Fixed bug in login route (security)
- Updated Peafowl framework
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2016-05-30
- Added private profiles
- Added configurable virtual routes (images & albums)
- Added configurable redirect on single upload
- Added auto-disable notifications for personal mode or disabled social features
- Added “Following” to top user menu
- Added load button for large images
- Improved image uploader (better memory management)
- Improved OpenStack support
- Improved top logo link target
- Fixed bug in search with invalid parameters
- Fixed bug in login/signup box off-screen
- Fixed bug in singup when using minimum age requirement
- Fixed bug in image form when selecting album
- Fixed bug in update from V2 and missing stats
- Fixed bug in album listings (long album title)
- Fixed bug in route.api.php when using URL source
- Updated Spanish and Russian translations
Released: 2016-04-23
- Fixed not working “Most liked” listing
- Fixed security issue in user profile page
- Fixed styling bug in consent screen when using dark tone
- Fixed bug in Serbian translation
- Updated Finnish, French, German and Russian translations
Released: 2016-04-16
- Added configurable on/off social features (follows & likes)
- Added category disable feature when explorer is disabled
- Added redirect to image on single image upload
- Added configurable minimum age restriction on sign up
- Added consent screen for adult / porn websites
- Added notification (email) when an external storage fails
- Added copy embed codes for dynamic list selection
- Added absolute time display when hovering relative dates
- Improved maintenance page
- Fixed bug in search function
- Fixed bug in private mode and album listings
- Fixed bug related to apple-touch-icon
- Fixed bug in maintenance mode
- Fixed bug in meta apostrophes character encoding
- Fixed bug in route.api.php
- Updated Chinese Simplified, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
- Updated G\ to 1.0.29
Released: 2016-03-10
- Added “oldest” view option
- Added IP album and IP user search
- Added alphabetical order for album dropdown selection
- Added configurable fixed medium size dimension (width or height)
- Added one-click copy embed codes button
- Improved image embed codes
- Improved Dashboard > Email SMTP log handler
- Improved sharing codes labels
- Improved filename handling on upload (removed starting dots)
- Improved Facebook class error reporting
- Fixed bug in class.notifications.php
- Fixed bug in conflicting ob_gzhandler in G\render\json_output()
- Fixed bug in not working SFTP external storage
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Czech, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
Released: 2016-01-30
- Added edit icon indicator for each image preview on upload
- Added halt for invalid file extension on upload
- Added support for PHP 7
- Added admin notice when using error_reporting in production
- Added translation placeholders for update process
- Improved class.sftp.php
- Improved class.ftp.php
- Improved custom CSS functionality
- Improved storage error display
- Fixed security issue in listings
- Fixed bug in non working duplicate image detection when using watermarks
- Fixed bug in user settings with mandatory email field for social login
- Fixed bug in fullscreen loader
- Fixed bug in album view when selecting album description text
- Fixed bug in user profile and untranslated followers label
- Fixed bug in image list when assigning multiple images to an album
- Fixed bug in user settings when unlinking a social account
- Fixed bug in image viewer with panorama images
- Fixed bug in image viewer with false positive 404 page (external storage images)
- Fixed bug in Twitter sharer when no account has been set-up
- Fixed bug in with "q" parameter handling
- Fixed bug in test email feature and unbinded $t parameter
- Fixed bug in anywhere uploader with NSFW input handling
- Fixed bug in search template and empty title
- Fixed syntax bug in route.api.php
- Fixed syntax bug in route.dashboard.php
- Updated Amazon PHP SDK to v3.14.0
- Updated PHPMailer to v5.2.14
- Updated phpseclib library
- Updated G\ Library to v1.0.27
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Danish, Dutch, French, Indonesian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese translations
Released: 2015-11-26
- Added user follow system
- Added following content stream
- Added following/followers lists
- Added image likes
- Added “Most liked” listing filter
- Added user liked list
- Added user cumulative content view counter
- Added notifications system
- Added Markdown embed codes
- Added album creation and registration IPs
- Added table for deleted images
- Added global stats counter for images, albums, users and likes
- Added daily stats counter
- Added support for template hooks ($handler::hookTemplate())
- Improved theme font-size (16px)
- Improved user listing style
- Improved album listing style
- Improved general listings when using mobile
- Deprecated “Logged user logo link” feature
- Deprecated “Oldest” list filter
- Fixed bug in route.explore.php when using homepage style “route explorer”
- Fixed bug in default contact page and missing form values on reCaptcha error
- Fixed bug in lag issues when deleting images from OpenStack API
- Fixed bug in phablet view and user avatar on user profile page
- Fixed bug in custom homepage relative cta URL
- Updated translations: Chinese Simplified, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish
Released: 2015-10-24
- Added album flood detection
- Added support for extended theme overrides
- Added AWS cache-control string
- Added Open Sans font as local resource
- Improved /search list handling
- Improved SESSION support detection
- Improved list item tools animation
- Improved class scopes
- Improved email error log
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in /search
- Fixed bug in 2.X update procedure
- Fixed bug in disabled image expiration setting and user settings page
- Fixed bug in album description text select on drag select
- Fixed bug in not working maintenance page
- Fixed bug in invalid flood reports due to wrong timezone handling
- Fixed bug in Exif info grabber (image title)
- Fixed bug in mobile menu scroll
- Fixed bug in mobile menu on Firefox
- Fixed bug in image delete
- Fixed bug in conflicting header login box
- Fixed bug in header about menu icons
- Fixed bug in some translations and its plural forms
- Fixed bug in anywhere-upload textarea
- Fixed bug in reCaptcha login modal
- Fixed bug in .growl.static class
- Updated Finnish, French, Italian and Ukrainian translations
Released: 2015-08-29
- Added updater script
- Added support for NSFW banners
- Added automatic image delete
- Added functionality to take image title from Exif data
- Added remove image Exif data option
- Added test email feature
- Added guest uploads map to new registered user content
- Added home landing animation
- improved animations performance
- Improved drag-select behavior
- Improved modal boxes
- Improved support for large resolutions (including 4K)
- Improved image zoom viewer
- Improved class.settings.php
- Fixed bug with NSFW flag and image edit on upload
- Fixed bug with anywhere uploader gap
- Fixed bug with conflicting default page_display setting
- Fixed bug with Exif data handling
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2015-07-30
- Added image upload from clipboard (Ctrl+V)
- Added pages manager
- Improved default contact page
- Improved drag select functionality
- Fixed bug with non working profile image upload
- Fixed bug with double MySQL queries
- Fixed bug in ID file naming
- Fixed bug in doctitles with UTF-8 chars
- Fixed bug in default contact page and non-latin chars
- Fixed bug in CloudFlare settings toggle
- Fixed bug in listing class
- Deprecated theme based pages
- Updated Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ Library
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-07-15
- Added ID padding
- Added ID based file naming
- Improved album slice queries
- Improved overall MySQL performance
- Fixed bug in adaptive watermarks
- Fixed bug in uploader title editor
- Fixed bug in /album related to prefilled form values
- Fixed bug in dashboard mail method select
- Removed Cloudflare on/off detection
- Removed hreflang implementation
- Updated Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ Library
Released: 2015-06-28
- Added client and server side image resize
- Added adaptive watermarks
- Added extended uploader options
- Added configurable minimum size needed to apply watermark
- Added configurable toggle for watermarks on GIF images
- Added blur-off when hovering images flagged as NSFW
- Added get_checkbox_html render function
- Increased image_title and album_name length
- Improved image watermark functionality
- Improved G\getUrlHaders function
- Improved background for transparent images in image viewer
- Improved uploader queue functionality and styling
- Improved uploader semantics
- Disabled watermarks for animated GIF images
- Fixed bug in class.image.php regarding an illegal offset
- Fixed bug in G\Gettext class
- Fixed bug in watermark JPG images when using full watermark opacity
- Fixed bug in upload top-bar toggle effect queue
- Fixed bug in non displaying new queue buttons after queue done
- Fixed bug in homepage route explorer and not working querystrings
- Fixed bug in contact page (wrong IP address)
- Fixed some language strings (Spanish)
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hunagrian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian languages.
- Updated G\ Library
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-05-29
- Added EU cookie law policy compliance
- Added configurable on/off blur effect for NSFW content
- Added message on sign up when using a non activated account
- Improved handle for resend activation email (hide email address when needed)
- Improved header theme HTML tag attributes
- Improved CHV\send_mail function
- Fixed bug with Yahoo email delivery
- Fixed bug with album share via e-mail
- Fixed bug with invalid HTML tags in email
- Fixed bug with external storage + CDN referrer
- Fixed bug with sign up page and top bar current link color
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovak and Spanish translations
- Updated PHPMailer to 5.2.10
- Updated Peafowl framework
- Updated G\ Library
Released: 2015-05-15
- Added support for OpenStack storage
- Added theme overrides
- Added extended debug functionality
- Improved drag select (wrapper added)
- Improved mobile display menu
- Improved pop-box menu animation
- Improved CloudFlare IP handling
- Improved some language strings
- Improved G\get_client_ip function
- Improved G\DB defaults handle
- Improved selection status (mobile)
- Fixed bug in mobile top bar styles
- Fixed bug in endless listing (server overload)
- Fixed bug in “clear selection” list pop box menu
- Fixed bug in Storage modal form
- Fixed bug in Google Cloud Storage
- Fixed bug with \n char in a language string
- Fixed bug with PHP fatal error on duplicate upload detector (URL)
- Fixed bug with wrong growl placement in mobile (modal box)
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
- Updated G\ Library
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-04-29
- Added personal mode
- Added support for Google Cloud storage
- Added drag select to select multiple items in listings
- Added duplicate upload detector (IP + MD5)
- Added custom hook for <head> section
- Improved storages handling
- Improved storage class
- Improved queue class
- Improved list item style
- Improved G\truncate function
- Improved G\fetch_url function
- Fixed list item selection flicker
- Fixed bugs in modal form inputs (severe bugs)
- Fixed bugs in class.l10n.php
- Fixed bugs in dark theme
- Fixed bugs in close modal function
- Fixed bugs in image zoom in/out
- Fixed bugs in user signup and language selection
- Fixed bugs with multibyte chars
- Fixed bugs with Open Sans (default font)
- Fixed bugs with G\abbreviate_number function
- Updated all major languages
- Updated Google PHP API
- Updated jQuery UI
- Updated G\ Library
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-04-14
- Added support for translation overrides
- Added translation cache feature
- Added configurable watermark on/off setting by user group
- Added configurable homepage title, paragraph and call to action function
- Added configurable enabled languages
- Added configurable on/off language chooser
- Added list select/clear all toggle
- Added readonly attribute to input embed codes
- Added homepage OpenGraph image
- Added hreflang attributes
- Improved language handling (up to 44% faster)
- Improved language change function (user settings)
- Improved display for html body id
- Improved theme top-bar display
- Improved mobile listing menu style and animation
- Improved tracking code placement (just before closing </body> tag)
- Improved Peafowl default design
- Improved user breadcrumb display
- Improved upload add image behaviour
- Improved listing edit tools display
- Fixed bug in class.minify.php
- Fixed bug in /user/username 404 page
- Fixed bug in IP search
- Fixed bug in image pre-loading and zoom in
- Fixed bug in Facebook sharer
- Fixed bug in Facebook username handle on /connect
- Fixed bug in Firefox mobile
- Fixed bug with header missing functions
- Fixed bug with translations that have complex plural forms (Russian, Ukrainian, etc.)
- Fixed bug with division by zero issue
- Fixed bug with mobile menu and top bar custom color button
- Fixed bug with homepage split mode and transparent top-bar scroll
- Added Slovak translation
- Deprecated .mo translations for .po translations
- Deprecated php-gettext vendor class
- Updated all translations
- Updated G\ Library to 1.0.24
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-03-27
- Added user bio feature
- Added user NSFW content display on/off setting
- Added user newsletter on/off setting
- Added user avatar display in user listing scroll
- Added support for Twitter cards
- Added minify code feature (JS and CSS)
- Added functions to convert URLs into HTML links
- Added resizeable URL upload box
- Added configurable setting to show/hide Exif data for images
- Added configurable theme top bar setting (black or white)
- Added configurable theme main active color
- Added configurable homepage call-to-action button color and style
- Improved titles and descriptions (SEO)
- Improved user settings handle (security)
- Improved user cover background animation on scroll
- Improved base language strings
- Improved website system images storage
- Improved install settings values
- Improved class.image.php exceptions
- Improved class.listing.php output
- Improved class.settings.php behaviour
- Improved theme footer.php handling
- Improved theme js handling (homepage, index, user, footer)
- Fixed bug in search function when using InnoDB
- Fixed bug with unescaped chars in Peafowl listings
- Fixed bug in user profile scroll function
- Fixed bug in category name listing title
- Fixed bug in album listing NSFW content (using endless scroll)
- Fixed bug in modal forms (check box values)
- Fixed bug in upload when using multi-byte URLs
- Fixed bug in sort order before upload
- Fixed bug in banner codes with sensitive chars
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
- Updated G\ Library to 1.0.23
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-03-04
- Improved Facebook and Twitter login handle
- Fixed bug in user albums search
- Fixed bug in login function (redirect to /json)
- Fixed bug in banner codes with “&” char
- Fixed bug with not working Facebook cover image fetch
- Added Greek language
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Dutch, German and Russian translations
- Updated G\ Library
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-02-25
- Added configurable right click for image viewer page
- Added image loader indicator in image viewer page
- Added function to fetch Facebook cover image to user background image
- Improved content listing when using several columns
- Improved content listing delete animation
- Improved integrity check functions
- Improved content listing tools display
- Improved home cover handling (prevents cache issues)
- Improved chevereto-hook handling
- Fixed translation issues in several languages
- Fixed issues on category listing menu (header top menu)
- Fixed gap issues when using zoom in image viewer page
- Fixed white flicker in image viewer page
- Fixed “%d seconds” stats bug
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
- Updated Peafowl framework
- Updated G\ Library
Released: 2015-02-13
- Added configurable setting for user background profile and avatar (file size)
- Added doctitle update on image/album edit
- Improved website listing style (albums and users)
- Improved custom_hooks handling
- Improved login handle (redirects to last viewed URL)
- Fixed bugs in image edit modal
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2015-02-07
- Fixed not working IP ban with optional expire date
- Fixed modal box form issues
- Fixed bug on invalid login attempts and reCaptcha
- Assorted improvements in Peafowl front-end
- Removed unnecessary save button in some dashboard settings
Released: 2015-02-02
- Improved mobile side menu and top bar
- Improved album and user list display
- Improved Peafowl modal box animation (Windows and Linux systems)
- Improved Peafowl style (small improvements)
- Fixed Peafowl JS issue in modal box forms
- Fixed modal box styling issues using dark theme
- Updated Ukrainian language
Released: 2015-01-30
- Improved mobile side menu and top bar
- Improved growl styling
- Improved Peafowl modal form handling
- Improved anywhere upload animation
- Fixed XSS vulnerability
- Fixed not working advanced search form
- Fixed display issues in user search input
- Fixed typo issue in email welcome template
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
Released: 2015-01-26
- Added configurable homepage settings (style, cover image, routing)
- Added configurable listing dashboard settings (style, columns, etc.)
- Added support for reCAPTCHA dark theme
- Added configurable setting for logged user logo link
- Added Ukrainian translation
- Improved fluid listings (no more gaps)
- Improved requestlog class
- Improved watermark handling (admin settings)
- Improved contact form handling
- Improved IP ban handling
- Improved image class (params handling)
- Improved listings (mobile)
- Improved reCAPTCHA handling
- Improved flood notification system
- Improved mail function
- Changed default maintenance image
- Fixed issues in resize class
- Updated PHPMailer (version 5.2.9)
- Updated Peafowl framework
- Updated French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2015-01-15
- Added IP-based banning system
- Added support for reCaptcha V2
- Fixed issues when editing image in album view
- Fixed issues when adding duplicated category
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ Library
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2015-01-07
- Added advanced search feature
- Added system notice regarding default email settings
- Improved logout handler
- Improved installer script (email handle)
- Improved basic search routing
- Improved modal share
- Improved user profile display (mobile)
- Fixed security issue in user settings page
- Fixed issues with non-working queue handler
- Fixed bugs with non-working FTP deletes
- Fixed bugs with private mode (since 3.5.12)
Released: 2015-01-01
- Added maintenance mode with custom maintenance page
- Added admin system notices feature
- Added support for comma separated home user ids
- Added support for Frankfurt S3 region
- Added Korean language
- Added support for email port 80 (GoDaddy)
- Improved theme settings handle
- Fixed some language issues (en.po)
- Fixed issue with typo error in account welcome mail template
- Fixed issue with upload button and website private mode on
- Fixed issue with not working user search
- Updated Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2014-12-14
- Improved queue handling (queue status and attempts)
- Improved tabs style
- Fixed issues with Android devices in image listings
- Fixed issues with SFTP/FTP queue handling
- Fixed issues with private mode + “anyone with the link” setting
- Fixed issues with user settings menu in mobile
- Minor class error handler improvements
Released: 2014-11-25
- Added tool to mass edit content category
- Added UTF-8 locale to avoid filename issues
- Improved mobile menu animations
- Improved modal boxes headings (use of span tag)
- Fixed issue with upload and move to album feature
- Fixed small ui issue in SFW/NSFW flagging system
- Updated Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2014-11-18
- Added separated image titles and descriptions
- Added a more wider default style
- Removed render block imagesLoaded event
- Improved list style and list loading method
- Fixed issues with image view and https storages
Released: 2014-11-11
- Added Arabic and Czech translations
- Improved search method (Full text search)
- Fixed issues in user editing
Released: 2014-11-02
- Added support for VK social network login
- Added support for SFTP storage servers
- Added support for FTP/SFTP custom port
- Added S3 and SFTP to queue delete system
- Improved handling of queues
- Improved update script
- Improved logout method of CHV\Login
- Fixed assorted bugs in CHV\Login
- Fixed bugs in Android file picker and image uploader
- Fixed bug with “view more” album link
- Fixed bug with spanish word “Cargando y olé!”
- Fixed bug with disabled user routing and old image short URLs
- Fixed bug with mandatory storage server address
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2014-10-29
- Improved folder handle for setups using folder permissions (chmod thing)
- Improved animation top menu display (mobile)
- Fixed bug in non working “unlimited” value for storage capacity
- Fixed bug in admin dashboard sub-tabs
- Fixed bug in admin dashboard lists
- Fixed bug in javascript toggle storage active checkbox
- Fixed bug in image album actions in /user
- Fixed bug in dashboard listings and list bulk actions
- Fixed bug in update script for old 2.X versions
- Fixed bug in image viewer top bar (mobile)
- Fixed bug in non working big red upload button (mobile android)
- Improved README.txt update steps
Released: 2014-10-25
- Added support for FTP external storage servers
- Added support for multiple active external storages (sequential)
- Added more stats for local and external storage
- Added auto fix mode to switch to available storage
- Added option to set the storage capacity on a given external storage
- Added tracking of external storage space being used
- Added search operators to search files in local or external storage
- Improved tracking of disk space used by each image, medium and thumb
- Improved album search (titles and descriptions)
- Improved user and album counters
- Improved PHP and JS file size converters
- Improved MVC abstraction
- Fixed bug with forced private mode and external storage
- Fixed bug with private mode and non working API
- Fixed issues with CloudFlare HTTPS
- Fixed issues with empty user search
- Updated G\ Library to 1.0.18
Released: 2014-10-11
- Improved installer and updater script
- Fixed issues with albums and external storage
- Updated Chinese Simplified and Japanese translations
Released: 2014-10-09
- Added support for Amazon S3 regions
- Added search operator storage:<id>
- Improved installer script
- Fixed issue with not working API upload
- Fixed issue with not changing storage bucket
Released: 2014-10-06
- Fixed issues with table prefix
Released: 2014-10-05
- Fixed file naming issue affecting all the uploaded files
Released: 2014-10-04
- Added support for storages (Amazon S3)
- Added gzip compression for JSON responses (ob_gzhandler)
- Added full friendly Exif image info display
- Added Japanese translation
- Improved modal boxes
- Improved top bar display icons (phablet issues)
- Improved default user avatar display
- Improved image viewer image display
- Improved image view counters
- Improved image alt attribute usage
- Improved display of private images
- Improved theme structure (/views folder)
- Fixed issues with conflicting location hash
- Fixed issues with random file naming and image title/descriptions
- Fixed issues with non closing growl alerts
- Fixed issues with social login connect feature
- Fixed issues with Facebook og:image
- Fixed issues in album and image edit
- Fixed wrong behavior in image embed codes after upload
- Fixed wrong display in modal login (mobile devices)
- Fixed wrong instance handle in class.l10n.php
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ library
Released: 2014-09-09
- Added universal drop zone for drag&drop uploads
- Added automatic image descriptions from filename
- Improved username restrictions (existing folders)
- Improved modal animation
- Improved base64 API usage
- Improved image zoom effect
- Fixed EXIF issues
- Fixed medium size regeneration issues
- Fixed issues with social login/sign up
- Fixed not working API
- Fixed issues with URL upload
- Fixed issues with disable sign up and existing users add social network connection
- Fixed medium size generation upper scale for animated images
- Fixed issues with NSFW images and random mode
- Updated German translation
Released: 2014-09-03
- Added configurable on/off email confirmation on signup
- Added configurable on/off required email for users using social networks
- Added configurable route mapping support for /username requests
- Added /install route (deprecated old install.php)
- Added parallax scrolling effect in user profile background
- Improved image listing style
- Improved user profile style
- Improved private mode login page style
- Improved top-bar style
- Improved list tools style
- Improved pagination style
- Improved modal box animations
- Fixed issue with settings menu in mobile devices
- Fixed issue with wrong language code in user registrations
- Fixed issue with account confirmation display
- Fixed issue with 404 template with disabled search feature
- Fixed issue with uploader overflow
- Fixed issue with private mode login page and sign up button
- Fixed issue with category 0 (zero)
- Fixed not working route overrides
- Updated Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ to 1.0.16
Released: 2014-08-27
- Added check for updates feature
- Added configurable on/off search feature
- Added configurable on/off random feature
- Added configurable on/off social networks share
- Added configurable on/off embed codes
- Added configurable logo size
- Added CTRL+Alt+Click (Cmd+Option+Click in Mac) to select items in list
- Added close modals by ESC key
- Added system to re-generate medium sized and thumbnail images
- Improved medium size image generation
- Improved thumb display in upload preview
- Improved uploader animation
- Fixed issue on image thumb height (admin form dashboard)
- Fixed Peafowl overflow issues in mobile devices
- Fixed issues with some filenames in /images
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Russian and Spanish translations
Released: 2014-08-20
- Added CDN support
- Added Italian translation
- Improved user route
- Improved modal boxes
- Fixed bug with Peafowl grow alerts not closing
- Fixed bug with create album from image
- Fixed bug with admin create user
- Updated French, Finnish, German, Persian Russian and Spanish translations
- Updated G\ to 1.0.15
Released: 2014-08-14
- Highly improved listings
- Fixed bug in user list with endless scroll mode
- Fixed XSS in /search
- Fixed uploader bugs
- Improved class.listing.php
- Improved Peafowl framework growl alerts
Released: 2014-08-11
- Fixed bug in user editing
- Fixed bug in category listing (infinite scroll)
- Fixed bug in admin dashboard user listings
- Fixed bug in remote uploader
- Updated Chinese, Finnish, French, Hungarian and Serbian translations
Released: 2014-08-10
- Added image categories
- Added album descriptions
- Added new black theme
- Added setting to configure how to display images in listings
- Added Persian language
- Improved SEO (descriptions and content context)
- Improved MySQL performance
- Improved user interface
- Fixed issues in album management
- Fixed issue with URL upload (IP address)
- Updated French, German, Spanish and Russian translations
- Updated G\ to 1.0.14
- Updated Peafowl framework
Released: 2014-07-15
- Added option to enable/disable NSFW images in random mode
- Fixed disconnect social network bug
- Fixed social network connect issues in private mode
- Improved workaround for app/settings.php
- Updated translations (Finnish, German and Portuguese)
Released: 2014-07-09
- Fixed bugs in listings
- Fixed bugs with reCaptcha
- Fixed bug in user delete
- Fixed bug with usernames and new Facebook API v2.0
- Removed Facebook profile links due to Facebook API v2.0
- Updated translations
- Updated G\ framework to 1.0.13
Released: 2014-07-05
- Added private mode
- Added content flagging (NSFW / SFW)
- Added function to manually create users
- Added configurable pagination type
- Added banner codes for before and after pagination
- Added function to get embed codes for selected items in list
- Added OpenGraph image tag
- Improved album privacy (Added private but anyone with the link)
- Improved banner size for image ad (728x90)
- Fixed XSS bugs
- Fixed bugs listings
- Fixed image descriptions
- Fixed JavaScript decimal punctuation in image view
- Updated Spanish, French, Hungarian, Finnish, German and Russian translations
Released: 2014-06-16
- Fixed modal onbeforeunload listeners
- Fixed issues with random button and non existent images
- Fixed issues with non existent images listing bug
- Top logo links to user profile if user is logged in
- Updated languages (Dutch, German and Serbian)
Released: 2014-06-04
- Added API v1 (Bridge API)
- Improved thumbnail embed codes on upload
- Fixed app/install.php bugs with some MySQL versions
Released: 2014-06-02
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Finnish, French, German, Russian and Spanish translations
- Improved install (avoids bad update issues)
- Fixed anywhere uploader issues
Released: 2014-05-31
- Added ad manager (banners)
- Added watermarks
- Added configurable on/off SVG logo
- Added more embed codes in image view
- Improved SEO (keywords, description, etc.)
- Fixed confirmation tokens
- Fixed some install/update database issues
- Fixed issues on Android
Released: 2014-05-28
- Added logo upload in admin dashboard
- Added custom CSS and JavaScript in admin dashboard
- Improved Peafowl listings for mobile
- Improved cookie security
- Improved settings.php handle for updates
- Fixed issues with non alphanumeric filenames
- Fixed upload box thumbs for Android (top menu and red button)
- Fixed styles for mobile menu
- Fixed cache issues
- Fixed language issues
- Fixed issues with mobile modal boxes
- Fixed issues with user listings
- Updated Spanish, French and Russian translations
Released: 2014-05-20
- Fixed pop boxes issues on android
- Fixed header.php JavaScript
- Fixed modal login
- Fixed viewport header
- Moved header device JavaScript to render
- Deprecated .fluid body class
- Added pop-btn-desktop (Peafowl js)
Released: 2014-05-10
- Added responsive layout (any device)
- Added configurable enable/disable account registration
- Added configurable image download button enable/disable
- Added configurable Twitter (via) account
- Added share email link
- Improved share links customization
- Improved anywhere uploader
- Improved image viewer (zoom and right-click disable)
- Improved admin dashboard
- Improved listings
- Fixed album editing
- Fixed user search
- Fixed issues with JS and languages
Released: 2014-04-25
- Fixed issues with EXIF display in image view
- Fixed issues with login modal and social networks setup
- Bigger user avatars
- Home user can be null (it will show last public uploads if null)
- Added custom theme hooks (header, footer and style.css)
Released: 2014-04-22
- Added protection against CSRF attacks
- Improved default theme header
- Updated translations
- Fixed error in homepage upload button and not logged users
- Fixed issue with Facebook cert
- Fixed issues in content manager
- Fixed issues with admin user activations
- Fixed issues with anywhere uploader
- Fixed recaptcha threshold zero issue
Released: 2014-04-18
- New homepage with configurable settings
- New configurable explorer
- Fixed errors in album editing and creation
- Fixed Google signup integration
- Fixed wrong handle in user names with UTF-8 chars
- Fixed MySQL conflicts with strict mode
- Improved uploader error handle
- Improved full info styles for image and album view
- Improved temp folder handle
- Improved functionality with MySQL strict mode
- Improved core JavaScript
- Improved Peafowl.js listings
- Updated to last G\ Library
Released: 2014-04-12
- Safer exception error traces
- Safer listing handle
- Added Persian language
- Improved Hungarian translation
- Fixed error with G\html_to_bbcode function and https
Released: 2014-04-11
- Fixed error with bad request level handling (query string)
- Fixed error with random mode
- Fixed error with image delete function
Released: 2014-04-10
- Added Hungarian translation
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Russian and Turkish translations
- Fixed sign-up error (form)
- Fixed bug with dashboard album list tools
Released: 2014-04-08
- Added Chinese Simplified translation
- Added Finnish translation
- Fixed Turkish translation
- Fixed error with album editing
- Fixed error with recapthcha and https
- Fixed error with fonts and https
- Fixed error with upload embed codes
Released: 2014-04-07
- Added German and Turkish languages
- Fixed error with image delete function
- Fixed issues with installer
- Fixed issues with DB connections
- Fixed bug in share modal
- Fixed bug with image views counter
- Fixed visual album list style
- Improved loader
- SMTP password is now optional when using SMTP
Released: 2014-04-05
- New major release completely rewritten from scratch
- Based on G\ (
- User accounts, albums, dashboard and more
Released: 2013-07-09
- Fixed Farsi language (Thanks to Morteza Fard Saffari)
- Fixed Google short URL
Released: 2013-05-15
- Fixed severe bug with admin actions
Released: 2013-04-21
- Fixed bug with ini_set settings
- Fixed bug with folder permissions
Released: 2013-01-19
- Fixed bug with conflicting chars in filenames
- Fixed bug with empty filenames
- Added twitter cards integration
Released: 2013-01-02
- Fixed bug with conflicting chars in filenames
- Fixed bug with image rename
Released: 2012-12-25
- Fixed bug with multiple URL parser
- Fixed bug with admin minified files
Released: 2012-12-12
- Fixed bug with periods in file names
Released: 2012-11-25
- Fixed bug with unable to upload remote images
- Fixed bug with long filenames
Released: 2012-11-20
- Fixed bug with naming option set to "original" and file names with spaces
- Fixed cached JSON responses that causes errors with CloudFlare
- Fixed update script .htaccess rules
- Fixed issue with default theme input items
- Fixed issue with swfuploader timeout
- Fixed German translation (thanks Majen)
Released: Arrecho) (2012-11-10
- Added image upload naming options
- Added Google analytics integration
- Added configurable maintenance mode (including maintenance page)
- Improved in the watermark function
- Improved remote upload function
- Improved .htaccess rules
- Fixed issue with relative paths equal to root directories
- Fixed Danish and Swedish languages (thanks denully)
- Fixed wrong minify in login.php
- Fixed issue with JSON encoding in some setups
Released: 2012-10-16
- Fixed class.db.php statements
- Fixed wrong template tags on default theme
- Fixed wrong language display on delete confirmation page
- Fixed bug with no multiupload limit
Released: 2012-10-09
- Fixed issue with short url (external)
- Fixed not working preferences cookie
- Fixed issues with IE 7 and 9 (CSS)
- Added Kurdish (ku) language support
Released: 2012-10-04
- Added support for RTL language display
- Added queue handling (File Manager)
- Added auto refresh file count on image delete (File Manager)
- Fixed manage class bug with invalid rename values
- Fixed default theme CSS issues with IE8
- Fixed Hebrew language
Released: 2012-09-26
- Fixed and improved system path detection
- Fixed API redirect mode
- Fixed visitor IP value on default contact.php (cloudflare)
- Added minified versions to the login page
- Removed deprecated add-url on the default theme
Released: Numerao) (2012-09-24
- New template JavaScript system (functions.js, chevereto.js and theme.js)
- New Chevereto loop function
- Added more than 40 new template tags
- Added configurable admin folder function
- Added configurable minify mode (set on/off use minified files)
- Added default minified version of all the files (js and css)
- Added image not found replacement (.htaccess)
- Added default collation utf8_general_ci in class.db.php
- Added copy to clipboard function
- Improved template tags (support inline html, advanced options, etc)
- Improved GUI (JS and IE7 CSS)
- Improved URL regex parser
- Fixed admin display (long filename window codes)
- Fixed default contact.php code
- Fixed invalid rename with multibyte characters on Windows
- Minor fixes on admin.js
- Updated jQuery to latest version (1.8.1)
- Updated JavaScript functions to make it work with newest jQuery
Released: 2012-08-20
- Fixed bug with private mode login
- Improved Russian language
- Improved update script rewrite rules
Released: 2012-08-16
- Added delete image link function
- Remote multiupload
- Watermarks
- Improved Short URL function
- Added checker for wrong encoding on configurable files
- Added PHPMailder files by default
- Removed jquery.validation plugin dependency
- Fixed bug with temp files and invalid remote upload
- Fixed bug in admin files handled by PHP
- Fixed bug with transparency and resize function
Released: 2012-07-15
- Fixed flood detection on admin loged user
Released: 2012-07-03
- Added flood protection based on IP
- Improved invalid request function
- Improved URL validation functions
- Improved core classes
- Fixed bug in API related to invalid URL
- Fixed bug in autolanguage and Chinese languages
- Fixed meta descriptions in shorturl.php
- Fixed dB insert tables error catch
- Fixed login issues with Webkit/Opera
- Fixed admin issue on request handler
- Added Thai language
Released: 2012-06-22
- Fixed bug in viewer page (not working viewer/direct switch)
- Fixed bug in API (not working selectable storage)
- Added CloudFlare workaround to get the real user IP
Released: 2012-06-17
- Fixed bug with incomplete languages in the File Manager
- Fixed bug with not working auto_lang false
- Fixed bug in File Manager file list
- Added File Manager support for Bosnian, Serbian and Thai languages
Released: Nana) (2012-06-14
- Added selectable folder storage
- Added private mode
- Added Short URL implementation (internal)
- Removed some odd PHP notices
- Fixed bug with auto_lang true in File Manager
Released: 2012-06-04
- Added checker for invalid session folder permissions
- Fixed lang function for incomplete langs
- Fixed admin headers (PHP < 5.2)
- Fixed SQL queries in class.filelist.php (thanks to
- Fixed admin.js error on file list
- Fixed Albanian (SQ) and Indonesian (ID) language
Released: 2012-05-20
- Update the uploader to Uploadify 3.1
- Added Czech lang
- Fixed get codes (thumbnails) on the File Manager
- Fixed pages links when you where on a virtualfolder
- Fixed API when uploading base64 image string
- Improved API
- Show uploader IP on admin via Get Codes
- Added configurable value for the flood prevention
- Added check all the bcmath functions
- Added check for missing .htaccess rules
Released: Kisa) (2012-05-15
- File Manager introduction with ajax, search as you type and image filters
- MySQL dB introduction (PDO)
- New folder structure based on datefolders
- Added flood and external request prevention
- Facebook Comments for images
- Added tumblr, pinterest and improvements to the social share options
- Fixed issue with transparent gifs and resize
- Fixed coding on all script files
- Improved get_info() function
- Improved error output on main upload
- Improved filesize convertor function
- PHP 5.4 Support
- Updated javascript dependences
- Added enable/disable over resize config
- Config setting "max_size_mb" changed for "max_filesize"
- Added class.manage.php
- Added class.imageresize.php
- Added class.filelist.php
- Added class.db.php
- Added class.adminhandler.php
Released: 2011-12-24
- Fixed meta-description and meta-keywords usage
- Added short_url_image config
- removed remove_temp_files() usage
Released: 2011-12-12
- Fix imagecolorsforindex() in class upload
Released: 2011-11-07
- Improved js conditionals on peafowl.php
- Added Vietnamese language
Released: 2011-10-19
- Fixed coding issues on config.php
- Added support for directory alias
- Added img_viewer to the image array
- Updated Hungarian language
Released: 2011-09-10
- Multicodes dropdown for short URLs
- Improved filter for the thumb generation
- Fixed bug in short URL generation
- API now supports ShortURL generation
- Fixed bug with loading indicator on image change
- Tweak in the upload button CSS
Released: 2011-10-01
- Improved error handling for the Ajax requests
- Fixed issue regarding native json functions on PHP < 5.2.0
- Fixed bug with session_start()
- Improved PHP error_reporting switch
- Support for $_FILES on the bundled API
- Added function to atemp to rise low server limits
- Few CSS improvements on the default theme
Released: 2011-09-20
- Fixed issue on multiupload social buttons
Released: 2011-09-04
- Added switch to the get_thumb_html() and get_thumb_bbcode() functions
- Improved multicodes generation on peafowl.php
- Added Czech and Ukrainian languages
- Fixed Danish language
- Tweaks on the .htaccess file
Released: 2011-08-26
- Fixed wrong thumbnail generation
- Added temp_ files cleaner
- Fixed small bugs on peafowl.php
- Added new feature for the version() function
- Added Armenian language
- Fixed Russian and French languages
Released: 2011-08-13
- Added input auto select by default
- Added romanian language
Released: 2011-08-04
- Fixed issue with imageconvolution
- Added Danish, Welsh and Persian languages
Released: 2011-07-24
- Fixed XAMPP support
- Enhanced resize function for improved image quality
- Added external links support in the pages set-up
Released: 2011-07-16
- Fixed issue with invalid session ID
- Fixed random characters list
- Fixed some strings in Spanish language
Released: 2011-07-12
- Fixed __CHV_RELATIVE_ROOT__ on WAMP servers
- Fixed bug regarding the upload button reset
- Added check for curl_exec() function
- Added Thai language
Released: 2011-07-04
- Added multiupload links and codes
- Fixed bug regarding UTF-8 characters on <title>
- Fixed BB-Code for thumbnails
- Fixed bug regarding symbolic links on $_SERVER
- Fixed bug in /includes/uploader.php
- Check for the .htaccess file
- Pure PHP json_encode and json_decode function for PHP < 5.2.0
- Added Bosnian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Finnish and Greek languages
Released: 2011-06-25
- Fixed error on multiupload thumb BB-Code
- Added title on social links on the default theme
- Fixed theme structure on header and footer
- Added "CHV" prefix for the script constants
- Added Swedish and Filipino languages
Released: 2011-06-20
- Fixed bug with black background in transparent thumbs
- Fixed server path detection that affects some environments
- Fixed bug regarding setting root as path on images and thumbs
- Fixed bug in German language
- Added new template function to display as BB-Code the <img>
- Improvements on the default theme CSS file
Released: 2011-06-15
- Fixed issue with "Select files" when using UTF-8 characters
- Removed empty language folders
- Added support for Dutch and Norwegian languages
- Improved French translation
- Improved debug mode (it nows shuts off the 'display_errors' directive)
- Fixed a security issue regarding full path disclosure
Released: 2011-06-14
- Complete rewritten source code
- Added themes support
- Added multiupload feature (using uploadify)
- Multilingual support (mygengo) with autolanguage feature
- Added pages through themes
- Improved compatibility
- Canonical URLs
- Error pages
- Improved image upload
- BMP to PNG on the fly
- Bundled API
- Local and remote upload
- Improved support for more URL shortening services
- Added support for custom short URL services