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    • Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
    • Confirm that the server meets the System Requirements
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Wrong Translation in german 4.0.6

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Phoenix Foto Service
▶ Reproduction steps
  1. enable under /dashboard/settings/image-upload the option "Moderate uploads"
  2. upload a guest a picture
  3. go back to your admin/mod interface to /moderate
  4. click Approve
😢 Unexpected result

Screenshot 2023-01-08 113800.png

In file /app/languages/de.po in row 2885
msgid "Do you really want to approve this content? This can't be undone."
msgstr "Wollen Sie die markierten Inhalte wirklich löschen? Dies kann nicht rückgänig gemacht werden."

should actually not delete but unlock
the word "rückgänig" should be "rückgängig"

msgid "Do you really want to approve this content? This can't be undone."
msgstr "Wollen Sie die markierten Inhalte wirklich freischalten? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden."

📃 Error log message

no msg
🔒 This bug report is locked pending 60 day resolution. Having same issue? Give a like to say "me too".
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