🎯Description of the issue
1) turning the page when using A-Z adds the name of the first image in the url (not sure if intended)
https://kenzato.uk/booru/category/HS/?list=images&sort=title_asc&page=1 (go one page forward)
2) at some point pages stop working in the A-Z sorting, same images will be displayed each page
next page
Same ID for the page
▶🚶Reproduction steps
😢Unexpected result
2) Same images are displayed each page and i am unsure if 1) is supposed to happen and would rather have it not happen
1) turning the page when using A-Z adds the name of the first image in the url (not sure if intended)
https://kenzato.uk/booru/category/HS/?list=images&sort=title_asc&page=1 (go one page forward)
2) at some point pages stop working in the A-Z sorting, same images will be displayed each page

▶🚶Reproduction steps
- Go to catagory, select A-Z sorting
- Go to the next page and look at the url
- for other issue go to link and move forward 1 page, Link was made by going page by page until around that number where it then stopped working
😢Unexpected result
2) Same images are displayed each page and i am unsure if 1) is supposed to happen and would rather have it not happen