Chevereto is self-hosted software that runs on your own servers, giving you full control. You're free to use it however you like, as long as it follows the terms of the Chevereto license.
Chevereto doesn't connect to any remote servers to check your usage or access. We only limit software downloads, not how or where you install it.
If your license expires, yo'll lose access to software downloads, updates, bug fixes, and the Chevereto community. However, you can keep using the version you've already downloaded, and you can re-subscribe anytime to regain full access.
Chevereto offers several layers of support. All paid support services are optional and not required to use the software.
We do not have any access to your instance or the contents of your installation. Your data remains private and secure.
While the Chevereto paid edition is proprietary software, this doesn't mean the code is closed off. All of Chevereto's source code is unencrypted and fully accessible to you.
You have the freedom to modify and study the source code under the terms of the Chevereto license.
Chevereto's source code is not encrypted; it's provided in its original form, "as-is". Our software is DRM-free, allowing you to modify and study the code. Feel free to analyze it to ensure it meets your compliance needs.
Yes, your installation is completely private. It belongs to you, not us.
Yes, you can reset your license key anytime through your client panel. This immediately invalidates your old key and generates a new one for better security.
Yes, your subscription price remains the same for the entire lifetime of your subscription. Even if we increase prices for new customers, your rate is locked in and protected from any future price increases.
Chevereto is designed to give you freedom, not lock you in. There are no vendor, provider, or usage restrictions at all..
We are delighted to know your concerns. Feel free to visit the community pre-sales or contact us directly.