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Pages contain same content on A-Z sorting


Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue

1) turning the page when using A-Z adds the name of the first image in the url (not sure if intended)
https://kenzato.uk/booru/category/HS/?list=images&sort=title_asc&page=1 (go one page forward)

2) at some point pages stop working in the A-Z sorting, same images will be displayed each page
next page
Same ID for the page
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Go to catagory, select A-Z sorting
  2. Go to the next page and look at the url
  3. for other issue go to link and move forward 1 page, Link was made by going page by page until around that number where it then stopped working

😢Unexpected result

2) Same images are displayed each page and i am unsure if 1) is supposed to happen and would rather have it not happen
Unfortunately I can not help you with regard to the described problem.
But I can say that on my side of this error does not occur and I am on page 150 ago stocked.
From time to time it happens, however, that on one page two times the same picture is available and it also happens that the pictures repeat but not in the extent as it is the case with them.
Hi, I am facing the same issue, and would like to add some line in Reproduction Steps part:

0. Go to [Dashaboard]/[Settings]/[Listings], set "List items per page" to 18. And set "Listing columns number" to Phone, Phablet, Tablet, Laptop and Desktop to 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
1. Go to catagory, select A-Z sorting.
2. Go to the next page and look at the url. In my case it usually happens at page 8 (letter H), and click [Previous] page it would show the correct contents, but when you click [Next] again, the same repeated contents would show again (but with different page numbers, like page 9).
3. for other issue go to link and move forward 1 page, Link was made by going page by page until around that number where it then stopped working

I wish it would helps to reproduce this issue.
Please update to the latest release for following up on this, 3.13.4 is very old already.
I've detected that the AZ sorting fails several times when doing pagination, it's kinda odd to get good listings when doing AZ listing on a filed that takes any given text value. The patch will be available in v3.16.0.

I'm still not happy with the quality of AZ listings, seems to me that we will need a more robust solution for v4.