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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Rodolfo

    Chevereto now available at Docker Hub

    Hey there, Chevereto (free edition) is now available at Docker Hub. https://hub.docker.com/r/chevereto/chevereto React with "Like" if you wish us to provide a private container registry with pre-build Chevereto paid edition container image.
  2. B

    How to upgrade Chevereto V3(3.20.20) to V4(4.0.9) with docker image ?

    Hi , I have been using chevereto v3.20.20 by the docker image . And now I`d like to use the V4.0.9 . So I build the Chevereto V4.0.9 image in docker . But when I run the new docker container , and want to longin , i got something wrong . Just like the error codes beblow : 2023-11-22...
  3. jason4bury

    V4.08 in Docker on Synology NAS - Write Permissions

    I am running v4.08 on my DS218+ through docker. I do not have write permissions for the images directory. I have tried inserting PUID & PGID instructions into my compose file but this doesn't work. PUID: 1026 PGID: 100 Am I using the correct commands?
  4. C

    How do I add my v4 license to docker?

    I've got my instance set up following the docker guide here: https://v4-docs.chevereto.com/guides/docker/ I've created my admin account and have everything up and running. However, I cannot for the life of me find a place in the admin UI to input my v4 license and upgrade. If anyone can point...
  5. Rodolfo

    Chevereto docker project now integrates with CloudFlare

    Hey there, Great news for all those wanting to run multiple Chevereto websites on the same server! I've integrated CloudFlare in the infra provisioning and hostnames are now automatically created/destroyed when creating a new Chevereto instance. You only need to setup a CloudFlare API key and...
  6. PaulGit

    V3 Docker Compose + Bulk Import

    I have successfully built my own V3 docker image from the repository https://github.com/chevereto/v3-docker-production. From my initial testing, all seems to work very well and I can see the data volumes for storage and databases. Where I have failed is on the bulk-importing, I cannot see where...
  7. rafalohaki

    docker linuxserver/chevereto license input

    I have problem finding where to put license key. my starting command was: docker run -d \ --name=chevereto \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -e TZ=Europe/Warsaw \ -p 80:80 \ -p 443:443 \ -v /root/chevereto/config:/config \ -v /root/chevereto/data:/data \ --restart unless-stopped...
  8. Rodolfo

    New container-based system provisioning for Chevereto

    Dear all, With Chevereto V3.20 container-based provisioning is now possible with Chevereto, enabling you to ease use container-based technologies to run Chevereto with less hassle. To make this possible not only I had to create these system images, I also had to dramatically change how the...
  9. Rodolfo

    Dockerizing Chevereto V3

    Dear all, I'm making Chevereto V3 more container friendly, my intention is to use containers as the new default way to provision the software servicing. As is tradition in our culture, we come from many different provisioning strategies and I will respect that so I'm doing this docker image in...
  10. C

    How to modify upload_max_filesize within a Docker container

    I recently installed chevereto on a server with Docker, and I'm using the image from /nmtan/chevereto/. After I installed it, I found myself cannot modify the max file size uploaded to server, and it seems that I need to modify some arguments in 'php.ini'. But I just can't find this file inside...
  11. zaywalker

    [Guide] Docker paid version with nmtan/chevereto:installer and real ip fix (reverse proxy).

    It's a bit tricky to use nmtan/chevereto:installer with the docker hub instruction. Because when docker container down and up, the html data is gone. So, you need to mount "/var/www/html" not "/var/www/html/images". first of all, my server runs with debian buster and chevereto docker compose...
  12. T

    Paid Docker Version?

    I searched the forum and saw the docker instructions over at https://hub.docker.com/r/nmtan/chevereto/ But I am unsure of how to install Chevereto on Docker with the paid version. I am interested in buying the paid version, as what is drawing me to Chevereto is the ability to work with S3 and...
  13. Rodolfo

    Development setup show and tell

    Hi there, I'm posting to share my development setup and to share some thoughts about it. The idea is to show and tell and if you have your own custom stuff please share what you like (and hate) about it. While I know that setup a production server is quite straightforward, development rigs are...