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Missing Translation 4.0.6

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Phoenix Foto Service
▶ Reproduction steps
  1. go to a useralbum
    Screenshot 2023-01-06 170711.png
  2. edit the album
    Screenshot 2023-01-06 170904.png
😢 Unexpected result

Despite the set language (German), the English language is still used.

📃 Error log message

🇩🇪 Translations in german
1. Unteralben
2. Kurzbeschreibung dieses Bildes
3. "Edit Bild" to .... "Bild ändern" (better is "Bilddaten ändern")
4. Anpassung des Uploads durch klicken auf eine beliebige Vorschau
5. by == von
6. Wähle eine Kategorie

There are other text passages which are simply not translated such as....
  1. use upload a picture
  2. select from your pc
    Screenshot 2023-01-06 185321.png
Yes, there are some changes in code ie. from "Brief description of this album" to "Brief description of this %s', _s('album')"
ie. Change word "album" to "%s" in your language file
🔒 This bug report is locked pending 60 day resolution. Having same issue? Give a like to say "me too".
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