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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. mikaa

    Moving image in a sub-album

    ▶ Reproduction steps Create or go to an album and upload/choose an image. Try to move this image from this album to a sub-album. 😢 Unexpected result The thumbnail of the album will not be set by default as the cover in the targeted sub-album (it works if you manually upload an image in the...
  2. U

    Thumb Size

    Dear Chevereto Team, I really wounder why there is still only the fixed thumb size option available in chevereto. Nearly every other bigger imagehoster I know has only width or height fixed, and the other dimension is calculated automatically, depending on the image. The medium image size has...
  3. dfmcvn

    Generate thumbnail

    I'm trying Chevereto Free and I'm impressed with the speed. But I saw this script generate a lots of thumbnail in images/ folder. Is the Core version have the ability to generate thumbnail by PHP API or something like this? I would be happy to upgrade if that feature exists, that would save...
  4. A

    Embed codes are not in straight line.

    Hi, I have been searching the forum for this but unable to get the fix. 3 or 4 threads already out there but they are old threads and this seems to be fixed/implemented? For me the embed codes have line breaks. it comes like.. <thumb> <thumb> <thumb> I want to have like this in straight...
  5. K

    How do i enable thumbnails?

    🎯Description of the issue My website usually has images that are 252x352, these are only about 150KB each but when you get them in the explore view for example the numbers do add up making a single page be about 10 MB which is very slow for those that don't have decent internet. The thumbnails...
  6. Youssef

    compress thumbnails of images to speed up the loading of the page.

    Hello, I just did a test on Google Page speed test and Google recommends that I compress thumbnail images. What could reduce and gain more than 50% on each miniature is huge. (mypicture.md.jpg).
  7. V

    Thumbnail image size

    in BBCode Thumbnail image (linked) cutoff image ------ anyway to fix? in BBCode Medium image (linked) image size too big------anyway to resize?
  8. V

    Social sharing not fetching link preview for image

    Social sharing not fetching link preview for image. But showing only homepage pic http://prntscr.com/fln40z
  9. sprindesk

    how to hide watermark from thumbnail images ?

    Hello , i would like to hide watermark from thumbnail images " http://prntscr.com/f8vxjw " please help me . Regards AZAHAR AHMED
  10. D

    Amazon S3 No Image Preview

    Hi All, I just configured Amazong s3 with my website - imgcave.com But when amazon s3 is set as the storage if an image is uploaded there's no preview at all. Example - https://imgcave.com/image/wMO But files are actually there in Amazon bucket. When amazon s3 is switched off as a storage...
  11. H

    Upload problems after change of hosting

    I have some time been seeking for a better hosting. I once moved the Chevereto installation with no problems at all, but after another move yesterday there has been some difficulties. There still is strange upload / thumbnail behavior, which I don't quite understand. I am unable to solve it...
  12. M

    no watermark on thumbnails

    hi rodolfo, please remove watermarks from thumbnails or add an option to turn off watermarks on thumbnails and albums cover by admins, or ability to specify minimum dimensions of images that watermarks applied to. is there any quick fix for removing watermarks from thumbnails? thank you.
  13. harry01

    Upload greater then 480 kb smaller thumbnail

    He guys, I see that uploads greater then 480 KB become a smaller thumbnail. But this destroy the explorer page in to great white or black space around it. How can I solve this?