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Notify Admin Of New Registered User


πŸ’– Chevereto Fan
Could an option be added in the Email Dashboard menu for those who are interested in receiving an email notification of a new registered user?

Enable/Disable - Receive new user notification
Send notification to email to - "Your email address here"

Thank you,

This would be very useful.

At the moment you need to manually check for new users but receiving a notification email would be very helpful.
Sorry πŸ™

I was looking at Barry's join date instead of the posting date. How embarrassing.
+1 here to, the world is full of scammers/spammers and I'd like to keep them away from my site before they post.
Is it possible to add an approval process for new users?
Actually, after rereading this, I maybe have to clarify my initial request a bit:

What I had in mind was to have a notification about a new users in the "notification area" only. The part, where the "user xy follows you now" and other messages appear.

I also can imagine, that mass creating users can lead to message flooding, so a limit may be necessary.
What about a daily email digest? Notify about all the accounts created (if any) every day.
Anyway, may I know why so many of you want to be notified when someone registers?

You should start with the problem, not the solution. I usually detect the problem/need right away and that's why the stuff that I add has certain minimum usefulness, but in this case, I don't get it. I don't understand what you gain by getting those notifications.

If I can understand the need behind this then I can craft several notification options and toggles, but unfortunately, I don't get it.