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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. J

    Support ExifTool or equivalent

    One thing I noticed is that when you set the option to delete Exif data, sometimes the image takes up more MB than it originally had. Exemple: https://chevereto.com/community/threads/deleting-exif-increases-image-size-mb.15415/ That's why I suggested that support for ExifTool or something...
  2. J


    Following the following topic: https://chevereto.com/community/threads/deleting-exif-increases-image-size.15259/ I checked the "env-default.php" file and it already has the information: CHEVERETO_IMAGE_LIBRARY=imagick But the script continues to use the GD library. I have imagick installed on...
  3. J

    Deleting Exif increases image size

    I have configured the script to delete Exif whenever an image is uploaded. But I detected that this has caused changes in the size (MB) of the images. Size PC (1.3 MB): Size WebSite (2.8 MB): https://www.talkimg.com/image/IcZ09 Is there any way I can resolve this issue immediately?
  4. N

    Confirmed Cannot show exif information for sony camera.

    ▶ Reproduction steps Just upload photo to chevereto. [WORK] Apple iPhone photo link: https://beta.imgs.hk/image/22-12-02-08-45-07-2171.0B3 [WORK] Sony Xperia Z5 Premium link: https://beta.imgs.hk/image/DSC-0557.tKL [NOT WORK] Sony A7R4 photo link: https://beta.imgs.hk/image/crR [NOT WORK] Sony...
  5. 1200

    Exif information is lost when photos taken by iPhone iOS11 or above system software are uploaded to Chevereto system! ! !

    I transferred the photos from the iPhone to the computer and found that the format of the photos was .HEIC, and I saw the TIFF, Exif, GPS and other information of the photos. When I uploaded the photos taken by the iPhone to the Chevereto picture system, I did not see the Exif information of the...
  6. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v3.18.0

    Chevereto v3.18.0 Released on January 21st 2021 Added support for Imagick extension (ImageMagick) Added support for nested albums in Bulk Importer Improved support for NFS mounts (localstorage) Improved image resizing, thumbs, watermarks and encoding using Intervention Improved remove Exif...
  7. Wink

    Missing EXIF fields

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Upload any photo with EXIF Try to find any EXIF fields with any date, such as DateTimeOriginal or DateTimeModified 😢Unexpected result Nothing found. We don't see any date. For example: https://demo.chevereto.com/i/sdl3264-waves-club.wJ8 This is my quick fix to solve...
  8. F

    Show more exif data in a tab

    💡Describe your suggestion An option to show more exif data. For Example: 1. Capture date and time 2. Capture location (maybe even a Google Maps to show location) 3. Now I have to click at ‘show more’, it would be better if it is moved to a tab 👏Where did you saw this? In exif data of my...
  9. F

    Exif metadata

    Hello, If I upload a photo (made with Canon and Nikon camera), I don't see the metadata info. I enabled this in dashboard and user settings. Can you help me to fix this? Thank you.
  10. W

    Pre-Tag Android Pictures & Upload to Album

    Is it possible to upload a set of pictures from Android to a specific album? Ideally, I'd like to select the album before taking the pictures. In other words, if I am about to take pictures that relate to Album A, I'd like the next pictures to be tagged with Album A and then uploaded...
  11. M

    Search in exif tags

    Can I do a search using the exif tags in the photo?
  12. R

    EXIF data question - Ring Magazine

    Hi We at Ring Magazine are looking at Chevereto as a replacement for our existing boxing image archive. We have downloaded the free trial and installed it on a server to test drive it. We have approximately 20GB worth of existing images all with EXIF data. When we import images into Chevereto...
  13. S

    Sorting by certain criteria - ex. Taken Date from Exif

    My site using Chevereto to manage photos from Events, Trips, Trips planning, ideas brainstorm etc.. The photos will be uploaded by multiples users. Currently, the album is manage separately by users so we use category to put the images on same topic into one place. [it sound similar but I...
  14. H

    Strip EXIF but fix orientation

    This suggestion is related to another thread about image rotation. On our image site are mainly pictures of hobby vintage machines, tractors, cars, motorcycles, etc. We know an incident where some equipment was stolen from boat, because it's location could have been spied out from EXIF info of...