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  1. sprindesk

    NSFW content under " in this album " are not getting blurred when blur is active for NSFW

    NSFW content under " in this album " are not getting blurred. if there are more NSFW content in the same directory if we open one other is not getting blurred under " in this album " when blurred is active for NSFW content. Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/gnnaun
  2. sprindesk

    reCAPTCHA stop working on my site

    Since i update to 3.9 , reCAPTCHA stop working on my site . " https://picglory.com/page/contact " please provide the solutions .
  3. sprindesk

    reCAPTCHA not working on ssl .

    Hello , How to fix reCAPTCHA issue for ssl website " http://prntscr.com/f8i6pn " the screenshot is taken from " /page/contact " page . Regards AZAHAR AHMED
  4. bee

    Missing white space

    Hi, just found a "bug" as I take a look at the source code: <ul class="content-tabs phone-hide"> <li class=" current"><a id="list-most-recent-link" data-tab="list-most-recent"href="https://pixr.co/explore/?list=images&sort=date_desc&page=1">Most recent</a></li> <li class=" "><a...