• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

    • This community is user driven. Be polite with other users.
    • Is required to purchase a Chevereto license to participate in this community (doesn't apply to Pre-sales).
    • Purchase a Pro Subscription to get access to active software support and faster ticket response times.


  1. W

    API Displaying wrong for use

    *️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue. ▶ Reproduction steps goto API Key and the Api code had unrecognised charters they appear as Squares sharex come up with a server 400 code ?1m?^ri??? revert to...
  2. 沐云湘夕

    The page is stuck in the image upload settings and there is no Save Settings button

    The page is stuck in the image upload settings and there is no Save Settings button 😢 Unexpected result The page cannot be clicked and there is no save button 📃 Error log message No error log
  3. sprindesk

    Error on cli.php command run

    I'm getting errors when I run this command " sudo -u sprintally php /home/sprintally/public_html/photos/cli.php -C cron " on SHH. root@server:~# sudo -u sprintally php /home/sprintally/public_html/photos/cli.php -C cron * Processing checkHtaccess * Enforce .htaccess files ✅ [DONE] Enforce...
  4. Imagelli

    Language subdomain nightmares.

    Hi Chevies, I have created subdomains for all the languages I wish to use and they're pointing to the same script location. I have also enabled language subdomains: 1) The problem is that when I access my site through any of the language subdomains, it's in English unless I change the...
  5. B

    Can not add B2 bucket

    It is not possible to add an b2 bucket. See screenshots ▶ Reproduction steps go to backblaze b2 page click on "App Keys" generate a key for your app fill the data in your cheevereto add storage form 😢 Unexpected result Error when i add b2 bucket. 📃 Error log message You see the message in...
  6. zaywalker

    There is no Korean language at the dashboard language settings.

    I've update my chevereto server and the chevereto shows me nothing. just white blank page. So, I remove my server and re-install the server with docker installer.php image. (zaywalker docker) And, I realize there is no korean language... Probably, the language problem causes bricked chevereto I...
  7. Youssef

    Bug in 3.12.5 after update

    👉 The system database is not up to date. You must use the update tool. ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Go to Dashboard > update to the latest version. 📃Error log message "The system database is not up to date. You must use the update tool." "The website is in maintenance mode. To cancel this setting...
  8. Youssef

    my site has just been hacked

    Hi Rodolfo, a Turkish hacker group just sent me a message that they managed to hack my site. Can you take a look https://mirror-h.org/zone/1374486/ Thank You
  9. sprindesk

    NSFW content under " in this album " are not getting blurred when blur is active for NSFW

    NSFW content under " in this album " are not getting blurred. if there are more NSFW content in the same directory if we open one other is not getting blurred under " in this album " when blurred is active for NSFW content. Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/gnnaun
  10. sprindesk

    reCAPTCHA stop working on my site

    Since i update to 3.9 , reCAPTCHA stop working on my site . " https://picglory.com/page/contact " please provide the solutions .
  11. sprindesk

    reCAPTCHA not working on ssl .

    Hello , How to fix reCAPTCHA issue for ssl website " http://prntscr.com/f8i6pn " the screenshot is taken from " /page/contact " page . Regards AZAHAR AHMED