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Chevereto v4.0.4 announcement


πŸ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

I'm confirming the fourth revision for Macanudo (4.0), this one is about fixing bugs and incremental improvements.
πŸ¦„ Updated XR Debug to 0.6 (Mustang)

My XR Debug software now supports signature verification! With this the debugger now checks the signature for messages emitted to the debugger so there's no chance to get random people streaming messages to the debug server.


Why it is important? XR Debug is a remote on-the-fly debugger, the problem is that the debug server itself is opened to any request. With this nifty addition only those with the private key will be able to stream dump messages.

😜 I really doubt that anybody else but me ends up using this on your machines, but I think it worth mention that I took care of your security.
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🐞 Fixed bug with plugin wrong embed URLs

There's a bug affecting the plugin page, which shows invalid URLs for the embed code used. This revision fixes this issue.

πŸ‘ Thanks to @rdn for the bug report.

🐞 Fixed bug in CDN functionality

There's a bug affecting the CDN functionality, the URL checking is failing. This revision fixes this issue.

πŸ‘ Thanks to @jeffrose for the bug report.

🚨 Added customizable Stop Words for content

I recently opened this RFC and I've already implemented it. This release adds customizable stop words for blocking content, with this you can easily define words that triggers spam, profanity, etc. It is completely customizable and it support regex.

View attachment 5207
Looks like this bald creepy dude is a known problem πŸ˜†
🐞 Fixed bug with not working login providers

Thanks to @yangzhili66 for the bug report, login providers got broken in 4.0.3. This revision fixes the bug.
🐞 Fixed bug with CAPTCHA in contact form

There was a bug on contact form, thanks to @DeCysos for the bug report. This revision fixes this bug.
πŸ–ΌοΈ Improved image/jpeg file extension handling

Since MS-DOS era ("thank you" Microsoft) the JPEG file extension has ben chopped from jpeg to jpg. Today, in 2022 there's no reason for keeping this jpg so we are now embracing jpeg as the extension for image/jpeg MIME type.
βœ… Added content moderation ignore for admin and content manager

Moderation for admin/manager doesn't have any sense as these user groups can approve content. This revision ignores moderation for admin and content manager uploads.
🐞 Fixed bug with Backblaze B2 legacy storage

Another bug has been fixed regarding this API. If you are still using B2 Legacy do yourself a favor and migrate to their S3 Compatible offering, there's no reason for keep using this API in 2022. It is meant for legacy systems do not use B2 Legacy for new uploads, don't be stubborn unless you enjoy dealing with bugs.

Thanks @yangzhili66 for the bug report.
πŸ–ΌοΈ Improved image metadata usage

This was an RFC opened in 2018 by @kuzzzma, it improves the usage of IPTC metadata. Both title and description will be taken from the appropriate tag.
🐞 Fixed bug with check updates

There was a bug with the updates check, basically when chevereto.com goes down the function was also failing to complete the cron jobs. This revision fixes this bug.

Thanks to @yangzhili66 for the bug report.