• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0.0.beta.4

    4.0.0.beta.4 2021-12-13 Added automatic focus on :input:first for modal boxes Added CLI, error log commands ready to copy/paste and run (when using Docker) Added CMD + click action to select items on listings Added context menu trigger zoom on listing viewer Added enable URL upload for admin...
  2. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0.0.beta.4

    Hey there, Following up the ongoing development of Chevereto V4 I'm pleased to announce the development of Chevereto V4.0.0.beta.4. 🤗 User experience improves We are improving the user experience by adding more actions and adding little details to the general look and feel of the system. ^...
  3. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0.0.beta.3

    4.0.0.beta.3 2021-11-18 Fixed assorted bugs from previous beta Updated user interface Added palettes Added keyboard shortcuts for listing actions Added zoom for listing viewer 👉 Release announcement: https://chevereto.com/community/threads/chevereto-v4-0-0-beta-3-announcement.13911/
  4. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0.0.beta.3 announcement

    Hey there, Release V4.0.0.beta.3 fixes many of the bugs and errors affecting its predecessor and provides a significative upgrade in the user interface with the addition of palettes and a massive pack of ui improvements. 🐛 Fixed bugs This release fixes the issues with ca-certs, the database...
  5. Rodolfo

    Chevereto V4 installer available

    Hey there, The Installer is now available for V4! This will allow to install Chevereto in any compatible system, including shared hosting. Here's a quick video I made: 👉 You can check the quick guide here: https://v4-docs.chevereto.com/get-started/installation.html#using-the-installer 🐘...
  6. Rodolfo

    Chevereto V4.0 beta release status

    Hey there, 🎉 In less than one week 28% of eligible customers have redeemed the free V4 license! This is outstanding if we consider the raw "as-is" status of the V4.0.0.beta.1 release. Did you claimed already? 😅 Being honest I would be impressed if someone managed to run it as the lack of...
  7. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0 "macanudo" announcement

    Dear all, Blog: Chevereto Macanudo With release v4.0 (macanudo) I'm improving on coqueto with the addition of improved third-party login support (which was delayed since V3.17) and the addition of the user based API. Macanudo is all about making Chevereto more open to its users, hence the...