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Chevereto v4.1.0 announcement


👑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

It is my pleasure to announce the ongoing development for Chevereto V4.1.X series which will be focused in video support and the user-based API.

The codename for V4.1.X is Pulento, a Chilean word (I'm chilean btw) which means "excellent", "cool", "amazing", "magnificent", "superior" among other positive meanings. Make me happy by using sentences like "Chevereto is pulento" or "I'm using the pulento version" to refer to 4.1.X release cycle.

Stay tuned for updates, V4.1.0 should be released within April 2024.
💅 Added one-click theme font configuration

Now you can quickly customize the display font used in your Chevereto, simple as going to Dashboard > Settings > Theme and picking the font you want to use.

Select font:




Example on user menu:

🐞 Fixed unwanted scroll hide top-bar in Safari

In pages with scrollbar the system will hide the top-bar so you can focus on the content, on scroll up it shows the top-bar. In Safari there was a bug causing to hide the top-bar on landing page and anywhere there scroll wasn't really needed. This version fixes this bug.
🐞 Fixed bug in homepage delete cover action

Homepage cover assets weren't being removed when using Docker. Also, the request to delete these assets wasn't being protected against CSRF. This version fixes both bugs.
💅 Improved password display helper when using Safari

When using Safari the browser prompts a key button which enables to handle the password for you. In this version the location of the button won't conflict with Chevereto's password strength indicator.

Is the video support available on free version?
I would like to test this as soon as its release but not on my established image hosting site which is on chevereto paid version.

Thanks a lot for the update.
🐞 Fixed bug with password protected albums

As passwords are now under a cipher, old passwords using hashes won't work. This update fixes that bug.

Thanks to @faker.king for the bug report.
💅 Added over effect to display_title on listings

When doing mouse over a listing title you will now get an underline, this enables to hint the user for direct viewer access when listing viewer is enabled.
