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YouTube videos?


Chevereto Member
I haven't seen the option and I can't find a RFC on it so before adding one I just want to make sure that I'm not missing it. We can add videos but can we embed videos from URL's, like YouTube?

I have a bunch of music videos I would like to showcase on my art website and would like to not stress my server with stream and large files.
Don't think this should be within Chevereto, just my opinion, as I don't think it's necessary or relevant.

Why don't you simply open a YouTube account, upload the vids, and then embed them into your website. That would mean zero extra load on your website.

Only major issue I can see is with copyright, as YouTube might reject them on copyright grounds (they are good at scanning them on upload).
Thank you for your suggestion! We may consider importing videos directly into Chevereto, but we currently do not plan to support embedding videos from YouTube or other external resources.