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PUP support for XenForo 2.1 isn't working on Mobile view


💖 Chevereto Fan
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Open a XenForo 2.1 page like thread view with PUP support via Mobile
  2. Button is present but isn't clickable
😢Unexpected result

Nothing happens when tap/click on the toolbar.
I believe that I know remember why I removed PUP from the XF toolbar...
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I think the problem are the different toolbars for different devices/screens. If the sibling item is gone on smaller devices, also the chev button is gone.

Screenshot 2020-05-23 09.09.49.png
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The exact problem is that the editor changes the toolbar, like it literally re-parses all the bar when doing mobile so PUP losses its position and binding.

The only safe way is to put it outside the bar.

Is there a way to go back to the older version of PUP where you could place the button outside the box?
I got it figured out and it was definitely looking great but, now, since the update the button is no longer showing.

EDIT: For now I manually swapped the PUP for the 3.15.1 version. It seems to work.

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Will place the button next to the preview for future updates. Maybe I find a way to detect mobile/desktop.

if it's placed on top of the post reply and preview buttons it would also not ruin mobile responsive themes, that are deformed since the chevereto PUP button makes the width of the page too large. Just a suggestion. Or if there was a way for the PUP button to somehow hide the attach files button if we wanted to but I guess that has to be done on our end since pup is just a js file.
