• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

    • 😌 This community is user driven. Be polite with other users.
    • 👉 Is required to purchase a Chevereto license to participate in this community (doesn't apply to Pre-sales).
    • 💸 Purchase a Pro Subscription to get access to active software support and faster ticket response times.

Chevereto v4.2.0 announcement

💅 Removed default avatar from guest owned content

In Chevereto v4.2.0, guest-owned content (images, albums) will no longer display an avatar or icon. This change makes it easier to identify guest content while browsing.
Improved post upload message for guest

In Chevereto v4.2.0, the post-upload message is now context-aware of system settings related to guest album creation and signup availability. The message is clearer and accommodates a wider range of use cases.
🐘 Added automatic ini_set for settings mismatch

Chevereto v4.2.0 introduces a system settings check that identifies discrepancies and automatically attempts to set the appropriate PHP ini values. This feature applies only if the values differ and will silently fail if it cannot set the value.

    'error_log' => 'CHEVERETO_ERROR_LOG',
    'max_execution_time' => 'CHEVERETO_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_SECONDS',
    'memory_limit' => 'CHEVERETO_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE',
    'post_max_size' => 'CHEVERETO_MAX_POST_SIZE',
    'session.save_handler' => 'CHEVERETO_SESSION_SAVE_HANDLER',
    'session.save_path' => 'CHEVERETO_SESSION_SAVE_PATH',

Note it doesn't support upload_max_filesize as that's INI_PERDIR restricted which means:
Entry can be set in php.ini, .htaccess, httpd.conf or .user.ini
🐞 Fixed bug in URL-based lang change for logged users

In Chevereto v4.2.0, I've improved language handling for registered users. URLs with GET ?lang=xx will now display the website in the specified language without altering the user's language settings. This prevents the inconvenience of having to change your language settings just because you clicked on a link from Google.
🐞 Fixed bug in URL-based lang change for logged users

In Chevereto v4.2.0, I've improved language handling for registered users. URLs with GET ?lang=xx will now display the website in the specified language without altering the user's language settings. This prevents the inconvenience of having to change your language settings just because you clicked on a link from Google.
Amazing! That's really good, I've done some changes with my .htaccess but it's better if you natively changed that !
Improved form validation handling

Forms in Chevereto v4.2.0 have been enhanced with more consistent native validation. A new visual feedback feature (shaking label and highlighted input) now indicates fields with issues. The form submission behavior has been unified across button clicks and form submit events, and redundant error messages like "check the errors in the form" have been removed.
Added canonical URL for /explore

In Chevereto v4.2.0, the Explore routes at /explore now include canonical URL meta tags, helping to prevent Google duplicate indexing issues on these listings due to URLs including &lang=xx.
🐞 Fixed bug in wrong redirects when running in sub-dir

Chevereto v4.2.0 fixes a bug that affected installations running in a sub-directory. This issue caused odd redirect behavior, impacting post-login functionality, random mode, and other systems relying on sub-path handling.
🐞 Fixed bug in failing asset upload when running in sub-dir

Chevereto v4.2.0 fixes a bug that affected installations running in a sub-directory. The asset upload was failing for local storage API.
Development on v4.2.0 has been focused on much-needed quality-of-life improvements for Chevereto. I've fixed numerous issues and implemented several performance enhancements.

I'm still reviewing systems across the entire software as I prepare Chevereto for a new era, driven by our Chevereto.cloud service. While the self-hosted version has been the backbone of Chevereto's growth over the years, the cloud service will make Chevereto accessible to a broader, non-technical audience.

I'm incredibly proud of the work done in Chevereto v4.2.0 and on Chevereto.cloud, and I look forward to releasing it soon.
Added asset storage deletions with queues

Asset storage in Chevereto v4.2.0 now utilizes queues for handling file delete operations, similar to the External storage implementation. This allows for non-blocking execution of these tasks.
💅 Improved select elements display for Safari

Chevereto v4.2.0 enhances the appearance of select form elements in Safari by reverting to the default style. This update specifically benefits Safari users, replacing the outdated glass-like styles with a cleaner look.
