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Chevereto v4.0.1 announcement


πŸ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

I'm confirming the first revision for 4.0.0, this one is exclusively about fixing bugs and incremental improvements.
πŸ₯Έ Improved database error feedback message

The error message shown on failed to update has been improved for readability for HTML and CLI (log) context. Here, this is how it looks now:


Now you will get the error from MySQL (the >>> part) and the query that caused the conflict. As you may notice, the printed query doesn't overflow anymore and is more easy to the eye.
🐞 Fixed bug with chv_ prefix on update query

The update query has been fixed as it was using fixed chv_ prefix. Due to this the update has been failing for those using a custom table prefix.

🐞 Fixed bug with drop user_is_dark_mode on update query

Chevereto V4.0 adds color palettes, which deprecates the light/dark modes (added on Chevereto 3.15.0). Some users attempt to upgrade from 3.14 to 4.0 and it panic due to the missing column.


To avoid the hassle, I've added a detection that will enable to drop the column only if we know that the column is there.
🐞 Fixed bug on language chooser at homepage

There was a bug when trying to change the language /?lang=es, it was throwing a 404 (although it changed the language). This revision fixes the issue.

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🐞 Fixed bug with ErrorException on Listing (Undefined array key '')

Listings were throwing an error when missing the album slice (images for cover). This revision fixes this issue.

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🐞 Fixed bug with ErrorException on Image (Multiple storage servers)

The system was failing to cycle the external storage servers, making the system unusable when activating more than one provider. This revision fixes this issue.

βœ… Improved FTP/SFTP error messages

Errors in the FTP and SFTP external storage APIs were vague as invalid FTP resource. This revision improves this as it now it includes the context in why these errors appeared.


The above message indicates that the problem is on the mkdir recursive operation, indicating that there could be a permissions issue or a wrong path was used.
🐞 Fixed bug with FTP External Storage API

FTP was failing for some users and I detected some inconsistencies in the system used to check the integrity of the FTP resource. This revision fixes the Invalid FTP resource errors.
🐞 Fixed bug in legacy Gettext

The Gettext library used to handle translations was throwing an error when touching files without permission, this revision fixes that.

🐞 Fixed bug with some query strings on index

Functionality at homepage index wasn't working, affecting lang, page, seek and peek query strings. This has been fixed in this revision.

🐞 Fixed bug with cover button on image view

Cover button was being shown as "This is the cover image" for every image on the album 🀑. This revision fixes that error.

🐞 Fixed bug in auto-delete guest upload setting

Auto-delete settings for guest users wasn't working 🀑. This was because the setting was being interpreted as boolean, fixed in this revision.

🐞 Fixed bug with collation in update query

In some databases the update failed due to collision in the table charset. This revision fix that issue for the login query.

πŸ’… Improved display at album view

I've added padding to embed and info, it now looks consistent with the website layout.

🐞 Fixed bug in embed codes showing %DELETE_URL%

The delete links will be now visible only immediately after upload process.

🐞 Fixed bug in sequential storage filling

The sequential storage was failing when disabling another storage. This has been fixed, and I changed the External Storage filling system from sequential to shuffle.

🐞 Fixed bug with endless scrolling tab switch

There was a bug when using endless scrolling which caused the top-bar to look odd on change. This revision fix this issue. Thanks @xb2016!
