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    Please keep in mind:

Wasabi and Storj as External-Storage

  • If your monthly egress data transfer is greater than your active storage volume, then your storage use case is not a good fit for Wasabi’s free egress policy
  • If you are a paid Wasabi subscriber and on a paid egress* pricing plan, there is a $0.04/GB charge for Data Transfer (out).
The bandwidth price is too expensive for me.


Haven't used it yet, doubts about its decentralization.

Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare R2 are my first choice.

Wait, I found this thread in RFC. They all support S3 protocol and can be use with S3 compatible storage right now.
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Storj kan already be used on cheverto, just pick S3 compability storage and then setup S3 API access from storj. That is all you need, after that your chevereto can upload to Storj storage bucket.
Also keep in mind that storj takes fee for both storage and bandwidth.

Not only storage fee 4$ /TB.
Bandwidth is 7$ /TB

So totalt cost would be 11$ /TB totalt for both.
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