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    • Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
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    • Read documentation - It will be required to Debug and understand Errors for a faster support response

Upgrading v4.1.4 to v4.2.1 -> Something went wrong

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PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser
Safari version 18.1 (20619.


Chevereto Member

Apache v2.4.62

Hi there, I keep getting this when upgrading from 4.1.4 to 4.2.1

Both upgrades via /dashboard and manual cli /usr/local/php83/bin/php83 app/upgrading.php resulted in the same issue, I tried to enable the debug but also did not get anything more detail than the screenshot above.
We also don't know how to fix it, because that's a generic error message that doesn't disclose the situation.

We have this fixed topic with troubleshooting steps.

Multiple errors:

save_path errors out when trying to start the session.

The more serious error is that my license don't seem to work. Chevereto thinks i have the Free edition.
Added the license key both to the file i #root#/app/CHEVERETO_LICENSE, to the environment and in the textbox, but still doesn't work.
I also had the issue. The method that worked for me is a manual upgrade.

Download the upgrade from your download panel:

Upload the file to your website public_html folder

Unzip / Extract the zip file

This method worked for me.
I tried this, and as soon as the installer gets unzipped, I get the same issue.

Then I tried to do app upgrading.php:

root@cana:/home/site/public_html# sudo -u site /usr/local/php83/bin/php83 app/upgrading.php
      __                        __
 ____/ /  ___ _  _____ _______ / /____
/ __/ _ \/ -_) |/ / -_) __/ -_) __/ _ \
\__/_//_/\__/|___/\__/_/  \__/\__/\___/

21:18:46 * Lock downloading process
21:18:46 * Attempt to use licensed version [CHEVERETO_LICENSE_KEY provided]
21:18:46 * About to download Chevereto 4
21:18:49 * Downloaded chevereto.zip (72.9 MB @21.82MB/s.)
21:18:49 * Unlock downloading process
21:18:49 * Lock extracting process
21:18:57 * Extraction completed for 44504 files in 7.83s
21:18:57 * Unlock extracting process
21:18:57 * Chevereto filesystem upgraded
21:18:57 * Update command passthru
[STATUS] Updating Chevereto database (this may take a while)...
ALTER TABLE `chv_users` ADD `user_file_meta_tag_camera_model` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `chv_categories` MODIFY `category_url_key` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `chv_storages` ADD `storage_use_path_style_endpoint` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0";
ALTER TABLE `chv_storages` ADD `storage_deleted_at` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `chv_images` MODIFY `image_type` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED as (case
 when `image_extension` in ('pdf','doc','md') then 4
 when `image_extension` in ('mp3','m4a','wav') then 3
 when `image_extension` in ('mp4','webm','mov') then 2
 when `image_extension` in ('avif','jpg','jpeg','gif','png','webp') then 1
 else 0 end) stored;
ALTER TABLE `chv_stats` ADD `stat_tags` bigint(32) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `chv_stats` ADD `stat_cron_runs` bigint(32) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `chv_stats` ADD `stat_cron_time` bigint(32) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
CREATE TABLE `chv_tags` (
 `tag_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `tag_name` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
 `tag_description` text,
 `tag_user_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 `tag_date_gmt` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
 `tag_files` bigint(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 `tag_views` bigint(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 PRIMARY KEY (`tag_id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `tag_name` (`tag_name`) USING BTREE,
 KEY `tag_user_id` (`tag_user_id`),
 KEY `tag_date_gmt` (`tag_date_gmt`),
 KEY `tag_files` (`tag_files`),
 KEY `tag_views` (`tag_views`),
 KEY `tag_user_id_date_gmt` (`tag_user_id`,`tag_date_gmt`),
 KEY `tag_user_id_files` (`tag_user_id`,`tag_files`),
 KEY `tag_user_id_views` (`tag_user_id`,`tag_views`)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chv_tags_files`;
CREATE TABLE `chv_tags_files` (
 `tag_file_tag_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 `tag_file_file_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 FOREIGN KEY (tag_file_tag_id) REFERENCES `chv_tags` (tag_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 FOREIGN KEY (tag_file_file_id) REFERENCES `chv_images` (image_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 UNIQUE INDEX `tag_file_UNIQUE` (`tag_file_tag_id` ASC, `tag_file_file_id` ASC) VISIBLE

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chv_tags_users`;
CREATE TABLE `chv_tags_users` (
 `tag_user_tag_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 `tag_user_user_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 `tag_user_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 `tag_user_last_used_datetime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
 FOREIGN KEY (tag_user_tag_id) REFERENCES `chv_tags` (tag_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 FOREIGN KEY (tag_user_user_id) REFERENCES `chv_users` (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 UNIQUE INDEX `tag_user_UNIQUE` (`tag_user_tag_id` ASC, `tag_user_user_id` ASC) VISIBLE,
 KEY `tag_user_count` (`tag_user_count`),
 KEY `tag_user_last_used_datetime` (`tag_user_last_used_datetime`)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chv_tags_albums`;
CREATE TABLE `chv_tags_albums` (
 `tag_album_tag_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 `tag_album_album_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 `tag_album_user_id` bigint(32) NOT NULL,
 `tag_album_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 `tag_album_last_used_datetime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
 FOREIGN KEY (tag_album_tag_id) REFERENCES `chv_tags` (tag_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 FOREIGN KEY (tag_album_album_id) REFERENCES `chv_albums` (album_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 FOREIGN KEY (tag_album_user_id) REFERENCES `chv_users` (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 UNIQUE INDEX `tag_album_UNIQUE` (`tag_album_tag_id` ASC, `tag_album_album_id` ASC, `tag_album_user_id` ASC) VISIBLE,
 KEY `tag_album_count` (`tag_album_count`),
 KEY `tag_album_last_used_datetime` (`tag_album_last_used_datetime`)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chv_variables`;
CREATE TABLE `chv_variables` (
 `variable_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `variable_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
 `variable_value` text,
 `variable_type` enum('string','bool','int','float','array','object') DEFAULT 'string',
 PRIMARY KEY (`variable_id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `variable_name` (`variable_name`) USING BTREE

INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('crypt_salt', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'crypt_salt'), 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('chevereto_version_installed', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'chevereto_version_installed'), 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('last_used_storage', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'last_used_storage'), 'int');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('id_padding', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'id_padding'), 'int');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('update_check_datetimegmt', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'update_check_datetimegmt'), 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('update_check_notified_release', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'update_check_notified_release'), 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('chevereto_news', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'chevereto_news'), 'array');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('cron_last_ran', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'cron_last_ran'), 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES('news_check_datetimegmt', (SELECT `setting_value` FROM `chv_settings` WHERE `setting_name` = 'news_check_datetimegmt'), 'string');
ALTER TABLE `chv_storages` ADD KEY `storage_deleted_at` (`storage_deleted_at`);
ALTER TABLE `chv_users` ADD KEY `user_file_meta_tag_camera_model` (`user_file_meta_tag_camera_model`);
ALTER TABLE `chv_confirmations` ADD KEY `confirmation_user` (`confirmation_user_id`);
ALTER TABLE `chv_confirmations` ADD KEY `confirmation_user_type` (`confirmation_user_id`, `confirmation_type`);
ALTER TABLE `chv_confirmations` ADD KEY `confirmation_user_type_status_date` (`confirmation_user_id`, `confirmation_type`, `confirmation_status`, `confirmation_date_gmt`);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_api_id', '8', '8', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_url', 'https://url/', 'https://url/', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_account_id', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_account_name', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_bucket', '/home/user/domains/url/public_html/', '/home/user/domains/url/public_html/', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_key', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_region', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_secret', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_server', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_service', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('asset_storage_use_path_style_endpoint', '0', '0', 'bool');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('guest_albums', '0', '0', 'bool');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('route_video', 'video', 'video', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('route_audio', 'audio', 'audio', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('cache_ttl', '0', '0', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('arachnid_api_username', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset)
VALUES ('arachnid_api_password', '', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('id_padding', '0', 'int');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('crypt_salt', '', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('chevereto_version_installed', '4.2.1', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('last_used_storage', '0', 'int');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('update_check_datetimegmt', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('update_check_notified_release', '4.2.1', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('chevereto_news', 'a:0:{}', 'array');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('cron_last_ran', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('news_check_datetimegmt', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'string');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('storages_all', '0', 'int');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('storages_active', '0', 'int');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `chv_variables` (variable_name, variable_value, variable_type)
VALUES ('login_providers_active', '0', 'int');

[OK] Chevereto database has been updated
Still getting the same issue. Something went wrong:Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 10.21.13 AM.png
Hi @Rodolfo, thanks for following up. I appreciate it.

We haven’t been able to upgrade. We’ve had to revert back four times now because we tried different approaches, but unfortunately we're still ended up with the same issue.

We enabled the debug through Dashboard -> Settings -> System -> Enable Debug Errors.

However, we didn’t get any more debugging information than the screenshot I posted above. I’m wondering if there’s another log file where the debug information is outputted to, so we can check that too.
@Andy, Chevereto provides several debug options, which you can find here: Debug options. If "Debug with user interface" didn't work, it's likely due to it being loaded "late" during the application bootstrapping process. For your specific case, I recommend following the Debug (development) guide.

Additionally, we've created a guide that outlines the common log configuration/location based on different server setup.
I'm having a problem where the upgrade gets stuck on an error, and as a result, I have to restore the entire account. Currently, the image storage is not separated from the Chevereto app. Should I wait for the next version? I hope the upgrader won't reencounter this issue.
Last edited:
@Andy I can't guarantee it will work for you because you aren't showing us the actual error, so I don't know if the issue affecting your installation will be addressed.

The updates always fix compatibility issues, but it depends on users showing us these issues with detailed context and error information.
I also encountered this issue. After installing version 4.2 using the BT panel, I kept running into this error. I then switched to version 4.1, and the installation was successful. However, when I tried to upgrade online, I ran into the same error again. I checked the logs and eventually discovered that the putenv function was disabled by default in the PHP installation done through the panel. After removing this function from the disable_functions list in the php.ini configuration file, everything worked fine.
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