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Wildcard Domain - Albums Page 2

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👽 Chevereto Freak
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Go to a user's page with a wildcard domain.
  2. Attempt to navigate to "Page 2" of their albums.

😢Unexpected result

<li class="pagination-next"><a data-pagination="next" href="https://mysite.host/albums/?page=2&amp;seek=ppJdf"><span class="icon icon-arrow-right7"></span></a></li>

You'll notice how the album doesn't have the wildcard sub-domain at all. So a user cannot navigate to page two of their album. For example if the user was test.
📃Error log message

No error logs. Just something in the code it appears.

Edit: This occurs on the regular images pages.

Edit 2: I turned on endless scrolling, though I prefer "classic". I did this because endless works correctly.
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Thank you for reporting this, I will patch it in the next revision.
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