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Visibility/Permissions issues with private/public albums


Chevereto Member
I don't know where else to ask to clarify, so maybe it's a bug ...

There are different privacy settings for an album and I assume their behaviour changed during the last couple of releases. My own use case is something like: I have a private page with a few registered users (no registration possible), but they should be able to send links around to non-registered users who should be able to see images/albums. And this was working for me. "Suddenly" (I'm not sure with what version it changed) it wasn't working for me anymore. In the settings, the privacy mode of the whole page is "private".

So I tested a bit and the current behavior is the following:
Privacy SettingNon-Registered User (secondary use case)Registered User (main use case)Me
PublicLogin pageVisibleVisible
Private (Only Me)Login page404Visible
Private (Only with Link)VisibleVisibleVisible
Private (Password)Login pagePasswordVisible

For me it's not looking consistent that "Only with Link" is working for a non-registered user and "Password" not. Is my understanding of the privacy settings wrong here, is it a bug or I'm missing something in the whole page settings? And if it's not a bug, how can I achieve what I want again?

Edit: Problem with "Only with Link" setting is that images/albums are not visible in the overviews for registered users anymore, otherwise I probably would only have to change the settings of the albums from public to private (only with link).
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Privacy settings are related to the actual content (image, album) and to your default privacy override (sitewide). When you set content privacy (album) that is related to the actual content. It has nothing to do with where that content will be listed. Listings are determined based on the content privacy + system wide privacy.

"Only with link" is designed to be always accesible. It means "anyone with the link can see the content". The same could apply to password, but no. This is because only registered users can put a password there (if the sitewide setting is private). Being honest, I don't know if the password form should be visible or not in these cases. Chances are that some want it to leave as is while others may want to do what you are asking here.

In any case, is not something that I want to address here. For me, the solution is to provide both options and you decide how to tweak it.

Such solution or new implementation won't be considered for the current major version. Maybe for the next one.
