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Chevereto v4.1.3 announcement


πŸ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hello there,

Announcing a new patch for Pulento, this one is focused in bugs and to prepare the code for supporting newer PHP versions. Stay tuned for updates!
🐞 Fixed bug with Image class breaking update

For installations before v4.1.2 the system required to trigger the database update manually, which some may skip without notice and break the system. Chevereto v4.1.3 takes care of this bug and it won't break on missing update.
βœ… One-click upgrading process now clears previous locks

If for any reason the one-click upgrading process fails that may brick the process as the .lock files could be still on the filesystem, restricting download and extraction. In Chevereto v4.1.3 the system will clear all lock files on new upgrade process, avoiding any potential brick of the system.
🐞 Fixed bug affecting Homepage custom paragraph

Custom paragraph wasn't working as expected as it was printing extra text (Get direct links, Markdown, BBCode and HTML thumbnails.) Chevereto v4.1.3 fixes this bug.
🐞 Fixed bug affecting Homepage custom paragraph

Custom paragraph wasn't working as expected as it was printing extra text (Get direct links, Markdown, BBCode and HTML thumbnails.) Chevereto v4.1.3 fixes this bug.
Fortunately the fix was easy, found the resolution the second I noticed the bug. Glad that the new version takes care of this too.
🐞 Fixed bug affecting user background picture

User background asset image uploads in .jpg are being stored wrongly for medium sized version. Instead of storing bkg_asdf.md.jpg the system is storing bkg_asdf.md.jpeg (check extension).

Chevereto v4.1.3 fixes this bug, and it carries the original extension (either jpg or jpeg).
βœ… Added failover for missing image sizes

Due to manipulation, runtime and wrong permissions, files stored in local could break listings and content view when the system is unable to read these files as the system assumes for example that the thumb will be always there and readable. If the content is not available the system will break listings and what not, which could cause some panic to debug.

To avoid further issues, in Chevereto v4.1.3 I've added a failover for these cases which will keep your websites working regardless the missing content.
βœ… Force 0644 permission for medium and thumb sizes

In some systems thumb and/or medium sized image may inherit a wrong permission mask, which makes the image size not available regardless the image being generated and stored in the filesystem. Chevereto v4.1.3 takes care of this issue by forcing 0644 permission (read and write for owner, read for everybody else).

Note that this doesn't concern any of the official provisioning alternatives, I've only spotted this on third-party infra.
πŸ‹ Disabled license key handling when using Docker

When using Docker the license key is required to build the container image, it shouldn't be used to set the license via /dashboard and carry filesystem upgrades. Chevereto v4.1.3 detects when you are running Docker and it disables the Chevereto license key handling to save you the trouble.
🐞 Fixed bug affecting available upgrade modal link

The link indicating the existing release was broken. Chevereto v4.1.3 fixed this bug.

πŸ‹ Disabled app upgrading when using Docker

Filesystem upgrading for Docker is now discouraged as with Docker you need to re-build the container image instead of upgrading the application filesystem.
πŸ‹ Added upgrade instructions when using Docker

When checking for upgrades and using Docker, instead of carry the filesystem upgrade (discouraged when using Docker) the system will now link to the upgrade instructions.

βœ… Added configurable view for user profiles

In a recent RFC it was suggested to enable admin to configure the default view for user profiles. Chevereto v4.1.3 implements this change and now you will be able to configure the default view for user profiles to pick from "files" and "albums".


The system is aware of the default view and it will show appropriate menu. For example, if you pick "albums" the menu will look like this:


^ Note how "Files" is used instead of "Albums", this is because the album view is now at "My Profile".
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🐞 Fixed bug affecting website mode personal showing menu links

When using website mode personal the links for "liked", "following" and "followers" should be removed, Chevereto v4.1.3 fixes this bug.
🐞 Fixed bug causing open_basedir issues

It has been reported that Chevereto is causing open_basedir issues in some systems. This is because Chevereto detects wrong PHP front controller setup, but the implementation was wrong as it was checking outside the context of the application path.

Chevereto v4.1.3 fixes this bug as it checks PHP front controller only within its context.
🌏 Updated Chinese Simplified and Vietnamese translations

Translations for Chinese Simplified (zh-CN) and Vietnamese (vi) have been updated for Chevereto v4.1.3. Many thanks for your contribution.
🐘 Updated dependencies
  • aws/aws-sdk-php (3.305.2 => 3.306.5)
  • google/apiclient-services (v0.350.0 => v0.355.0)
  • paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.6.3 => v2.7.0)
  • psr/http-factory (1.0.2 => 1.1.0)
  • ramsey/uuid (4.7.5 => 4.7.6)
  • symfony/cache (v5.4.38 => v5.4.39)