• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. jeranon

    It's not much... But it's mine

    I, admittedly, underutilize Chevereto. I use it for uploading/curating my collection of fractal wallpapers that I've created with a native resolution of 11520x2160 - that is too say, 3x4k. I've creatively (ha) given myself the url 3x4k.ca The nice thing with wallpapers this size is that they...
  2. McAtze

    [ITM] Chevereto Integration - XenForo 2.1

    A simple add-on that allows Xenforo admins to integrate their Chevereto image hosting. Releases https://github.com/McAtze/-ITM-CheveretoIntegration/releases/latest Installation Auto-installation Go to ACP->Add-Ons and upload the ZIP file Manually installation Upload all files in /upload...
  3. DLKR

    Can Chevereto Be Used to Create a One-User Unsplash Clone?

    I’m looking to create a site like Unsplash, but just for myself (one user). Like Unsplash, I want to free hi-res downloads to site visitors: * No user registration required to download * Once download has started, it gives some copy-able text and suggests they give the source credit. Is this...
  4. L

    Hello, I am entering the server to buy your station, but I am all ready. Chevereto

    Hello, I am entering the server to buy your station, but I am all ready. Chevereto still did not give me any authorization and they said that the help installation has been applied for a long time, still not installed and prompted me not to buy or Any authorization for my account, I can't even...
  5. Chevereto Newbie

    2M+ Images Cheverto Based Website

    Hi there. I’m working on an icon/PNG/vector images website that will include over 2,000,000 images on it. Not sure if there are other websites out there that are hosting these many images on Chevereto but I’d love to get some advise. Plan is to run it on a dedicated server along with KeyCDN...
  6. abda53

    New here - is this really the attitude of the chevereto staff?

    https://chevereto.com/community/threads/separate-css-js-and-or-webfont-from-cdn.8267/ "Get used to it. When you use a CDN you need to manually purge stuff or append a timestamp string to force re-cache. In every update Chevereto changes the timestamp of those, allowing the cache to refresh but...
  7. F

    Adsense & Chevereto

    I've looked around in the forum. But I'm not too sure which .php file to edit to add an adsense banner. I've already been approved.
  8. McAtze

    Kraken.io API Integration

    Is it possible to integrate the Kraken.io per API? Sorry for my bad english.. ;)
  9. sprindesk

    chevereto is the best image hosting script in the globe !

    chevereto is really awesome! mainly - fast and quick upload, multiple storages support. Since they are not accepting new features request I want other chevereto users to feedback about my opinions - 1. chevereto need a multi resolutions download option [ optional on/off multi resolutions...
  10. sprindesk

    for chevereto 4

    i would like to suggest features like this " https://youpic.com/ " on chevereto 4 which will come in in 2018 . There should be chevereto's own comment system , membership , payment getaway , blog page , right side comment and photo info area like above website or like 500px , membership...
  11. tomsit

    Vultr Cloud Hosting with Serverpilot

    Hi guys. I wanted to share with you my current solution which is quite easy and managable. First off, I recommend Vultr Hosting. Their controlpanel is amazing, it gives you an neat and slick overview with the functions you need. Vultr also have an phone app which is very good for monitoring and...
  12. neoark

    TMD Hosting Question?

    It seems like TMD hosting supports Memcache instance. Is there a way to make chevereto use Memcache instance? Thanks
  13. A

    Search not working properly [edited]

    Hello, Search does not give any result There's nothing to show here. Nothing with users, album and photos. Search is enabled. Where is the problem ? Chevereto version 3.7.2
  14. F

    Important Changes to Mandrill

    I know a lot of you here use Mandrill for sending your Chevereto mail (including myself).. I'm guessing It's okay to post this? think it's the right section if it's okay? What you need to know The application's functionality and look and feel are not changing at this time. Here are the...