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Sub Categories


Chevereto Member
Would love a way to better organize and search though huge amounts of images. As far as i could tell this feature is not implemented. So i think its a good idea to add sub categories.
More context will be added with tags. I think that it should work better than subcategories.

What you think?
Our company just purchased this to have a place where we can easily search and get images of our drilling equipment. Having tags is a must, but subcategories would greatly increase this tool's usefulness as a supplement to tag. Our thought was to have a category for each type of equipment, and a subcategory for each different machine. I still think this is a needed feature in a software that targets large image galleries like yours.

That said please prioritize tags those are even more important.
I like sub categories too for sorting albums per categorie or year or whatever customers want. If possible, please add this. 🙂
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Je souhaiterai également sous-catégories pour notre site de jardinage http: // webjardiner.com de différencier le jardin, potager, fleurs, fruits, etc ..
Hello, just recently I am ready to post and when add categories title bar keyword set adobe acrobat and create threads then forum say you are spam but I am nothing do that. So was my fault
Tags also very important, because we can't create 1000+ categories. And so many custom scripts and cms have tags functionality.
Tags or sub-categories, I really don't mind.

Problem is getting people to actually use them.
Unless you see a release announcement about it, the answer to everything will be the same: No date so far.