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Chevereto v4.0.10 announcement

🐞 Fixed bug in file size handling

There was a bug affecting image size handling, this revision fixes this bug. Thanks for original bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug in upload file title

There was a bug affecting filenaming of uploaded files, the system was taking the filename only for jpeg files. Thanks for the original bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug in update database query

I noticed an issue that could affect users of V4 beta. This fix will enable to update your systems.
🐞 Fixed bug in NSFW display

There was an issue on thumb display below image. I've also improved NSFW display on listings (it nows scale down animated). Thanks to @DeCysos for the bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug in banners settings page

When saving the system was adding empty lines. Thanks to @lovedigit for the bug report.
💅 Disabled listing viewer by default

Listing viewer is great and everything but I feel it will be more usable if it comes disabled by default as it hides too much functionality. New installs will have this disabled by default.
🐞 Fixed bug in notifications missing links

There was an error causing notifications to miss the link to the content. Thanks to @evil for the bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug in Spanish translation

La vendí con una traducción, esta revisión corrige el problema.
🐞 Fixed bug in user interface for iOS

For devices using iOS the system was wrongly computing viewport sizes, causing issues on these devices.
🐞 Fixed bug in AWS open_basedir restriction

It was pointed by @kdhkr that S3Client needed an extra setting to improve compatibility in shared hosting environments. In this revision Chevereto's S3 implementation should work fine in shared hosting.
Improved error display on CLI install

CLI install was not displaying errors, this patch fixes that issue.
Added version CLI command

Now you can get the version (files) by running app/bin/legacy -C version