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Group albums

Markus Thiel

Chevereto Noob
Is it possible to Share my own Album with an other user registered in my chevereto? i installed the script and it works great, but i only can share with a link oder embed photos.

It would be great to share with a group! so others can upload into the same album.
I hope I am writing in the right spot here.
So what I would like for this feature is to be able to indicate for a specific album to be visible to a specific user or list of users.
Is that how this enhancement request is accepted here ?
I hope I am writing in the right spot here.
So what I would like for this feature is to be able to indicate for a specific album to be visible to a specific user or list of users.
Is that how this enhancement request is accepted here ?

It means several things. Albums now belongs to just one person but group albums means multiple users with access (upload/delete) to that album. Obviously that there will be a permission mask for Album owner and another mask for album participants.
Sounds good, in which release can we expect this?

One more thing:
It would be interesting to have multiple member types of an album for example:
Owner (Is able to do anything and change user permissions)
Editor (Editors have permission to do anything to the content but not set permissions)
Contributors (Can add content and modify/delete their own content but not content of others)
Viewer (Viewers have basic viewing access, nothing more)
Sure, I also have that in mind. Problem is that at this time I'm ordering the list of requests and is huge. I can easily craft 2 major releases with all the things that people ask me to do and is always a very hard job to determinate which thing comes next.
This would be helpful; yes.
User-owned albums, with more granular privileges:
- Private: (user-only)
- Arbitrary: user or groupset only
- Internal: registered-users-only
- Password: password-protected
- Open: public
Group-owned albums, with more granular privileges:
- Private: (group-only)
- Arbitrary: user or groupset only
- Internal: registered-users-only
- Password: password-protected
- Open: public

I wouldn't think you'd want to go to the complexity of having to manage independent inclusive and exclusive lists unless there's a clear need....

I'd think for 'non-"open"', a default deny with an include list aught cover most use cases I'd think?