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Error processing Arachnid (low resolution images only)


Chevereto Member
Only low resolution images fail verification. Perhaps it is interesting, small images are not validated in this case, I imagine that Arachnid's api does not accept small images.

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Upload small image
  2. 1689812072195.png
😢 Unexpected result

Unable to upload image. Verification failure prevents upload.
Failing to verify an image that is too small of a resolution prevents it from being uploaded.

📃 Error log message

Via API:
  "status_code": 400,
  "error": {
    "message": "Error processing Arachnid moderation: The requested URL returned error: 400",
    "code": 600
  "status_txt": "Bad Request"

On Website: same error


Last edited:
I tested Arachnid's api in Postman and got this error:

    "error": "Image is too small ((79, 35)) - must be at least 50x50"

To validate with arachnid, must verify:
height >= 50 AND width >= 50 else by pass arachnid


To fix temporarily, until the release of the new version, in the file: app/src/Legacy/Classes/Upload.php

I made the following correction on line 506:

if (Settings::get('arachnid') && $this->source_image_fileinfo['width'] >= 50 && $this->source_image_fileinfo['height'] >= 50) {

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to fix this problem, it's just a palliative.

what action to take when it is less than 50x50?
As Arachnid blocks very sensitive content, I think that the system should raise an error when you try to upload small images and Arachnid is enabled.
As Arachnid blocks very sensitive content, I think that the system should raise an error when you try to upload small images and Arachnid is enabled.

Could this option be parameterized? At least I would accept the upload, I think the big criminals will not consume or insert content in a 50x50.
Ideally the system should send these failed attempts to the manual approval queue as failover. Unfortunately the front-end uploader doesn't handle such conditions, it handles "moderate all" or "moderate none", but not mixed.
Project Arachnid changed the API so this bug is now irrelevant since Chevereto v4.2. If there are other issues with the new API please open a new bug report.