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    Please keep in mind:

Notify Admin Of New Registered User

I personally wanted en email notification so I didn't have to login to the dashboard to see if I had any new users.
You should start with the problem, not the solution.

Very good point!

My initial thought on that was, I can immediately ban users who register multiple account in a short time frame and starting uploading edgy/illegal images with CP Ads in them. I see this happen currently on a famous russian image site. Their moderation team can barely keep up with this Sh** and several albums are even online for days. If this would happen to my site (I host in Germany), the only thing I could do is to shutdown. I don't have that kind of moderation power.

But I realise now, that my request is not a solution to this problem. So, it is "-1" for me now. I don't need this at all.