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Chevereto v4.1.2 announcement

๐Ÿ’… Added feedback on CLI update command

When running the app/bin/legacy -C update command it may take a while, this patch add a remark on this so you can understand what's going on.

โฏ make exec NAMESPACE=dev COMMAND="app/bin/legacy -C update"
[STATUS] Updating Chevereto database (this may take a while)...
[OK] Chevereto database has been updated
โœ… Improved upgrading in systems without passthru

When doing the upgrade process using upgrading.php the system requires to call passthru to issue app/bin/legacy -C update, which takes care of updating the database schema. In systems where passthru is disabled the process will now redirect to /update to complete the database update using HTTP and therefore you won't get missing update notices.
๐ŸŽฅ Added support for custom FFmpeg and FFprobe binaries

To process video Chevereto needs FFmpeg and FFprobe and while these may be available at PATH, there are systems where this is not an option or where it requires a second tier configuration when using PHP-FPM to deal with the binary location. A binary is a self-contained executable file, and you can grab FFmpeg compiled binaries here.

With Chevereto v4.1.2 you will be able to configure the location of these binaries with the following ENV keys:


For example, instead of installing the package let's say you download the arm64 binaries and just fill in the ENV:

'CHEVERETO_BINARY_FFMPEG' => '/var/www/ffmpeg-6.1-arm64-static/ffmpeg',
'CHEVERETO_BINARY_FFPROBE' => '/var/www/ffmpeg-6.1-arm64-static/ffprobe',

You will get this at your dashboard:

๐Ÿž Fixed bug affecting not working URL upload editing

There was a bug reported by @user_4735f regarding unable to edit URL upload. Patch v4.1.2 fixes this bug.
๐ŸŽฅ Improved video display on listings and viewer

Before this patch <video> display didn't use the poster attribute, in this update the poster is now being used and the system uses the display_url property for better results. Also, the display_url for videos has been improved and the system detects the smallest file size (between medium, thumb and frame).

The outcome of this is that the same image used for listings is being used for cover which causes a better display of videos as it acts as a preview while the video loads.
๐Ÿ˜ Added Dashboard section for PHP configuration (ini files)

The Dashboard panel now has a section for displaying loaded php.ini configuration files, with this it will be easier for you to learn which files are configuring the PHP runtime. For each file you also get a quick way to select the entire file path for your convenience.

๐Ÿž Fixed bug affecting wrong video image frame permissions

I followed a lead regarding a bug on video frame generation which was being stored under 0600 permission mask. The problem is that such permission avoid the image being visible to the web browser, returning HTTP 404. This affected some systems, but in any case Chevereto v4.1.2 takes care of this issue and it makes sure to store the file under 0644 permission mask.

Capture when I detected the bug:

๐Ÿž Fixed bug affecting full screen video behavior

I got a report that on Windows (Edge and Chrome) when going fullscreen the system was unresponsive. I've addressed that bug in Chevereto v4.1.2.
๐Ÿ’… Added remark on Homepage settings when conflicts with single profile routing

When using Website mode as personal you may want to override root route / with your user profile. If you do this the Homepage settings stop taking effect as the single profile routing has precedence. In Chevereto v4.1.2 I've added a remark that checks when this happens in your installation.


Which is caused by this:

๐Ÿž Fixed bug affecting album password when using encryption

I followed a lead regarding an issue with album password that was causing the system to keep asking for password over and over. Chevereto v4.1.2 fixes this bug.
๐Ÿ’… Fixed file references on /album

At album the system was printing "x images", which is prior video support. Chevereto v4.1.2 on /album now prints "x files".

๐Ÿž Fixed bug in password protected album editing on listings

When editing a password protected album from an album listing the system was missing the cipher when using encryption. Chevereto v4.1.2 fixes this bug.
๐Ÿ’… Improved style for user top menu

I got rid of the "Settings" (for user and admin) and it now looks cleaner.

๐Ÿ’… Improved style for user settings button

For user profile editing the button now reads "Settings" instead of "Edit" and it shows a user-config icon. The link also goes now to /settings instead of /settings/profile.

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Improved compatibility with jpg extension

Prior to this patch when uploading .jpg files Chevereto used to fix the extension to .jpeg which is the correct extension for image/jpeg. Users are reporting that this behavior is causing conflicts with older systems where the correct extension (jpeg) is not recognized.

To avoid further conflicts and since Chevereto is so awesome, Chevereto v4.1.2 will preserve .jpg extension for these uploads which will get rid of any conflict.
๐Ÿž Fixed bug in Search class

I detected a bug on the demo affecting named search operators. The Search class was passing null to some function. Chevereto v4.1.2 fixes this bug.
โœ… Improved embed codes display

The embed codes display is now size aware. This means that the codes displayed will be disabled when the image size doesn't exist. For example, non-video uploads don't have frame size, or small images don't get a medium size. In Chevereto v4.1.2 the options will be disabled for elements not containing these sizes.


In the example above, Frame and medium options are disabled as the system detects that these are empty anyway.