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Chevereto v4.1.1 announcement

πŸ’… Fix files remark on Dashboard

On Dashboard stats the system was printing "Images". It nows shows "Files", with the photo/film icon.

πŸŽ₯ Added FFmpeg detection on Dashboard

When using Docker FFmpeg comes built-in, but for other provisioning methods FFmpeg availability is uncertain. In this patch the system detects any errors related to FFmpeg provisioning.

Failing FFmpeg:


Working FFmpeg:

πŸ’… Updated homepage cover image

I forgot to update the cover image on 4.1, this is just the default image won't affect your existing changes.

🐞 Fixed file-upload documentation link

The link was broken, this patch fixes that bug.

πŸ’… Fixed file remarks on Bulk importer stats

Bulk importer stats now indicate "Files" instead of "Images".

πŸ’… Improved image viewer & natural zoom

Image viewer at /image/<id> has been re-made from scratch and it now rely entirely on CSS. Thanks to this the viewer achieves a better usage of the screen real estate (no more useless dark bars). With natural zoom the system will display the image "as-is" when clicking the image.

Default load:


Natural zoom'ed:

πŸŽ₯ Improved video display for listing viewer

As video embedding requires controls this update adds a margin between top icons (listing tools) and footer owner id. By doing this video controls don't conflict with the other UI elements.

πŸ’… Added display title to listing viewer

Listing viewer now includes a link (grey bubble) which links to the content page. This link shows only when overing the content (just like the footer) so you can still enjoy a distraction free content browsing.

πŸŽ₯ Improved FFprobe handling when processing video

When calling FFprobe binary the system requires functions proc_open and proc_close available. When these are missing the system now throws a non-surface error (an error masked with "Something went wrong"). On the same context, when uploading an invalid video file the system will throw Invalid video file provided which surfaces and provide feedback for the user.

Many thanks for the feedback provided which enabled me to improve this situation.
πŸŽ₯ Improved detection of FFmpeg required functions proc_open and proc_close

Dashboard will now also indicate when FFmpeg fails due to missing PHP functions.

πŸ”‘ Improved feedback on license key handling

Now when providing the license key the system will check if you are providing a valid license key. This will also check for malformed licenses or any related issue.

🐞 Fixed bug with missing scroll behavior

There was a bug which caused to miss scroll behavior when triggering a modal box after a pop box menu. This patch fixes this issue.
🐞 Fixed bug with video upload not working on iOS

Video uploading for iOS wasn't working, this patch fixes this bug.
πŸŽ₯ Added support for MOV files (video/quicktime)

This patch adds support for .mov files, which will enable to upload videos on-the-fly from iOS device camera.
πŸ’… Improved menu display for mobile

For phone and phablet devices the system now uses a bigger font size, which suits better and look better to the eye.


