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Work in progress Chevereto v4.2.0 announcement

Added support for bfcache

Chevereto v4.2.0 now supports bfcache (back/forward cache), a web technology that caches webpages during back and forward navigation, reducing unnecessary server hits. This allows users to experience instant response times when navigating back and forth, with the page returning to its exact previous state, including the JavaScript heap.

Check out this post with videos to see how fast and responsive it feels in action.

I'm actually very curious about this 🙏🏼
I'm actually very curious about this 🙏🏼
Sure, bfcache is a soft client side cache managed by your web browser. When enabled it allows websites to keep a snapshot of the page previous jumping page. When you go back or forward it doesn't need to hit the server as reads the cached version of it. We could say that enables to navigate your browser history "as is".

Safari and Firefox behaves like every website has bfcache setup, using these browsers enables to go back in every website exactly where you left, even with the menu modals opened. But Chrome is more strict as it depends on the website headers to use bfcache.

Google says this stuff reduces 10% load on desktop and 20% mobile.
Added configurable cache ttl

Chevereto v4.2.0 adds configurable HTTP cache, enabling you to determine how long to cache responses.

^ Example cache 1 minute.

By default this will be set to zero, which is the "classic" no cache behavior. Don't worry, it applies cache only to cache-able pages, it won't cache /dashboard, or /login, etc.
🐞 Fixed bug in password reset

When doing password reset the system wasn't removing the previous login cookies. Chevereto v4.2.0 fixes this bug.
💅 Improved listing bulk selection tool

In Chevereto v4.2.0, the bulk selection functionality has been enhanced, allowing for smoother handling and better support when using the ctrl/meta key. This enables users to make multiple non-contiguous selections more efficiently, improving the overall usability of bulk actions.

💅 Added download links for files

Chevereto v4.2.0 will now show a download link if you have the download button enabled for the file assets. This makes it easier for users to access and download media files directly from the interface.
