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Where can i find the previous version (2.0.15) of Chevereto ?

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Chevereto Member

I was using 2.0.15 version of chevereto script. And i just wanted to upgrade it to the latest version (2.2) And without testing if my server meet requirements i overwrited all existing files with the new ones.

And now my website is not working anymore due to "BC Math functions" missing. I have my own CentOS server but even i tried to install it (yum install php-bcmath) didn't work for me...

So you mind me if i ask where can i find my previous files ? I checked your website but couldn't find the previous versions.

If you have your own CentOS server you should try to install BCMath because 2.0.15 (or any old release) has security problems.
Thank you for your quick response Rodolfo. Well i really know nothing about server administration. As i mentioned above, i tried to install the "BCMath" via yum install php-bcmath command. Then restarted mysql and httpd. But still having same problem. So until i solve this server side problem, i would prefer to continue with the previous version. Is that possible to download the previous release ?
This is really something important and urgent for me... Otherwise i may lose some of my very important members due to this problem. I just need to upload the previous version's files. I know the security risks. But i must keep site alive until i solve the server side problem
You should have a managed server then... Anyway I will send you that release once I find it.
Thank you Rodolfo for your understanding... I will be waiting for you then... Any release which do not ask for bcmath function may be fine.
Thank you so much Rodolfo... And once again, i do apologize if caused any bother due to my strange problem and request...
Don't worry, It was because I was improving the release delivery system.
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