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Help adding more storage

PHP version
Database driver
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Web browser


Chevereto Member
Running Chevereto on Ubuntu 22.04 and I want to add external storage to my NAS.

I have the NAS mounted in /var/www/html/storage/Photos

This is what I'm putting in the add storage option, where hostname is my actual hostname(I'm a little confused if this is actually correct)
Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 6.02.37 PM.png

After I hit submit this is what comes up and if I refresh the page the %ID% line goes away.

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 6.03.51 PM 1.png

This is what the directory permissions look like on storage, so I think those permissions are correct as the folders inside storage is also www-data

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 6.04.44 PM.png

Confused as to what I'm missing.

Anyone have a NAS device setup as external storage and can help out?