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    Support response

    Support checklist

    • ⚠️ Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
    • ✅ Confirm that the server meets the System Requirements
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    • 📚 Read documentation - It will be required to Debug and understand Errors for a faster support response

Video Uploads

据文档所述,在 Docker 下你需要使用 ENV 来配置系统:

仅供参考,Docker 在持久存储(称为磁盘)的前提下工作,并且任何文件系统更改(包括编辑某些 php.ini 文件)都必须挂载。如果您只是在容器内编辑文件,则更改将被 Docker 层撤销。

因为我想让你的生活更轻松,所以我在容器启动时直接使用 ENV 添加了 php.ini 覆盖。这样,你不需要更改文件系统,只需传递你需要的内容即可。


使用方法很简单,在docker compose下:

在 docker run 下同样简单:

The error is self explanatory: you lack the ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries.

If you have CLI run this (Debian, Ubuntu,etc).

apt-get install -y ffmpeg

If that's not an option get a static binary build from here: https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/

Place the files in your filesystem and link it using ENV:

该错误是不言而喻的:您缺少 ffmpeg 和 ffprobe 二进制文件。

如果您有 CLI,请运行它(Debian、Ubuntu 等)。

apt-get install -y ffmpeg


将文件放在您的文件系统并使用 ENV 链接它:
太麻烦了还是你镜像更新一下 谢谢

该错误是不言而喻的:您缺少 ffmpeg 和 ffprobe 二进制文件。

如果您有 CLI,请运行它(Debian、Ubuntu 等)。

apt-get install -y ffmpeg


将文件放在您的文件系统并使用 ENV 链接它:

The error is self explanatory: you lack the ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries.

If you have CLI run this (Debian, Ubuntu,etc).

apt-get install -y ffmpeg

If that's not an option get a static binary build from here: https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/

Place the files in your filesystem and link it using ENV:
Just out of curiosity, is there a web link or document that explains what you mean by placing the static build in the filesystem?
Just out of curiosity, is there a web link or document that explains what you mean by placing the static build in the filesystem?
When you download a static build for FFmpeg you end up with two files (ffmpeg and ffprobe). From there you are done, these sole files are all what you need. You store these files at some place in your system, ideally the user bin directory.

From there you just need to setup:


The only "difficult" here is to grab the build for your CPU, as there are intel, x64, arm, etc variants. In doubt, try with amd64 first.