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Chevereto v4.0.0-beta.11 announcement

💅 Improved tabs for mobile

Mobile tabs have been improved, now with better size handling (avoids rendering artifacts) and with snap scroll for easier scrolling. Also, expanded tabs (these that you can toggle visibility) now include a shadow to improve readability.

💅 Added file info on image view

Image page now includes image resolution, extension and file size. Previously this info was available only when hovering the download button, now it is shown always.

🦆 Refactored login

In this beta I'm rebuilding the login table towards a more normalized scheme: User password and login cookies will be handled on its own table. The new login will also enable to support more providers (see this table).

Login service credentials will be also handled on its own table, enabling to support custom login providers.
🚧 Added root level maximum limits

In this beta I'm introducing root level limits that can be used to constrain your installations, this is to limit the max something for your instances.

This may be handy in cases where you want to provide Chevereto but you aren't prepared for an ugly surprise such as not configuring your third-party external services budget and a bunch of people uploaded millions of files. Now you can selectively limit based on what matters most to you.


The default value (0) means no limit.
🚧 Added root level maximum limits

In this beta I'm introducing root level limits that can be used to constrain your installations, this is to limit the max something for your instances.

This may be handy in cases where you want to provide Chevereto but you aren't prepared for an ugly surprise such as not configuring your third-party external services budget and a bunch of people uploaded millions of files. Now you can selectively limit based on what matters most to you.


The default value (0) means no limit.
I absolutely love this. Powerful modifiers for people on limited server hardwares.
💫 Added support for Tinkerwell (REPL)

This is for devs as it enables to use Chevereto V4 with Tinkerwell, a code runner for PHP projects. With this stuff you will be able to quickly interact (live) with the Chevereto application.

In the example below the code on left retrieves all records from the storage_apis table and formats the output. On right side you have the eval for the returned array.


You may notice a Docker icon? This is because the Chevereto application is running on the container from chevereto/v4-docker. With this stuff you can run code within any context.

You can learn more at the REPL documentation.
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🐘 Deprecated error reporting configuration

The configuration for PHP error reporting has been removed in favor of CHEVERETO_DEBUG_LEVEL environment. There won't be anymore the concept of "error reporting" tied to the function error_reporting as the application will handle all errors.
🐞 Added admin setting to force debug errors

To configure error reporting we use the CHEVERETO_DEBUG_LEVEL environment variable, when an error happens it is this config which determines how the error will be displayed, which is documented accordingly.

This is the safer way to run any system, cool stuff. But the problem is that it could get too complicated to most users to narrow the error when you have to grasp the concepts of error log, debug levels, server/fpm logs, etc. The most common result due to this system are tons of frustrations.

With 4.0.0-beta.11 I'm adding the database setting config "Debug errors" which enables admins to override CHEVERETO_DEBUG_LEVEL but without affecting normal users. This way, any administrator can easily get there errors without having to do a safari inside the server.
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✍️ Added new login providers

This one took a while since its first announcement as it pushed a complete refactoring for the login component. Chevereto now supports 30 login providers.

Updated list for all supported login providers:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • VK
  • Apple
  • Amazon
  • BitBucket
  • Discord
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Mailru
  • Medium
  • Odnoklassniki
  • Reddit
  • Spotify
  • Steam
  • Strava
  • Telegram
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • WeChat (international)
  • WordPress
  • Yandex
  • Yahoo
  • QQ

Here, this is how it looks like (😅 I really doubt anyone enables all providers).
