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How to limit list of embed codes?


Chevereto Member

I want to limit the list of embed codes. Currently it contains all possible types of links, but I want to have BB and HTML codes only (without any viewer or direct links). Any suggestions on which file does this?
The file is app/themes/Peafowl/snippets/embed_tpl.php which sets the embed codes after upload an the "get codes" option. For the image, the file app/themes/Peafowl/views/image.php

Check this for theme overrides: https://chevereto.com/docs/theme
The file is app/themes/Peafowl/snippets/embed_tpl.php which sets the embed codes after upload an the "get codes" option. For the image, the file app/themes/Peafowl/views/image.php

Check this for theme overrides: https://chevereto.com/docs/theme

Thanks, Rodolfo,

One more question - how to add some notice text to this "uploaded" tab?


I have tried embed tpl but with no luck 🙁
You could try with snippets/anywhere_uploader.php, and for the next version I will add support for extended overrides so you will be able to customize any snippet without losing anything.
You could try with snippets/anywhere_uploader.php, and for the next version I will add support for extended overrides so you will be able to customize any snippet without losing anything.
Thanks, Rodolfo. Looking forward for the next Chev version.
Same thing, the editing must be done directly at the theme folder. In your case you will need to get rid of the extra properties and maybe edit the image view.