• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. U

    API support for retrieving images

    Describe your feature request We are planning to use Chevereto as the backend for our photo app and planning to leverage the API for this. But from the API documentation we see that it is only possible to upload using API and not retrieve images using API. This is a major limitation for us as we...
  2. Fumi

    iOS Shortcut to share to your Chevereto site!

    Hello everyone! I've made an iOS Shortcut that enables you to share directly to your Chevereto from the iOS share modal, or if you run it from just the shortcuts menu, it will ask you to select an image from your photos. Please note that when you first start it, it will ask you to input your...
  3. M

    What is a 'use case' for the Twitter API? New access tiers for the Twitter API (Removing Twitter Login)

    Howdy, Although the docs recommend leaving this Disabled due to Twitter known for its lack of security and violation of privacy policies. My members still heavily use Login with Twitter. However, Twitter's newly "Announcing new access tiers for the Twitter API" has now officially suspended my...
  4. BollyHolic

    How to Delete Images via API

    I am unable to find docs for API to delete images. Please guide me how can I delete Images via API. I have created an api app and now their are 2lakhs images in server and I need to empty some space by deleting specific images. Thank You
  5. xiaoman1221

    About requests to use Onedrive or SharePoint as storage(关于使用Onedrive或SharePoint作为存储的请求)

    您好,我最近在想,想把OneDrive或者是SharePoint当作存储节点,但是我没看到相关的API,我这边尝试使用Rclone挂载节点用Local API或ftp的API,但是反应速度很慢,我建议在V4增加这个API,或者大佬们请给我一些支持,感谢 Hello, I was thinking recently that I would like to use OneDrive or SharePoint as a storage node, but I did not see the relevant API. I tried to use Rclone to mount...
  6. S

    Users API

    Hi All, I followed the tutorial over here https://v3-docs.chevereto.com/api/#upload-to-user-workaround and made the /api route to upload to one specific user. Does anyone know how to make another API route for another user? And so I can make the /api route for the public and then use /api/xxxx...
  7. sprindesk

    Is there any instructions for integrating tinypng?

    Are there any instructions for integrating tinypng? here is the PHP code " https://tinypng.com/developers/reference/php " cor tiny png.
  8. P

    3.15+ API broken

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps curl -d 'key=***&source=https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/2883449/338951b0-3a78-4bab-9b21-372b8e849b63/s1200' 'https://onlystorage.org/api/1/upload' 📃Error log message
  9. dr_brown

    API does not accept image in URLs with space or "%20"

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps I am writing a python parser that copies text information in html. When processing text, and selecting links to pictures, there are pictures in the URL that may contain spaces. When I try to upload a picture using API, with such a URL I get an error. Although the browser...
  10. kartikey21

    How to get API Key for extraimages.com

    I am fairly new to chevereto and want to know how to get API v1 key. It says to go to Dashboard > Settings > API. But I am not able to find it please anyone helps me. Thanks in advance.
  11. knightsguard

    API issue

    Good evening! I'm working closely with a few fellow mobile app developers and we've came across an issue with the POST function. The GET function works properly and will fetch a URL and upload it... but when attempting to upload a local base 64 image source, the error log keeps receiving "Can't...
  12. mattgphoto

    How to make ShareX upload images/screenshots as my user via the api?

    🎯Description of the issue When trying to upload screenshots to my chevereto install as my user via ShareX with the myapi workaround, it fails. ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Following this guide: https://chevereto.com/docs/api-v1#api-user I have in the ShareX destination settings as follows...
  13. neoark

    When using API user upload + requests.post via python File too big..

    Hello, It seems like when I try to post an image via API it is using guest limits {"status_code":400,"error":{"message":"File too big - max 1 MB","code":313,"context":"CHV\\UploadException"},"status_txt":"Bad Request"} . I am using the custom route with API user upload...
  14. McAtze

    Kraken.io API Integration

    Is it possible to integrate the Kraken.io per API? Sorry for my bad english.. ;)
  15. T

    Flickr API integration?

    Hi, Is there an existing script for extracting images and metadata from a flickr account and importing it into chevereto?
  16. P

    Chevereto API and PUP for phpBB 3.2/3.3

    Simple extension for phpBB 3.2+ for automatically upload image from BBcode IMG to Chevereto. GitHub: https://github.com/pmezhuev/phpbb_chevereto
  17. I

    Testing - Need mass upload API Help

    Hello. Trying out this product for two reasons... None the less I would like to mass update pictures, and I'm familiar with PowerShell but not PHP. That being said, I've been able to use the API to upload from an URL, however there are references to being able to use __Files to do it from the...
  18. Markhn

    What about API v2 ?

    as you know Chevereto support API v1 witch allows to upload pictures as guest to your (website, app), i want to know is there any news about API v2 ?
  19. Kenny2606

    API Usage in Tweetbot for Mac

    Hello everyone, I tested several options but none functioned. So I ask you for help to find out if someone happens to use the API v1 with Tweetbot for Mac? Have looked on Google and the Forum but no solutions... Thanks for help :) Kévin