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Chevereto v4.0.0.beta.5 announcement

⌨️ Added keyboard shortcuts for image & album

Now you will be able to use the following shortcuts when viewing an image/album.
  • KeyE: Edit
  • KeyJ: Create sub-album
  • Delete: Remove content
  • KeyS: Share
  • KeyP: Upload to album
  • KeyL: Like
  • KeyH: Set album cover
I am excited for this. I paid for the v4 upgrade and am really excited for the sustainable future of Chevereto.
Hey guys how's it going? Updates have been slow during the end year holidays, but we are back on track!

πŸ¦„ Added chevere/xr debugger

I've released a new PHP debugger software, one that I will include by default in all Chevereto installations (V4.0.0.beta.5+). This debugger is Free Software available as a composer package right here: chevere/xr. Below there's a screen of the debugger UI, there's a video (vimeo mirror) if you want to see more.


It will now easier to debug the software, safely, and anywhere your installation runs. This will also help us to speed up development, to solve compatibility issues easily.

πŸ€— I hope this debugger also helps users to understand better the software and adapt it to their own needs.
I like it. It can help troubleshoot bugs faster on server variations, new PHP versions, SQL versions and more. It'd help identify what is causing the problem sooner.