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Installations failed


Chevereto Member
I try to install the script I just purchased today.

🎯Description of the issue

The installation stops after I inserted the DB informations. And I have checked the PHP, DB versions.

📃Error log message

You should try the manual procedure: https://chevereto.com/docs/install

The installer assumes that the installation will work as expected soon as the process ends, but some servers fails to deliver. The weakness of the installer is that it depends on posting raw html to the newly created Chevereto installation, which in some servers is problematic due to several assorted reasons (doesn't actually matters).
Thanks, but the downloaded installationpackage only had one file.
So I don't have this file "app/settings.php"
Don't worry, app/settings.php gets created by the installer process (the actual software, not the "installer"). At https://chevereto.com/panel/downloads you can download either the installer (the single file) or the actual .zip package.

The installer is merely a wrapper, it downloads + extract the software and it provides a friendly user interface for the whole process. For you it failed before downloading anything, in the database check step. The installer sent a XHR request to itself with the instruction to connect to your DB and that request failed.

Is very odd that a self request fail, I'm guessing that there could be some oddity or unexpected condition but basically, the installer can't work in that server because it can't do XHR. It is not normal, and I recommended the manual procedure because that method doesn't require XHR at all.
I downloaded the 3.13.5 package and unpacked it.
Can't open xxxx/test/index.php or just xxxx/test/
It keeps trying to send me to xxxx/test/test (it add an extra subfolder), then I get 404 error
I am trying to install your script in a subfolder for testing purposes.
The system doesn't redirect to a sub-folder unless your $_SERVER paths don't reflect your actual file-system and that is assuming that the redirect is being made by the software and not by your web server. I ignore what setting or setup causes that the server vars doesn't reflect the actual or expected file-system paths, I assume that in some setups there are virtualized paths not being properly handled by the server administrator.

There are also conflicting setups that require odd workarounds, for example, the root .htaccess file includes a comment about RewriteBase:

Apache config:
    # If you have problems with the rewrite rules remove the "#" from the following RewriteBase line
    # You will also have to change the path to reflect the path to your Chevereto installation
    # If you are using alias is most likely that you will need this.
    #RewriteBase /

Your LiteSpeed server should be able to understand that instruction, maybe you should give it a try.
Now I try to install it on a mainfolder for a domain. No subfolder og subdomain.
It tries to get /install - but I don't see any /install folder or install.php.
Do I miss something?
/install is a virtual route. The software requieres server url rewriting for that route.

If that route doesn't work it means that your server is not doing rewrite. Usually happens when you forget the allow override thing and the server ignores the htaccess rules.
Long as the files are uploaded to the target website and server rewrite is working, when opening the website you will see a welcome screen telling you step by step how to install the software.


If you don't get the install screen then it is clearly that something odd is going on in your server. What are you getting at /install ?
I get a 404 error page.
I have no .htaccess file.
This is a complete new unpack - no overwrite etc.
The .htaccess file may be hidden in your file browser. Check that you actually uploaded all the files to your remote filesystem.
I am using file manger at Cpanel. And can't see any .htaccess file. On other domain folders, I can see Wordpress' .htaccess file.
These are the files.


  • Skærmbillede 2019-12-18 kl. 16.54.19.png
    Skærmbillede 2019-12-18 kl. 16.54.19.png
    42.4 KB · Views: 3
You don't see any .htaccess file because the file wasn't uploaded in your installation. Probably it was skipped for being a hidden file in your local file system.

This is the .htaccess for Chevereto:
Apache config:
# Disable server signature
ServerSignature Off

# Enable CORS across all your subdomains (replace dev\.local with your domain\.com)
# SetEnvIf Origin ^(https?://.+\.dev\.local(?::\d{1,5})?)$   CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN=$1
# Header append Access-Control-Allow-Origin  %{CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN}e   env=CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN
# Header merge  Vary "Origin"

# Disable directory listing (-indexes), Multiviews (-MultiViews)
Options -Indexes
Options -MultiViews

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine On

    # If you have problems with the rewrite rules remove the "#" from the following RewriteBase line
    # You will also have to change the path to reflect the path to your Chevereto installation
    # If you are using alias is most likely that you will need this.
    #RewriteBase /

    # 404 images
    # If you want to have your own fancy "image not found" image remove the "#" from RewriteCond and RewriteRule lines
    # Make sure to apply the correct paths to reflect your current installation
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule images/.+\.(gif|jpe?g|png|bmp|webp) - [NC,L,R=404]
    #RewriteRule images/.+\.(gif|jpe?g|png|bmp|webp) content/images/system/default/404.gif [NC,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(css|js|html|htm|rtf|rtx|svg|svgz|txt|xsd|xsl|xml|asf|asx|wax|wmv|wmx|avi|bmp|class|divx|doc|docx|exe|gif|gz|gzip|ico|jpe?g|jpe|mdb|mid|midi|mov|qt|mp3|m4a|mp4|m4v|mpeg|mpg|mpe|mpp|odb|odc|odf|odg|odp|ods|odt|ogg|pdf|png|pot|pps|ppt|pptx|ra|ram|swf|tar|tif|tiff|wav|wma|wri|xla|xls|xlsx|xlt|xlw|zip)$ [NC]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

The problem is probably not yet completely solved if no ".htaccess" file was uploaded and all were skipped.

The other htaccess files are therefore missing in the subfolders.
Maybe there will be another problem in the future.

If possible, use a program to upload the files that can also show hidden files.
I use WinSCP myself