• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. F

    I think is a time to put blog because of Adsense

    Hello folks and Chevereto freaks I hope so that my suggestion will not go in the trash,because everyone on this forum need to have that thing,and that is a blog. So first of all everyone one here know that we can't apply for adsense if we not have some content on website. We need a blog...
  2. Jobsti

    Googls ads style problem on home-cover

    Hello, if I add a new Google responsive ad on the first two fields (startpage "bevor/after" and "home_after_cta") <div id="home-cover" data-content="follow-scroll-opacity"> will be changed to <div id="home-cover" data-content="follow-scroll-opacity" style="height: auto !important; min-height...
  3. 1200

    How should Google AdSense JS verification code be placed on Chevereto?

    I am going to apply for a Google AdSense account, and now it ’s time to put the adsbygoogle.js code verification link on the <head> </ head> tag of the website, But the question comes, how can I put this code in the right place? Please help God, thank you!
  4. F

    How to get approved today by adsense on image hosting site?

    Any idea ?
  5. E

    any Ads network which supports soft nudity? (not porn)

    Google Adsense rejected my website ads because there are nudity or softcore images. Can someone advise me an alternative which accepts nudity? I know there are any adult ads network, but those are very hardcore and not suitable for my website. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  6. F

    Adsense & Chevereto

    I've looked around in the forum. But I'm not too sure which .php file to edit to add an adsense banner. I've already been approved.
  7. anurajrv

    Please add Adsense revenue share options

    Please add Adsense revenue share options
  8. M

    Registered user can't change album name and image title

    Hello folks i I have one suggestion for all of you to maybe Rodolfo can change for next update. Will be pretty nice if registered users can't change their titles for images and name for albums.Why? Because if user change a title of image and change a album name in a bad word, then adsense is...
  9. D

    Disable/Enable Ads for Logged in Users

    Disable/Enable Ads for in All Logged Users Or Just Disable for Admin. This is very best feature for who are using Google adsense, As a admin we have to open our website every minute to review images, but each time google adsense will count as page view. This is not good. Will you please add...
  10. C

    Adsense code

    Just want to make sure I am placing the AdSense code in the correct location. Google says to place the following code right under <head> tag. Is that the correct place for Chevereto? Would I then get additional code for the actual ad ? <script async...