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3.15+ API broken


Chevereto Member
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps

curl -d 'key=***&source=https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/2883449/338951b0-3a78-4bab-9b21-372b8e849b63/s1200' 'https://onlystorage.org/api/1/upload'

📃Error log message

{"status_code":400,"error":{"message":"Unable to process md5_file","code":100,"context":"Exception"},"status_txt":"Bad Request"}
I'm unable to replicate the issue. I can upload both images to demo without issues using the API.

The error message you mention is not even issued by the api, but the core upload functionality:


Chances are that you both have a modified API, for which cases you must always merge the update with your own changes.
It works for me on the demo, if you want to test here is the key:

It works for me on the demo, if you want to test here is the key:

curl -d 'key=4c598097288f94f6fb19836206d30bcf&source=https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/225396/bea79f24-2b59-4622-8cc4-77fc97b5dd81/s1200' 'https://demo.chevereto.com/api/1/upload'

{"status_code":400,"error":{"message":"Unable to process md5_file","code":100,"context":"Exception"},"status_txt":"Bad Request"}

You are using POST? GET works. If remove line in app/routes/route.api.php $source = G\getQsParams()['source']; POST also works.
Ok, there's an issue with curl. It will get patched in the next revision.