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Album Hierarchy View


Chevereto Member
A user reported this to me: "I might be oblivious and missing something. is there a way to navigate back from a sub album into the parent album without having to use the "back page" function on the browser? or without having to go back to the profile and navigating into to parent album.".

✅Implementing this RFC could at the same time solve this "problem".
Chevereto v4.2.0 adds a "jump up" button for sub-albums which should take care of the issue you mention.

Regarding hierarchical view I would like to show the path plus the tree, going to work on that.
Chevereto v4.2.0 adds a "jump up" button for sub-albums which should take care of the issue you mention.

Regarding hierarchical view I would like to show the path plus the tree, going to work on that.
Amazing! Thanks 😍
We definitely need this, a special view with the albums as a directory tree. As media collections gets bigger it has become essential to have this kind of feature.

Thank you for posting this.
We definitely need this, a special view with the albums as a directory tree. As media collections gets bigger it has become essential to have this kind of feature.

Thank you for posting this.
Hello, I've just upgraded to the latest version 4.2.2 and I've noticed that the user profile has been turned upside down a bit because there's been a change (here) in the way sub-albums are displayed at the same level as albums.

Will this be reviewed when the tree view system that you're currently working (https://github.com/chevereto/chevereto/issues/73) will be release?

Thank you.

The limiting factor in this RFC was the support for CTE which excludes MySQL 5. Since Chevereto 4.2 (tags) the system stopped listing MySQL 5 as a compatible database (still works) and Oracle deprecated MySQL 5 on 2023-10 so I think that we are ready to start thinking in adding this to Chevereto.